1 Japan here we go

"Rick come here called out'' James "what's up " I said entering his compartment "

where is your pistol ? He said ( James had bought me a pistol because we were going to a dangerous mountain range in Japan to meet a friend of his and the friend had requested that we bought pistols ) " in my compartment" I replied .how many times I told you to keep with you ? "you know that I can't keep it with me all day it hurts to have a lump in your pocket all the time ". "at least don't leave it in your compartment . It doesn't cost 50 pence you know! . "okay okay" I started to go towards my compartment when the train came to a sudden stop kiwoshi hotel " that's us " said James springing to his feet "so quick they must have skipped a few stations hey you grab your bag and I will wait for you at the train entrance " I rushed into my compartment and grabbed a large bag and rushed to the entrance there was no sign of James so I rushed to an deserted corridor the air was thick with smoke that brought water in my eyes I saw a masked man in front of me pumping the smoke he started edging towards me ....
