
The Beginning


Couple years before

" Do you think wolves are real Nick?" I skipped.

"Probably. Troublesome," Nick smirked.

" Aww c'mon you big dummy," I complained as we were walking through the forest. "You know we should be best friends forever!!" I squealed. "Yeah"

*boom* "Was that an explosion?" I asked while moving behind Nick. "Yeah, stay behind me," Nick declared while shifting to stand in front me. "Aaaaah," I screamed, feeling a squeeze on my wrist as I was thrown back. "Kaitlyn!" Nick screamed. I raised my hands to show I was fine. I saw a figure behind Nick but when I was about to notify him he fell down unconscious. "Nick!" I yelled while running towards him. I felt someone grab me by my wrist but I kicked and punched them and continued running towards Nick, but just before that I felt someone punch me somewhere and the world went black.

"Lyn! Lyn!"

Present Time

*gasps* "Are you okay Lyn? You were acting freaked out." I turned to see my brother Leo beside me. "Yeah I'm fine," phew just a nightmare. I got up and heated up the pizza then sat to eat. I slept in the kitchen. Typical me. "I'm going for a run to clear my head," I yawned. I put on my sneakers and set out for the forest, running a few miles from home while in deep thought.

Okay so talking time! I'm Kaitlyn Moon, I have 2 siblings and we live in a normal modern house with 2 floors. I'm kind and a bit rude sometimes. I like running because it clears my head and I just feel connected to nature for some reason. Although I still wonder about that nightmare earlier, I've been having it for a while. I have 4 friends, Maya, Eva, Carla and Chris and I have a big crush on Chris. Hehehe I'm so over the moon. Although sometimes they act a bit crazy and..... Inhumane? I don't know. *thuds* "Owww," I groaned, rubbing my head. I can't believe I was so deep in thought I hit this damn tree!

I got up and looked around. Where am I? I've never seen here before. I observed my surroundings and found a lake. I went down towards it and washed my face of the dirt that was on it. I suddenly heard a growl. I was so scared, I was debating if I should turn or not. Eventually I turned and heard another growl. I gasped, "A-a-a wolf!" I crawled back but found out the water was behind me so there's no point in that. I then heard a whimper from it and got worried when it fell. I mustered up my courage and went over to it. Fair enough, it had an injury on its leg. Not a deep cut but it was with a silver knife. I tore a piece of my shirt, dip it in the lake and clean his wounds with it. It looked at me angrily but I gave it a smile and it's face softened and he relaxed stretching his paws. I tore another piece and dipped it in the lake, then I tied it around his leg. I nodded telling him it was okay. He got and lick my face. *giggles* "Hope your better now," I smiled. He let out a yip and was about to go but he looked back like he didn't wanna leave. "Go on boy!" I assured. He licked my cheek again then ran off. I just sat there watching. Not to sound weird, but I feel like I know that wolf.

Okay it's now 12pm!? How the hell was I here so long. I got up and started brushing off my clothes. "Welp, I better get back home before dark," I sighed. I was running back when I heard some digging. Huh? Someone's out here? I decided to check it out. I'm curious. I walked towards the noise and could hear it getting louder so I hid behind the bushes. I saw a man with a hoodie over his face, who looks to be digging a hole. But for what? I got a little closer and what I saw, shocked me. Its a-a-a dead body! Omg. What the hell is going on. I turned around to leave but accidentally stepped on a twig which snapped. Shit! You stupid twig! Haven't you heard about luck! I turned and saw that the guy wasn't there anymore. Not waiting to see where he was, I ran off. I ran so fast no even flash could catch me. I was so scared by that time. Why was he burying a body? Did he kill them? What was going on? More importantly is he running after me? I couldn't shake those thoughts. But before I could even think the started to fade and I found myself collapsing. "Guess I have to take you in," was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

"H-huh? W-what h-happened?" I yawned my eyes fluttering open. "W-where's Nick!" I yelled. "Honey who's Nick?" My mom asked. "Don't you remember Nick? My f-friend?" I murmured. "No honey there's no one named Nick," Mom rubbed my hair. I could have sworn that wasn't a dream. It felt so real. My surroundings then started to fade. "M-mom where'd you go!?" I panicked. "M-mom? Dad? Brother Leo? Where are you guys," I cried out. "They're gone," A voice whispered. "W-who are you? Show yourself!" I shouted. "I'm your worst nightmare," It replied. Suddenly an invisible force threw me to the ground. I then saw a knife walking towards me. I crawled away quickly but then the pain came and all I could do was scream, "Aaaaaaaaa-

"Aaaaaaaaaaah" I screamed shooting up. I took some heavy breaths gasping for air. Oh a nightmare. Ugh! My wrists hurt. I turned to my wrists only to find out that it's been bound to a pole with handcuffs. Great I've been kidnapped. Just great! And just two days before my birthday. What a drag.... I then looked around my surroundings. It has two high windows to my far left a door north west of me and a bucket a little further to my right. It also has a shower compartment right under the windows. A run-down of a place. Just my luck! I heard noise coming from the behind the door so I turned my attention to there. A man came in first very tall and muscular, then another guy came, the one I saw in the woods. He walked over to me and stood infront of me. "So pretty girl, what were you doing in the woods? Are you a spy or something?" The guy said in a creepy kind of voice. I kept quiet no saying anything. "I'll ask again, What were you doing in the woods!" He shouted sounding a bit irritated. I still kept quiet looking to the floor. "Okay you wanna play the hard way fine, Cam bring the whip," he smirked. After saying that, the guy at the door brought him a whip,"Let's make you talk," he said slapping the whip in my face over and over again. I still didn't speak anyways. He then kicked me in the gut which send me flying, but because I was cuffed to the pole, it drew me back and I landed on my face. I'm pretty sure my nose it broken but I know my lip is burst. I could taste the metallic liquid off my lips. I looked up to the guy smirking, that sure made him mad cause next thing I knew was that he was slapping me everywhere with that whip. Shit! Now I have to make up a pretty good lie... "Fine I'll talk!" I shouted coughing up blood. The man then stopped and looked at me all beaten and bruised. "I was in the woods cause I was on a run and I'm not a spy you ass!" I spat out. Well that was the truth He looked at me for a moment, then replied, " I don't trust you." "What more do you want! I'm telling the truth you dumb bi*ch!" I swore. He scoffed then punched me in the mouth. Ugh! This dude is dumb! Rot in hell bi*ch. He then left with the guy named 'Cam' behind him. Assholes

After they left I tried moving but damn I was sore. I better get used to this.

I've been here for 2 days now and tomorrow's my birthday. Just 5 hours. I woke up groaning. I just got a set of beating...again... I just want a normal birthday this year is that too much to ask? I started to cry, mad at this cruel world. Luckily no broken bones. That dude even tried to rape me, luckily I knew some fighting style. Ugh let's just sleep. Again.

I woke up again to the sound of scissors. It was that dude again. I looked out side to see it was still night, so probably a couple minutes to midnight. "Why are you here!?" I spat out. "To have some fun," he smirked stepping closer. I spat on him and groan. Stupid injuries. "Your gonna pay for that," he laughed. He jumped into me and started cutting my clothes up. I started screaming and crying hoping someone would come to my rescue. He then started whipping me. I got so angry it felt like my body was changing. Then everything went black. When I woke up I was horrified. Both the guy and Cam was lying in a pool of blood my hands even had blood on it. D-did I do this? I had so many thoughts now. I got up and started walking through the woods. I was stuck in a trance. I started walking until I came across the lake. I decided to clean myself up so I went for a dip in the lake. After a couple minutes I came out. I was now naked. The sun was starting to rise, so I started to run in the direction my house was. I ran so fast I didn't realize until I reached home in a couple of minutes.

I walked slowly towards the house. I was tired, cold, naked and hungry. Why is life so cruel? I reached the door and knocked on it a couple of times. It was opened a few seconds later by a tired looking Leo. He had bags under his eyes and looked like he'd been run over. Was he lacking sleep? Because of me,? He looked shocked to see me then he jumped into me crying. Doing so he knocked me back onto the ground. "Ow that hurts you know," I groaned. "Sis! Your alive! I thought I'd never see you again!" He cried while burying his face into my neck. "I'm sorry, can we go in now?" I smiled. "Yeah," he helped me up wiping his tears. "Why are you naked?"

"Oh uh... Long story. But would you mind giving me food? I'm hungry," I yawned. He then nodded and took me in. "Guys she's back!!" He shouted. Suddenly everyone came running down and I mean, my friends and my parents. What the hell? "Kat you're back!" Chris shouted while hugging me. My other friends then rushed over to me doing the same. "Wow your naked," Chris blushed slightly. "Outta the question, Why are y'all here?" I blushed slightly then turned serious. "We have something important to tell you," My parents said in sync. I nodded . Okay? We sat around the table while passed me my pancakes with chocolate syrup and cherries on the side. Hmmm delicious "What were you guys saying?" I hummed. They turned to look at each other worriedly. "Mom? Dad?" I asked while looking at each of them while I said their names. They were still sitting quietly not moving. "Guys?" I curiously questioned. Mom frowned, "Well hunny you see. Your a werewolf,"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shenel_Lewiscreators' thoughts
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