
The Academy

A week had passed and my ribs were better but not by much, they were healed enough for me to be able to walk around for a while without being in too much pain. John had requested that I go to the Academy today, since I was supposed to go the week before and couldn't because of the fight. I haven't said a thing since that day, much to Marcos' dismay, as well as Grandfather. I refused to speak to anyone that may tell my father anything. All the other injuries from that night had vanished soon after the incident. Marcos is driving me to the Academy and I just stare casually out the window. I suppose it could be worse, I could be stuck in that 'house' forced to pretend to enjoy John's company. Everyone seems to have grown used to my silence except Marcos', whom I had talked to almost constantly the first week of me being at the house.

The Academy was a large victorian style building, straight out of the history books, there were students walking slowly into the school in their uniforms. I looked down at my uniform and smirked, I look like a dang goof in this thing, but no matter. I knew no one here and hopefully no one knew me here, I'd much rather have it that way.

My hair fell into my eyes and I casually flipped it back up into my hairstyle, apparently it's time for a trim I thought to myself when the car came to a complete stop in front of the doors. Before I could even open the door three figures rushed to the top of the stairs and they seem to be the ones whom are in charge of the school based on how they are dressed. Marcos climbed out of the car and rushed to open the door for me, as he held onto my backpack. Stepping out into the warm morning sun, every single student that was outside stopped and stared in our direction.

I looked at Marcos and reached for my bag, before heading towards the group at the top of the stairs. I had my list of classes and once I reached the top of the stairs, I stood before the three members of the faculty. Observing the faculty members in front of me for sometime, I gave them a small smile and offered my hand to the one whom I was assuming was the principal of the school. My hand as offered but the members looked at me stunned. I furrowed my brows slightly but kept my hand out for a moment longer, just as I was getting ready to take it back the man who I had offered it to grasped it tightly.

"My name is Mr. Mccoy, I am the Principal of the Academy. You must be Parker Park, welcome. This is Ms. Blackwater, she will be your homeroom teacher and this is the vice principal, Mr. Clay. " Mr. Mccoy introduced the members hurriedly .

I nodded my head to each of the staff members and handed a card to the principal which read simply:

I have taken a vow of educational silence and only will speak in the classroom about school related matters. I apologize I am not trying to be discourteous or disrespect your authority in anyway. This is simply to appreciate the power of the spoken word. Please accept my humble apologies for my silence.

They each read it and then looked up at me for a moment before rereading it. They handed me back the card and nodded their heads awkwardly before gesturing for me to follow Ms. Blackwater to class. There were no lockers lining the halls like at my old school, though everyone was permitted to carry a bag of some sort to carry their study materials. Ms. Blackwater walked and talked explaining to me where the various classes were and where the cafeteria was located at in the building. She had a nice voice and very dazzling green eyes, though if I was a guy would tell you that she was perfectly shaped. I looked around at the students and noticed that apparently I was the talk of the town since there seemed to be a group of people forming in the hall in front and with a glance in my peripheral vision behind as well.

I looked at a girl who looked like she was awestruck and gave her a simple smile. I didn't expect for her face to go red from just a simple smile. Ms. Blackwater was holding the door open just to the right of the girl and was waiting patiently for me to catch up. I stepped into the boisterous class but stopped when I realized that the boisterous laughter that was just present stopped suddenly as if muted. I looked up and seen all eyes on me, this much attention was not comfortable for me. I was used to being ridiculed at my old school so that fear of that repeating has set me on edge. Ms. Blackwater closed the door and walked behind me to stand on my right side. She did a once over on the class before nodding her head, she took a deep breath and gave me one last look.

"Good morning class, this is Parker he will be joining our class from now on. Please be respectful and also help him understand the school a bit better. Jacobi, will you please get Parker his books needed for his classes. " Ms. Blackwater announced cautiously.

Jacobi, a tall black haired blue eyed boy, whose appearance looked as if it came out of a modeling magazine stood up and went to the back of the room. There stood several cabinets each one labeled based on subject, Jacobi turned around and reached out for my class schedule. He looked it over and started grabbing out books before handing them back to me. He did this without saying anything to me, which is fine it saved me from having to hand him the card I made up. There were only eight books that I needed so that was a bonus, once Jacobi had finished handing me the books he handed me back my schedule and sat back down. The seat next to him was empty and so having no where else to sit I settled into the spot.

I looked at the stack of books and looked through them quietly since everyone else was talking amongst themselves. I could hear some girls off to the side whispering and then staring at me before turning back and giggling. I gave a crooked smile and winked at them casually. They erupted into squeals of excitement and the boys that were eyeing the girls turned to glare at me. Apparently I am going to end up making enemies here, just by being me, wonderful! I shook my head and organized my books before putting away the ones that weren't needed at the moment.

"I'd be careful flirting with the girls in the class, anyone who is handsome they covet and won't leave alone. I've been trying to get them to leave me alone since I started here, just some advice Parker. " Jacobi plainly stated.

I nodded my head and buried myself into the Algebra 2 book that was to be my next class. I read through the rules and the style of school this is. The teachers like most schools will stay in one class while the students go from class to class, except the homeroom teacher Ms. Blackwater was also the Math teacher. So I at least wouldn't have to move so bonus for me. I looked over and Jacobi was looking at me strangely. Sitting up straighter I gave another charming smile, which Jacobi just shook his head and looked away. What a strange fellow I thought to myself.

The first four classes went by at a snail pace but lunch came and brought a smile to my face. My meals were paid for so there shouldn't be any trouble with the food, just where I should sit is a whole new thing for me. I went through the line and stood at the end trying to find an empty or nearly empty table to sit at but found none. Shrugging I get ready to go to the patio to eat when a girl with dark brown eyes and bouncing red curls came up to me.

"Come join me at my table, there is a group at the end but if you don't want to talk I'm sure they won't force you to say anything. Ah, I'm sorry my name is Xiao Tang, I'm from the Tang family. ..Duh obviously anyways come on!" Xiao chattered on while dragging me to a table.

There seemed to be just a group of very stern faced boys and chattering girls. I smiled and nodded at the group before sitting down. They all nodded in acknowledgment but didn't engage further. Sort of like a silent agreement to sit and enjoy each other's company without words. The girls kept chattering about their dads and how their businesses were going. The guys talked about their training and there I sat like a wall flower eating my food in silence until the bell rang marking time for us to go back to class.

The classes were not difficult to understand at all which was rather depressing but I wasn't going to complain. I did the work and sat there in silence as others were diligently writing down their answers to the homework. Things were going to be dull in some of the classes I could see, but most school classes can be. There were a lot of curious glances and a lot of backhanded whisperings when I walked into the room but I can't make them change their gossipy ways.

Hey everyone hope you are enjoying this so far feel free to comment or send questions to me on Twitter @juliebuck89

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