
Pests of Another Kind

The scenery rushed past the window as the van sped through the suburbs.

Nikon stared silently as the small homes slowly turned into tall apartment buildings.

The lizard-rat they were bringing to the Lab was sound asleep. Tranquilizers are very useful in quieting annoying monsters.

Bayden, who was driving, glanced over at Nikon, "why the long face? We've done pretty good today."

"Not good enough," Nikon said.

"We helped people," Bayden responded, "and that's all that matters. Not how we do it, or whether or not we get commended for it."

Nikon smiled wryly, "now you sound like my mom."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Bayden sniffed, "your mother is very wise."

Nikon shook his head with a smile, and turned back to staring out the window again.

The smile slipped from Nikon's face as his tired mind slowed down. Rain began falling, gently at first but soon picking up. It created a soothing rhythmic sound against the van.

Nikon closed his eyes and listened, thinking, "eventually I'll be good enough."

"Wake up!"

Nikon opened a heavy eyelid to see the tall gates of the fence surrounding Monster Hunters' headquarters.

"Hey," Bayden said, "get your ID ready."

Nikon fished around in his pockets for the lanyard that his ID card was attached to.

Bayden slowed to a stop in front of the gates. To their right, stood a small booth with a window.

Behind that window sat a graying old man.


"Really?" Nikon sighed, "you know us Cylar."


"Fine," Nikon passed his and Bayden's lanyards over to Cylar.

Cylar squinted at them for a moment, "well. . . everything seems to be in order."

Cylar passed the lanyards back, "oh and one more thing Mr. Page."

"What is it Cylar?"

"It's Mr. Krikets to you."

The gates opened and Bayden drove through.

"Grumpy old man," Nikon muttered as Bayden pulled into a parking spot.

Nikon stepped out into the rain. He slid the side door open.

"Unlucky thing," Nikon murmured, undoing the ropes that held the cage in place. He picked it up, and Bayden slid the door shut.

Their feet splashed through the parking lot puddles. About halfway across, they heard a vehicle.

Nikon looked around spotting the pristine Monster Hunters van at the gate. His eyes narrowed, and he picked up his pace.

"Hey wait for me!" Bayden said.

The gates opened.

Nikon rushed faster.

The van pulled through.

Nikon was practically running now. "Get to the building! Get to the building!" pounded in his head.

"Hey Nikon!"

Nikon flinched, but kept running.

"I know you can hear me!"

With an inward groan Nikon stopped. He turned to see the van stopped several feet behind him.

"It's rude to ignore your superiors. What'cha got there?" a blond head popped out of the passenger window.

"Lizard-rat," Nikon said coolly.

The man smirked, "must have taken you a long time to catch that. Too bad I wasn't there to help, but I was needed for more important things."

Nikon stiffened, a slight frown appearing on his face.

Seeing that Nikon wouldn't respond, the man continued, "today alone, we've killed three vampires, and right now we have a sedated werewolf in the back of the van," he paused for breath, "you know Niki yo-"

"Don't call me that."

"Touchy," malice gleamed in the man's eyes, "as I was saying, your problem is that you think too small. I mean lizard-rats, c'mon. But then again, not all of us are meant for greatness. Some, like you, are meant for pest control."

"Shut up Ace," Bayden growled.

"If you'll excuse me," Ace drawled, ignoring him, "the Lab is expecting us." He rolled up the window and the van sped off.

Nikon stood glued to the spot shaking in anger, before abruptly turning back to the building.

"Ah don't listen to that stupid head," Bayden said.

"And why not?" Nikon said bitterly, "he's right. At this rate we'll never become real hunters."

"But we are hunters," Bayden responded, "so we don't hunt the most dangerous ones, who cares! We still hunt monsters."

"Yeah, I guess," tiredness seeped through his voice. A frown slipped onto Nikon's face as they walked.

The warm, dry air inside the building was a welcome change from the cold rain.

"Ahh," Bayden sighed.

"Mr. Page, Mr. Ashcroft," a receptionist spoke, "what do you have there?"

Bayden smiled brightly, "Miss Grey, you look simply beautiful this afternoon."

Her cheeks pinkened slightly, "I asked you what that is."

"Ah yes! This," Bayden paused dramatically, "is the finest lizard-rat you've ever seen!"

Miss Grey began typing on her keyboard. After staring at her screen for a minute, she spoke, "it's needed on the third floor."

Nikon didn't wait any longer. He turned to his left and walked to the elevator.

"Well see ya," Bayden gave one last smile to Miss Grey.

Nikon jabbed the button repeatedly.

"That won't make it come any faster," Bayden said.

Nikon lowered his hand, and began tapping his foot.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

"Empty," Nikon thought with relief as he stepped inside.

The doors shut, and reopened on the third floor.

Fluorescent lights lit an enormous white room. The room was filled with tables of equipment, tubes of colorful liquids, and caged howling monsters. Men and women in lab coats rushed around carrying tubes and cages.

Nikon and Bayden stepped out of the elevator.

"Who might you be?" a man walked up to them. He was a few inches shorter than Nikon.

"Here," Nikon held the cage out to him.

"Our new specimen," the man's eyes gleamed with excitement, "we have many plans for you."

He jerked the cage out of Nikon's hand, "you may leave now. You're dripping on my floor."

Back on the elevator Bayden spoke, "that guy gave me the creeps."

Nikon nodded, "I almost felt sorry for that lizard-rat."

"Almost," Bayden chuckled.

They reached the ground floor, and walked outside. The rain had stopped, but the sky was still cloudy.

"Let's hurry," Nikon said, "I don't want to run into him again."

Bayden nodded.

They reached the van and climbed inside.

When Bayden turned the van on the radio crackled, "unit four two seven, Ashcroft and Page. You are off duty for the remainder of the day. Repeat your work is done."

Nikon responded, "unit four two seven, Ashcroft and Page. Page speaking, Roger."

The radio went silent.

"So what do you want to do now?" Bayden asked.

"Could you drop me off at my place?" Nikon asked, "I'm going to call it an early night. I'm beat."

"Sure," Bayden said, pulling out of the parking lot.

Ten minutes later, Nikon was waving a tired hand as Bayden drove away.

Nikon walked into the drab gray apartment building.

"Out of order," Nikon read the sign taped to the elevator doors, "stairs it is."

He trudged up the four flights of stairs to his floor. It was quiet and empty, normal for this building.

Pulling out his key, Nikon unlocked his door. He flipped the light switch, and locked the door behind him.

Nikon's stomach growled, "right. Food." He headed to the little kitchen.

"What do we have tonight?" he opened the freezer, "TV dinner it is."

He popped it in the microwave, and leaned against the counter.

For the first time since he got home, Nikon looked down at himself. His dark gray uniform was covered with deep red stains, "blood." Dried blood covered his hands as well.

Nikon sighed, "fine, shower first." He quickly hopped into the warm water, scrubbing furiously. Once clean he hopped out and dried off.

Nikon returned to the kitchen in a white T-shirt and black shorts, after having thrown his uniform into the washer.

The microwave beeped loudly. He yanked it open and pulled his food out. He ate in his living room, on a black couch.

When Nikon finished, he glanced at the clock, "seven. Well it's a little early, but-" he yawned, "time for bed."

Nikon made his way to the small dark bedroom, and collapsed on his bed. Within seconds he was in a deep sleep.

Sorry it's been so long. Life's been busy, but I'll try to update chapters at least twice a week. Thanks for reading! Any thoughts or comments are appreciated! ^-^

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