

A few days later, in a private hospital I was lying in a vip room where only a few doctors and nurses were allowed to enter. I didn't move at all and was in a coma like state. I heard the voices of the doctors and the voice of my mother. I wanted so desperately to grip her hand but my body wouldn't listen to me. The wounds that I sustained shouldn't have caused me to be in this state, but the blood loss made my body shut down. I heard some crying off to my right and the deep baritone of an unknown male. Must be the Doctor I thought, and then I heard the crying get more intense.

"Ma'am, her heart rate has been steady but her brain function hasn't improved more than a little bit over the past few days. I don't think she is going to wake up. There is a high probability that because of her heart stopping so many times that it deprived her brain of too much oxygen. She may have no brain function if she wakes up. " The baritone voice stated.

"Parker, oh baby. Mommy's so sorry for not protecting you better." Mom's tear filled voice trembled.

" Is there nothing we can do to help her?" Asked John.

I have to wake up and show them that I'm okay. I can't leave my mom alone. I put all my determination in opening up my eyes. My lashes fluttered and my hand moved a little, the responding gasp from the other side of the room made my heart leap. I reached my hand towards my face, there was something that was making it hard for me to breath. I felt it and gripped it hard when a soft hand stopped me.

"Parker, baby don't pull that out let the Doctor do it. Okay? If you pull it out it'll hurt." Mom cooed softly.

"Parker, when I count to three i need you to exhale a big breath for me okay?" The baritoned doctor asked calmly.

I gave him a thumbs up and took a deep breath and then exhaled on three. I felt the tube coming out of my throat and then my mouth. God that hurt, I flinched after it was pulled completely out. Coughing to help ease the feeling of being able to breath on my own, I winced in pain as the wound was in my shoulder. I looked at my mom and John they looked utterly exhausted.

"Mom….. Dad…" I said in a gravelly voice.

John looked in shock at me, I called him Dad for the first time. He was happy but was also nervous about it as well. He patted me on my head as Mom grasped my hand tightly. She was in tears of fear before but now looking at her face she had tears of happiness. I smiled softly and looked at them both.

"Grandma was very beautiful wasn't she Dad? " I said hoarsely.

He looked at my face in shock, as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning. My mother immediately turned to him and gave a sad look to him. She was trying to comfort him in her own way, but wasn't willing to let this man into her heart at the moment. I looked around to the Doctor standing off to the side of the bed and gave him a smirk.

"Doctor, thank you for taking care of me for the past few days. However, there isn't anything wrong with my brain. The lack of blood in my system nearly killed me however due to this hospitals excellent skills you were able to save me. I will make sure that the hospital is rewarded for its excellence and their diligence in screening their doctors. " I stated calmly.

He swallowed his saliva very noticeably before nodding his head respectfully towards me and my parents. He then immediately retreated from the room, almost appearing scared of the family in the room. My eyes lingered on his receding back and looked back at John.

" We will have to silence the doctors and nurses who worked on me. I don't need this spreading about that I am a female. I would lose a lot of what I have gained over the past few days. Have you investigated who attacked us and how they knew where we were going? " I asked John flatly.

" We have captured the traitor and he is being punished in the champers, the doctors and nurses are all from the Park family and they know their place if they value their lives and livelihood they will not speak wantonly. However, you need to go through a thorough examination as you have been in the hospital for a few days and we gave the school the excuse that your mom was ill and you were taking care of her." John stated calmly.

I nodded my head in understanding and laid my head back down. I was still very tired but I have been a state of sleep for so long. I closed my eyes again and slept instantly.

* * * * *

I looked down at my daughter in fear as she closed her eyes again, only after seeing her chest rise and fall normally did I calm down. She must still be very exhausted from this whole thing, and needed as much rest as possible. I looked at John and he had that same tense look on his face as he stared at our daughter. I motioned for John to follow me outside and stepped out of the room into the nearly empty hallway. There stood Marcos and the rest of the team that was with us that day. I gave each of them a hard stare as I waited for John to step out from the room. They all bowed their heads low in fear as they had already been dealt a huge blow to their pride that they had let the Master of the Park family down and even more so that they failed to protect the Old master's child. John stepped out and softly closed the door behind him.

"John, tell me honestly who was it that hurt my baby. " I asked gritting my teeth.

" It was a mercenary group that was used and once they seen me there they immediately stopped the attack. They must be from one of the families, I do have one of the mercenaries in the chambers being interrogated. They have long been trained to withstand torture to not divulge information. However their code of ethics is to harm no woman and they broke that code. If I was to tell them about Parker's identity however there would be no him leaving that room. I need him to leave that room to lead us to the one who hired them. " John whispered softly to me.

" I will go personally and deal with this matter. You will stay and look after Parker while I am gone. " I stated chillingly.

Before John could reject my statement I had already walked away and was almost to the elevator. To my surprise Marcos, joined me at the elevator as well. I glanced at him from my peripheral and looked back a the elevator. If he was going to stop me he would have but it seems like he wants to vent some of his anger out on the fact that Parker was hurt while he was supposed to there, when he was only following Parker's orders.

"Are the other matters that Parker was dealing with that day been settled? " I asked calmly.

"Yes, Ma'am. I seen to it personally and the new CEO's will be in place by tomorrow morning. I am bring in some people from our other companies to help placate the situation with shareholders and go from there. The Park mansion is also in complete lock down no one is allowed in and no one is allowed out without a thorough inspection first." Marcos reported.

"Good, now when we get to the chambers don't kill him. I need him alive." I stated flatly.

"Yes, Mistress." Marcos replied calmly.

We drove in silence to the chambers, which was only a warehouse in the industrial district where the basement was the prison for any offenders of the family to go. This was not a place you would want to go but under such circumstances I held my head up high and stepped into the pit. Marcos calmly followed behind me, and made sure to open the doors and guide me down to the chamber where the man was being held. The guards opened the door to the chamber and stood at attention.

" Jane, the merc has been silent no matter what we do to try and get the information out of him. What are we supposed to do?" Asked a guard cautiously.

" Leave it to us. " I calmly said.

You could see the guards shiver at my words and stepped aside. Marcos stepped in and stared down at the big burly man in front of him. He was brutally beaten but he was still conscious and breathing. I looked to Marcos and nodded my head to give him permission to vent his anger out on the man. There were loud cracking sounds for a few moments and a blood curdling scream as well and then pained panting. THat was when I decided to enter the room, I calmly looked at the man that had just gotten his arms broken.

" You know of me, I am assuming." I said languidly.

"Yes. " the panting man said through gritted teeth.

" So you know that Parker is my child, yet you dare to provoke me?" I asked coldly.

" You just recently came back and we were told to kill the new Park Master. That is all that I will tell you for the hundredth time. I will not tell you who had contracted us." He shouted.

" What a pity." I said.

I glanced at Marcos and he stepped out of the room closing the door tight. I had my hand crossed over my chest and once I heard that door close my calm demeanor turned cold as ice. I stared at the man and seen him tremble in fear. When I lived in the Park family before I could outfight any man in the family including my father. The mercenary group had even contracted me to do some freelance work for them for the cases that they couldn't accomplish. I was known as the rose of death as i would leave a white rose at the scene.

" Parker is my daughter, do you understand now why I am coming to you?" I said frostily.

The look on that man's face during deathly pale and then he started trembling even more. He looked at me hoping that what I had said wasn't the truth, but what he saw there made him tremble more. He shook his head and started cursing under his breath.

" Jane, we didn't know that the target was a woman or else we would never have accepted the job. You know that!" He said dejectedly.

"Which is why you need to tell me who it was that hired you or you can go back and explain to your higher ups that your target was a woman and they can deal with them. But if you or anyone from the merc group decide to share that tidbit with anyone I will come back and destroy every single one of you without hesitation. Now what is your choice Merc? " I asked frostily.

" I will go to the Merc group and go to the Master and tell him what has occurred and we will take care of this matter personally. We will inform you as soon as we have them and then give them over to you. I will ask that the Master discuss the reparations with you and Master Park immediately. " He said humbly.

" Good choice." I stated calmly.

I turned around and knocked on the door three times. The door immediately opened and Marcos looked me over carefully nodding his head in satisfaction when he seen that I was not injured. I looked back at the broken man and thought for a moment.

" Give him medical treatment and have a vehicle send him to where he needs to go. Follow him and make sure he does what he is told. One toe out of line and kill him." I said flatly to the guards to either side of the door.

" Yes, Jane!" They echoed.

They immediately went in and took him to the medics room to be taken care of. I left with Marcos to head back to the hospital. That whole scene had taken several hours and lord knows if Parker woke up again. I became anxious and started to take the stairs two at a time. We reached the top step and climbed aboard the awaiting car to head back to the hospital.

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