

Prince. Princess. Kings and Queens. Fairytales and Happy Endings.

Tch. Seriously?

There is no such things. Cinderella who left her shoe in the palace in exactly 12:00 A.M. There goes her prince looking for this girl who used to wear that glass shoe. And shiing. Happy ever after came after them.

Aurora who just sleep for a long time. There came her prince and kiss her with full of love. And shiing--again. Happy ever after came after them.

Snow White. Who just ate a poisoned apple. Then die. But then, there came her oh-so-called-prince-charming kiss her and she wake up and then. Shiing--again. Happy ever after.

Do I have to say there story one by one. We know in our self that there is no story such fairytales.

We know that there are many people who have the same shoe size as Cinderella. Like duh~

We know that kiss is one thing that can't make a person wake up who just sleep for a long time. Like Aurora.

And who would have thought that kiss can make a dead Snow White can make her live again.

Tch. Oh what a story.

Cinderella, is me.

Yeah, Cinderella nowadays exist. But not as the same Cinderella you've watch on Disney.

Cinderella now, is the one who have stepmother and stepsister that make her life miserable.

Cinderella now, have no prince charming. Men. Tch. They are just pain in the head. There are many jerks now and so on.

Cinderella now, have so many PART-TIME JOBS. Yeah, you read it right. Part-time jobs. There is no FREE in this world. Everything has a price.

Also, my stepmom didn't have any guts to give me money. She is shell-fish. Yeah. A shell and a fish.

A shell, because she have a hard heart, and a fish, because all she do. Is sit and wait for a person to feed them.

While me, getting tons of part-time jobs for my tuition in college. Well, they didn't care at all.

Even my father.

Tch. Let's stop with the drama. I give you many hints of how my life will be.

Just read this story and your curiosity will be fed.

And oh!

I am Janine and this is my Cinderella-like story.

Haha. At first, I was nervous because this is the first time I will write an English Story. But I set aside all my thoughts and just focus on writing my first ever English story. I just hope this will work out well and everybody will like it.

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