
Mysterious Disapearence

After obtaining Hercules Boar's blood, Heinald started running out of the Dark Forest at full speed. Although he heard many roars and hums coming from various parts of the forest, he did not care about these sounds and started running with all his voice.

He had to stop and rest for a while after running non-stop for days despite his highly durable body. Luckily, he managed to find a small secluded spot, where he rested for a few hours without making a sound.

After a short rest period, he started running non-stop again. After running for days, he finally managed to get out of the Dark Forest. He had encountered many Magical Beasts during his run, but most of those he encountered were weaker than him and he knew it. However, some had the strength of a Level 2 Ainsar; they chased him for a long time but stopped chasing him when they realized they couldn't catch him.

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