
Protect the Innocent

The next morning I woke up to a series of rapid knocks, groggily I got up off the bed and wrapped my chest before heading to the door. I opened the door a little and there stood Marcos with a bag.

"This is for you to help *cough* help with your clothes."Marcos stated awkwardly.

I looked at him suspiciously before accepting the bag. Without so much as a thank you to him I closed the door and peeked inside the bag. There were binders in here, and a whole lot of them. Did he go buy these for me so that way I could keep up this act? My heart twitched at the thought of his kind gesture. Being a woman in this field was probably not looked well upon so I suppose I should tread lightly until I establish myself as a good boss. I quickly went and cleaned myself up and put on one of the binders. It fit perfectly and was a neutral color too so that was a perk. I slipped on my school uniform before leaving my room, to my not so surprise Marcos stood off to the side.

"Boss Park, today is my official day as your personal assistant and your new body guard will be joining us at the breakfast table. "Marcos informed me casually.

Before I could even open my mouth to thank him for buying the binders for me, Marcos turned and walked towards the dining room. I stood there for a moment and then hurried to catch up to him. He stood there waiting for me at the door and opened it upon seeing me approach. I walked past him and spotted my mother sitting off to the right of where I normally sit and John was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom! I've missed you so much! Are you my new bodyguard?" I asked excitedly.

"I am indeed, I will be the one protecting like I have all these years from now on. I will be wearing my old uniform again, it will be a bit strange for me but I will do anything to protect you. " She stated happily.

"Boss please have a seat and eat we will have to leave soon to take you to school. You will also have a meeting with the elders at four this afternoon. They would like to discuss matters that they are not able to decide for on their own. The new security system will be installed today as well as new locks for yours and your mothers room's as you are the Boss and she is your mother. It is our duty to protect you both. Gangsa also requests that when you are feeling well enough that you return to your lessons at the dojo. " Marcos stated calmly.

I nodded my head and sat down quickly to begin eating my meal. Marcos stood off to the side fiddling with a tablet and then taking multiple phone calls while my mother and I ate quietly. We finished fairly quickly before rushing to the waiting car out front. The drive to the Academy was fairly quick and when we arrived my mother hopped out and opened the door for me. She was on alert every step of the way before I had to depart for classes. Everyone around the entryway turned and looked at me again in awe. I walked in and went straight to my homeroom class. Jacobi was sitting in his seat already perusing through his textbook.

"Hey Parker,hopefully you got plenty of sleep last night. " Jacobi greeted.

I nodded my head and sat down. The room was quickly filling up and then the bell rang starting the school day. Nothing exciting for the first few hours of school then came lunch. I spotted Xiao Tang and walked over to her, I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around slowly and got excited when she seen it was me, I waved and showed her my phone.

"Oh my goodness, you finally got a cell phone! Here let me put my number in it and that way we can text!" Xiao said excitedly.

She grabbed my phone and typed in her number with passion. Then smiled from ear to ear, which brought out the cutest little dimples that I've ever seen. She handed me back my phone and I put it in my pocket. She stood next to me in line and you could see the glow that she had from the other side of the room. She helped me pick out some food for myself, though I grabbed vegetarian dishes for myself she snuck a pudding on there for me that was made from vegan ingredients. She chatted about the latest gossip as we went through the lines and headed to the table we had all sat at the day before. Everyone else was sitting there and waiting for us to join them. Jacobi sat there looking like a noble prince waiting for his subjects to come to him.

"I see you are indeed a octo-lacto vegetarian Parker, must be difficult sometimes. My family owns a few restaurants that cater to this type of diet. When we hang out we can go visit there for our meal. " He suggested.

I nodded my head and offered a friendly smile. Then came a loud bang from the cafeteria's door, and a whimper. Instinctively I turned towards the door and seen several boys ganging up on a very petite girl and a boy that looked exactly like her. The boys were a lot bigger than they were and seemed to be threatening them. I stood up to get a better look when I seen the guy slap the girl. My blood began to boil and I moved without thinking. I was between the the girl and the boys in a flash.

"Leave them alone. " I growled.

"Eh, Look at this pretty boy. Stepping in on our business. Look here Ken doll walk away while you still have the option to walk." The thug threatened.

"I told you I didn't want to join you for lunch because i was having lunch with my brother. Leave us alone you thug. " the girl shouted.

"Why you.." The thug threatened.

He stepped forward with a raised hand as if to strike her again. I grabbed his arm and gave it a good hard squeeze before throwing it away from me. Placing my arms to either side of me trying to block the two behind me, I may not know them but they did nothing wrong other than want to eat lunch in peace together. THe thug like boy regained his footing and turned to face me.

"Ken doll you messed with the wrong guy. I am from the Park family the new boss wouldn't like someone like you meddling with my affairs. " He boasted.

My eyes narrowed and my emotions started flaring up. THis guy was a member or my family? This arrogant trash was who is representing the business. I started to snicker and then full on bark out laughter at the young man.

"My name is Parker Park, your new boss. " I announced.

There was a dead silence and every single one of the guys faces went deathly pale. The thug who was very arrogant just a moment ago started quivering and his mouth moved but nothing came out for a moment.

"You're lying…" He stuttered.

"Jacobi, would you mind verifying my identity for this young thug." I requested.

"As of last night this guy in front of you Parker Park is the new Boss of the Park family." Jacobi affirmed.

The thugs suddenly fell to their knees and the look of regret on their face was clear. They knew that they messed up and they messed up bad.

"All of you and your parents will come to the house this evening and you will receive your punishments as I see fit. Now I want you to bow to these nice students and beg them for forgiveness now!!" I roared.

They shuffled on their knees and kowtowed to the brother sister duo. I put one hand into my pocket and stood off to the side. Watching the thugs kowtow and beg them for forgiveness. They stayed on their knees for a long time before getting up and running out of the cafeteria. I turned to the brother sister duo and bowed my head to them.

"I am truly sorry for how these boys have treated you, if they dare approach you again in any way please feel free to give me a direct call and I will deal with them even more severely. " I apologized.

I wrote down my number and gave it to both the guy and girl. The girl stood there dazed for a moment and I grabbed a chair offering for her to sit. She slowly sat down still dazed but before I stood back up again she grabbed my hand. I turned and looked at her confusedly.

" Thank you, my name is Naomi Fu and this is my brother Nao Fu. We are twins and thank you, since our family is not as profitable some of the bigger families like to cause trouble for us. I am sure that you will come up with suitable punishments for those thugs that dare disgrace your family. " Naomi Fu whispered softly.

" No need to thank me, it is the fault of my father for not teaching his people common decency. You are innocent in this matter and those thugs don't understand the concept of protect the innocent, defend the defenseless and protect your family. In the future if you need my help, don't hesitate to ask." I stated.

I turned my back and walked back to the table. Sitting down I finish my meal and then leave behind a cafeteria that remained silent.

"Things are going to change" Jacobi whispered.

Jacobi watched the receding figure before nodding his head, the rest of the people at the table nodded their heads as well. They may not know a whole lot about what their fathers do but they know one thing, if someone were to represent the family as a group of thugs, those who committed those acts were sure to come upon a terrible fate.

Wonder what the punishment will be? Wait for the next chapter to find out!

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