

The town was covered in the dense morning fog, yet the darkest area was around Park Entertainment Inc.. There was a deadly silence enveloping the entire company, as the entire salaried staff were sitting along the long conference room table. Sitting at the head of the table was the new Boss Park, the young master Parker Park. In a smokey gray Gucci suit, with a light blue button down shirt. Everyone sat in complete strained silence, unsure of why the Boss was here but they all knew that there was one person missing the CEO.

The tension in the room was stifling and there were several senior executives who were sipping at the water in front of them and taking some muscle relaxers to help calm themselves down. Suddenly you could hear a loud boisterous voice belching out a song that none of us could understand. I sat there quietly, with my hands clasped in front of me curious to see who this brazen guy was who would steal money from the business and expect to get away with it. Not a moment later the conference room door was kicked open and the man stopped dead mid chorus. He looked at the entire senior staff and slowly made his way up to the front of the room where I sat.

There was a flash in his eyes that could barely be noticed, but he smirked contemptuously before straightening himself up. He fixed his disheveled appearance before walking to the very front and facing me. I sat there silently observing this sloven creature when I noticed that he still had a hint of booze still on him. I sniffed softly and looked him straight in the eye.

"Hey kid, you are sitting in the CEO's seat. Move it! Who gave you the courage to be this brazen? HUh?" CEO Ling berated.

I sat there quietly listening to him rant and then casually sat back. I look to the side at the senior executives as well as the president and vice president. THey bowed their heads and seemed to shiver under my gaze. This guy was a tyrant by the looks of his attitude towards me, with that one look however I gave everyone in the room a warning look. A look so cold that made it very clear that if anyone were to stand up for this man now his job and assets were forfeit. Taking a deep breath, I held my phone casually in my hand before returning my attention back to the CEO.

"My name is Parker Park, you may know me as the new Boss of the Park family. The person whom gave you this lavish lifestyle. The person whom you have been skimming money from, hoping no one would notice." I said casually.

CEO Ling's face went deathly pale, and he started to gape like a fish out of water. He looked around the room as if to have someone stand up for him, but what he was presented with was an entire room full of men staring at the table. He started to slowly back away, but then regained his composure.

"Where is your evidence that I've been skimming from the company? You say that I've been skimming but where is the evidence!" CEO Ling shouted.

"Jim?" a soft voice came from the door.

The executives turned towards the voice as well as the CEO, who stepped back and knocking into me. I looked down at the knee that he had bumped with disgust, and used a handkerchief from my pocket to wipe away the invisible dirt. Marcos and Mom stood off to the side and with a subtle cough. I again looked at the young lady whom had walked in, she stared and CEO Ling stared at each other in shock.

"What are you doing here?" CEO Ling huffed.

"I was called to come here in order to come as your defense. Since I was down stairs I figured I should come up and help if I could." She stated calmly.

She looked around the room and when her eyes landed on me, they widened and you could see something flash in her eyes before she put on the bashful act. I sneered in my heart as I watched her suddenly try her tricks on me but outwardly my indifferent mask was still set in stone. She slowly stepped in and walked towards Jim Ling looking afraid of all of the senior executives. I looked behind me and Marcos used the controller to click the projector. On the screen projected the two frequenting several high end shops that far exceeded his salary. THey were shown buying million dollars worth of diamond jewelry and the more the images shown the paler Jim's face became.

"I would like to ask CEO Ling how he was so fortunate to be able to afford these high end things based on your salary? However, I did some digging." I slowly stated.

Another click and there in black and white was his bank statements showing how he'd got several large sums from the company. The memo's on each check were for current projects that were supposed to be receiving the funds except they were being short changed hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time. I slowly turned my chair to face the screen completely before gesturing to Marcos to continue with the evidence. The Next was a video of the two laying in bed, they had obviously finished with their love making and were doing some pillow talk. Very loudly and very clearly the next few sentences were heard by all.

"CEO Ling, all that money that we skimmed from the books isn't it a bit much? Won't they figure it out?" The woman said sweetly.

"Nah, those idiots trust me so wholeheartedly I bet they won't figure it out until I decide to leave the company and sell all the things I know to the other families. Haha." CEO Ling's voice rang.

I then slowly turned to face the two offenders, giving a small evil smile. I motioned to my mother to close the door and block their potential retreat. I knew that my guards were just outside by now to drag these people away to be dealt with at another location. I sat up straight and looked at them both casually. Though the cold oppression that they were feeling radiate from my body made them both pale even more.

"Is CEO Ling satisfied with Boss Park's evidence or should I show the senior executives the rest of the ways that you betrayed the companies trust?" I casually stated.

"I…. I… it was a mistake to steal the money! I can pay it back, you are still a young man here take her she is worth a lot of that debt." CEO Ling stuttered as he pushed the girl towards me.

The look of betrayal on her face plastered all over her face, as I looked cooly at both of them. Though the look of hostility I gave both of them made them both freeze, and the cold laugh that I let out made everyone in the room shiver.

"Jane, take this woman and take her back to her family. I'm sure her father would like to know why the Heiress of his company is sleeping around with a low life like CEO Ling. Marcos, drain CEO Ling's accounts and foreclose on his home. Since CEO Ling is not married he does not need to live such a lavish life and then bring him back to the dark chambers to accept his punishment. When the father of the heiress has decided on her punishment let him know that she is to be held responsible for the money that's been used to buy her all of those trinkets the past several months as well as not just the original price but double the original amount that they cost. Hopefully her family whom is a partner in this company will be more than willing to help appease the heiress' debt. " I said slowly.

The girls face paled as she collapsed onto the floor, she started panting with rage and was collecting all of the information that she had thrown at her. CEO Ling grasped the chair in front of him trying to keep himself standing. Mother stepped forward and was about to help the Heiress off the floor when the girl came too.

"My family has nothing to do with this why are you punishing my family for my mistakes? They did nothing wrong!!" She screamed.

"The fault of the child is due to the lack of discipline of the parent, because your parents didn't teach you properly they will obviously have to share your burden even if you were to be cast out from the family they would still be held responsible. " I stated calmly.

The two offenders were then dragged screaming from the room, leaving silence in their wake. I looked around the table and stood up making everyone else follow suit. I looked down at the table and thought carefully my next set of words before looking up at the senior executives, the President and the vice- president.

" If you steal from me, then your entire family will suffer. I will harm no child but those who can't resist to be a thief or cause harm to this business of mine. They will be dealt with swiftly and severely. Find a new CEO by weeks end, Also I know several of the executives contracts with the company are almost up. The Non-disclosure clause that was signed no matter if you still work for the company or not still holds true. If you would like to test that theory you best leave the country before you do it. " I stated slowly and calmly.

I put my left hand in my pocket and casually walked out of the conference room. Everyone in the main part of the office immediately snapped back to their work and worked more adamantly than before. Marcos followed behind me closely and we waited by the elevator waiting for Mom to come back before departing. Out of the corner of my eye I seen a guy standing up and heading towards the reception desk. He was fairly tall for most of the men in the office, black hair, and phoenix like eyes. He was a beauty among most men, that I've seen and I suddenly felt my heart go ba-dum ba-dum. I looked away immediately as I knew that boys should not be on my mind at this moment. The elevator opened at that moment and there stood my Mom and I walked in to join her. Marcos stepped in afterwards and hit the button for the lobby. We stood in silence listening to the soft jazz music emiting from the speakers in the elevator. Onto the next two companies, I thought when I heard rushing feet coming in front of us. I looked up and gave a casual look to Marcos.

"This seems to be that Heiress' family's men that was a lot faster than we thought. " Marcos whispered.

"Jane, stay close to me if they become a threat take them down, but don't kill them. Marcos go present the rest of the companies with the evidence and do as I instructed before and bring them to the dark chambers. " I ordered calmly.

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