
Chapter One -_-

Have you ever wonder what its like to sit in the dark for so long and feel so numb to the point that you're just a waste of space, My life was surrounded by darkness, numbness, and quietness it got so bad that I felt like I no longer belonged in this world so I tried to kill my self at every chance I had although it wasn't me that wanted to die.....It was my heart it wanted me to die I don't know why it's like my heart had a mind of its own..... and I wondered what it would be like to die...see what it was like on the other side to see everyone in the world.....to see everyone's mistakes, seeing lots of dead souls pass over to the other side wait...does hell or Heaven even exist I guess that's a question everyone asks them selfs Hi my names Lyra Mei I have always believed in the dark side, supernatural Infestation, mysteries and Murder cases I have always shown an interest....that's why I get bullied or have no friends cause I am known as a nutcase, freak, mental case, pysco path....you get my point...Sometimes I just want to disappear, to be honest I don't care about fitting in or making friends with fake people like all the slutty girls in my school these days girls dress like that cause they really just don't want to be alone in this world all girls hide there pain with makeup and slutty clothes me I hide my pain with long sleeves and pants I don't bother with makeup and clothes that show your ass, tits....to be honest most girls do it just to get boyfriends and its completely stupid you don't need a boyfriend just to make your self feel better.....

But one day something caught me off guard its like I did notice him but he was always there

every time I failed at something or when I was in danger.....but somehow I never noticed him was he that quiet was he a nobody Iv always had this dark black energy around me I guess that's why not many people wanted to be around me or faked to be friends with me so they didn't feel bad for me being alone

I lie in my bed in an uncomfortable trying to fall asleep but I can't but why...is it because Its so dark or because something is keeping me awake I got up to go see if my parents had gotten back from there holiday they went on to get away from me but as I went downstairs I realized how quiet it was I sighed there probably still on holiday or there not coming back.....oh well I have the house to my self than as I walked into the kitchen....I felt...well you know how you get the feeling someone or something is staring at you or into your soul well that's the feeling I have right now I turned around quickly and as my sight gripped on to reality there was a guy right behind me...Who are you as I stood there in fear.....

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