
Chapter 3- Make It Up To Me

I didn't realize how deep into my thoughts I was until Darren gave my shoulder a little bump. I snapped my head up, replacing the surprise I felt with a look of anger.

"I can't believe you just made me make that big a fool of myself." I huffed out.

"I'm really sorry, that's not how I imagined it would go. Can I make it up to you?" He asked sheepishly.

I looked up into his ocean blue eyes while the wheels in my mind turned. I know master and I were thinking of playing the bimbo, but I read people like a book. What I read about him was that he desperately needed a person. Someone to be his constant, to be his friend.

"If you plan on doing that with your shrimp dick, don't bother." I said, giving him a smirk to let him know I was teasing.

He somehow looked relieved at this. I imagine it's because he thinks I'm no longer mad at him.

"Well, how about we blow this popsicle stand and I take you on a proper date. If I woo you enough, you can meet shrimpy at the end. Deal?"

I surprised myself by bursting into real laughter.

"Okay deal," I said extending my hand for him to shake.

Instead of shaking it, he turned it and placed a lingering kiss on my hand.

"Okay, you're starting off right at least," I said while forcing a light blush.

Darren turned my hand that was still placed in his so that our fingers interlocked. He then gently led me out of the ballroom and towards the valet outside. The valet, obviously knowing who he was, ran to serve him as fast as possible. When the driver pulled up I reached for my door before Darren let out a loud,

"Nuh uh, don't even think about it!" While running towards me to open the car door.

After I sat and began to buckle he walked around and got in the drivers seat. After buckling his own belt and starting the car, the first thing he did was to grab my hand and hold it in his as we took off.

Huh, that's cute.

NO NO NO, that thought is unnecessary. That thought is unwelcome. I will not be some cliche operative that falls in love with their target. No. I just literally buckled up, but I guess I have to figuratively buckle up for this ride as well. Saints help me.

Authors Note- Hey guys! I enjoy writing but have very low confidence in it. I'm not sure if I want to take the time to write if it's not going to be enjoyed. Please, please like or comment to let me know how you feel about the story. If it's something you would enjoy reading I'd love to continue writing it. Any form of comment, negative or positive, would really be appreciated!! Just knowing one person is reading and enjoying is the only motivation I need so please let me know. Thank you!