
Heading back to work

The following day we were given a Sheriff escort back to Billings, so that way we weren't harassed by the wonderful deputies. Marcos didn't seem too enthused about me texting Jacobi off and on since yesterday but that was his problem to work through not mine.

We pulled into the airport and after having checked in at the desk we went directly to our room to wait for Marcos to check the car in and inform the pilot of our arrival. I will admit that Marco's does make sure that everything was going smoothly even if things didn't go the way that we originally planned.

"Hey Mom?" I asked softly.

"What is it Parker? Are you feeling okay?" Mom asked nervously.

"How long should I keep this act up? I mean I don't want to lie to people and what if I find someone I love? Am I supposed to keep it even from them?" I asked hurriedly.

"When you feel like you can protect those whom you are about the most then I think you can be your true self. You chose to take up this position to protect me and now that you have accepted this position you must accept the consequences with that." She sighed resignedly.

I nodded my head and looked out the window as I seen our plan come into view. I suppose I should have realized that when I took on this role I'd have to sacrifice some things. Hopefully I didn't sacrifice my heart for this. I shook my head and stood up. Marcos just stepped into the room and looked as if he'd been running.

"Marcos, please lead the way and then feel free to take a rest when we get on the plane. There's no need for you to run yourself ragged for our sakes. " I stated softly.

Even though I know he likes me I know that he and I could probably never work. Who knows though maybe eventually we could but right now it's impossible. Marcos moved aside and once we all left the room he took the lead. He walked with a straight back and walked us straight onto the tarmac. We hurried onto the plane and took off back home. I closed my eyes steeling myself of the emotions that I had left for Montana. In order to protect the last friendship I had here I would have to cut ties with my past. For the future of my family and myself. Mom, held my hand and gave it a small squeeze before she moved into a more comfortable position to nap on the flight. I looked around and noticed Marcos was sitting opposite us and he had started to nod off. I smiled at the sight of him. I know he struggled through the last few days and he deserved a rest. Once I seen that he was fast asleep I stood up and covered him in a blanket. I can be cruel but I'm not without compassion.

The flight wasn't long but I made sure that no one disturbed the two sleeping people on the plane for at least a half hour after we landed. I shook them awake and we headed home. There waiting for us was a stack of paperwork for me to go through for the family businesses and also my homework that I needed to finish to catch myself up on for the time I was away. There was going to be no rest for me for a few days. I locked myself in the study and started going through the stacks of paperwork.

John walked into the study shortly after I started reading through the first stack of papers. He grabbed the second stack and sat down across from me. Like this was something that was normal he looked me up and down occasionally but didn't say anything to disturb this calm between us.

I started marking the paper in front of me fixing things here and there and setting it aside for it to be taken away by an assistant for that company to fix their proposals before they could be accepted or rejected by me. I noticed that the next one was from our entertainment music company Immortal Productions and it looked as if we were being sued. I looked through the documents and I started to get more and more angry. Apparently there are more things that I will need to deal with, the tension in the room was now at its peak. Marcos walked into room and I seen him shiver.

"Boss…" Marcos coughed lightly.

" Some of our leaders need to be taught a lesson by their grandfather or else they will never learn. I will make every single company head that is under me know that if they condone these actions I will end their careers. Bring me the Presidents of this company as well as the accused people in these suits. Strip them of their titles and drain their company accounts and give it to the victims and their families. " I ordered.

Marcos stepped forward and accepted the documents that I handed him and left quickly. I sat there for a moment before I picked up another set of documents and read through them and marked them up and watched the assistants come in and out of the room collecting documents. My mood was getting increasingly violent as the thought of the innocent girls who were violated in one of the companies beneath me. They trusted my father and his people betrayed their oath to the family. They will be punished in worse ways than their victims.

The minutes ticked by but my mind kept wandering to the vile things I was going to make sure these men endured. I stood up out of frustration and walked to the window and stared out into the night. Letting my thoughts clear and my mood stabilized I breathed a sigh of frustration before hearing the knock on the door

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