
Birthed by the Cosmos

Xen woke up in a coat of sweat. He felt like his head was about to burst open. Moving his little arms, he felt a throbbing pain travel up his body as he plopped over to the side of his bed.

All around him there were people staring at him. Swinging his arm above him, they followed his arm back and forth as he struggled to get his legs to move. He once again had that dream about his birth haunting him into an awoken state... It caused his heart to throb like a dejected engine, and he got up from the bed...

Stepping off of the bed, the dream ended, and he caused a gentle creak on the floor. He couldn't help but wonder if his adopted parents heard him. After all, he was planning on going to cultivate with beasts that would normally kill on sight...

The doorway in front of him led down a staircase to the town he grew up in. After making it outside, he ran into the forest, past the barely tilted trees and into the sights of a large and terrifying beast...

Arriving next to it, he gently caressed his head against the beast's body. It looked like two lions were greeting each other. Massaging his head against the beast, the monster slammed its claw into Xen's back trying to coax him to let him sleep...

"I only have a few hours today... Stop sleeping, and help me!"

"I will give you my breakfast burrito! I will introduce you to your girlfriend!"

"Ru?" The demon beast opened its eyes as its nose twitched... Sticking the burrito into the tiger like beast's mouth, it awoke and sprung to its feet and then pounced on his best friend...

"Heh... stop it! You already got your burrito... Now... I need you to fight with me again, okay? I have my graduation fight today, and my future depends on it!"

"Ru! Ru!"

"No... I will not let you see your girlfriend first! Now... please try and attack me with all your might!"

Finally, the beasts eyes flared with confidence and it jumped forward....


It seemed to go from counting sheep to killing sheep in an instant. Xen dodged agiley to the side stirring up his inner warrior as the dust beneath him turned into little tornadoes... As for his parry to the beasts claw, it caused both of them to slide away from eachother...

"Come on... hit me with all you got! You're 3000 years old! You look like an old geezer attacking me with such puny attacks..."

"Ru... Ru..."

"Heh... I know that I'm strong, but come on! Use your 1000 year blessing, and stop playing around with me... After all, do you want your dear young cousin to get mercilessly killed by the tournaments committeee?"


The demon beast, known as a Ancient Striped Beast, started turning red instantly after hearing Xen could die... Like a worried parent, he planned to beat the shit out of Xen to keep him from his death...


The tiger and Xen dashed towards each other, and sent dust flying into the air... As for the movement in the bushes, they only had one thing on their minds, and it was to win!

Xen would finally be able to activate his heart sealing space after graduating. He'd no longer have to burden his sister, and his adopted parents with his expensive eating habits. As a man who ate like a 3000 year old beast, he had the strength to win this battle...

The rain seemed to quiet and Xen and the Ancient Striped Beast collided.... Two powerful forces richocheted off of each other, and Xen laughed as his friend jumped on him and licked his face...

"Hey... stop it! Stop licking me! You're supposed to take this seriously!"

Xen smiled and fell over with the beast on top of him... Looking down at him, a man with a large saber pointed it at his best friend's head.

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