
Happiness only lasts so long

I was bullied for many years of my life but that all ended once I decided to take control and put the ones who harm others in there place!

So after a long day of getting beat the shit out of and laughed at, I left school and started my walk home. When all of a sudden I looked to my right and saw it right behind the glass was a teacher wearing a whight outfit with a black belt looking band around his waste. "Wait why didn't I think of that, Why didn't I just learn something to fight back" a smile came across my face in that moment not knowing how much I will regret learning a martial art that day. *A year later* I have been none stop training in karate, All I did the past year was eat sleep and breath karate. I stopped going to school about two weeks into my training, so all I've been doing is resting eating and training so I can finally make my life easier. My master has taken a liking too me helping me more then the other students, he told me "I see my self in you" I should have known from the start it was all just a scam too make me keep spending money on the dojo. But none the less, The lessons did help me learn how to atleast defend myself. The new school year started and a month goes by talks and rumors go around that I moved schools, ran away, or even killed my self but none of that was true atleast not yet. When the rumors where at there hight I went back to school looking different nobody recognized me exept for my childhood friend Maria only reason she did recognize me is because she went to my house every day to come check on me. She always defended me no matter what she is the reason why I can keep going, but while I was in thought the door to the class room slammed opened and a voice that makes my stomach turn can be heard. Bully one lance "Oh so your back you dumb bastard", Maria "Hey leave Jared alone lance or I will go tell the principal and get you expelled"! All that could be seen is lance grabbing his stomach and start laughing while I'm staring at him, Lance " You think there going to do anything, We've been going to the same school together for how long Maria you know who my dad is right" A perverted smile creeps across his face. All Maria could do is clench her first and stare at him knowing that lances farther is a chairman in the school, Jared "well lance what do you want?", Lance " oh arnt we friendddsss *he puts his arm around Jared* do I need anything to see a frie- *Slam* lance feels a punch hit straight in too his stomach as he falls over, then a foot smashes straight into his mouth while he was bent over trying to grasp for breath. Lance was knocked out in quick Succession, Jared kneels down infront of lance and speaks "Lance all I've been doing is waiting for this moment, I hope to never see you again" I stand up and leave the room knowing he will be too scared to show his face again after what happened I will have to deal with others but that's fine. I will do whatever I have to do too live a good life that's all that matters well that's what I thought atleast. *Two years later* I've continued my training beating up every bully I could in the school it wasn't the easiest thing ever but it was truly worth ever moment, I also haven't seen Lance these last 2 years since that day I've heard pretty bad rumors that he got in drugs and gotten into a worse crowd then before but that doesn't have anything to do with me he deserves what he got is what I truly believed. Well only a month till graduation all I have to do is just sit tight and wait *Bang Bang Bang* That's when I heard It three rounds where fired off, all hell broke lose screaming and crying could be heard all around the school grounds. It sounded close then I look towards the door *Creakkkk* the door opened and there he was the man with the gun Lance, Jared " WHAT ARE YOU DOING" His perverted smile shows as he holds the gun pointing it towards me, Lance " What do you think I'm doing you pig I'm taking your life away like you took mine away" soon as I heard those words, I saw him squeeze the trigger in that moment all my body could do is buckle and fall on the ground scared. I fell to my news and hid my self in a ball, All I could hear is *Bang Bang Bang* then sounds of clicks. I slowly open my eyes realizing he must have missed or something, So I look up and see the girl I loved and adored falling slowly backwards after getting shot three times in the chest by a revolver. The only thing I could do in that moment is open my arms and catch the almost lifeless body with a face that was smiling at me, while her hand reaches up and caresses my face her final breaths say, " When we meet again Jared become stronger as I know you can". As those words fall out her mouth her body goes limp and my eyes close once again. *one month later* A dark room can be seen with a small light coming through the covered window, the light shines on a rope that is dangling from the ceiling and a young man writing his finale words on a note "I wasn't strong enough to save you in the end all the money I spent on those karate lessons was for nothing I should have known that a shitty man who just lived off of bully kids hope for getting stronger wouldn't teach me more then a few lame tricks I should have learned from someone who would have showed me not to show mercy that's what I will do if there's another life after this one" Signed Jared bearings. He then stands on a stool and puts the rope around his neck, he then walks off sounds of gargling and gasping could be heard but other then that there was no struggle he truly didn't want to live any more.

Sorry about all the grammar mistakes and bad spelling and things like that but I hope you liked it

just_wycreators' thoughts