1 Miss Jones


It was again a cold night in the jungle.. I had ran away a long time ago... I did not know where I was or why had I gone here?! I started running again as I felt the cold ice drops of rain on my pale skin... I started to get cold again... After all I was only wearing a bright red T-shirt, ripped jeans that have not been washed in 3 months or more.... Then I saw it....

{Klara Jones}

It was yet again another cold gloomy day at High Vill castle. I was reading the novel and drinking my mint tea when mr. Clarck the gate keeper came in my room and told me I had a visitor.

- Is it not a bit early for visitors? I asked..

He just looked at me with a numb expression on his face.

- Fine bring them here! I yelled.

Some of you might say I'm a brat because I have a castle to myself at age 16 but.. Its not really mine.. Its my parents. Thy had left a year ago for a ship trip.. Yes thy are still alive just still on their business trip... Then finally mr. Clarck came with.....


I saw the biggest castle I've ever seen! I walked towards it and saw a gate keeper. He introduced himself as mr. Clarck. I blankly asked if I can stay the night there. He turned his back and walked on what looked like a staircase covered with red carpet. I waited outside for a while when he came from no where and led me trough the castle. The first thing I saw was a long hallway filled with paintings of people I've never seen. One was of a tall women with silky blonde hair, she wore a red dress with velvet white at the top, She had grey eyes with a small nose and bright red lips... The other painting next to her was a painting of a man. He had also like the woman a numb expression on his face. He had black eyes, a mustache in the color of his hair, black, he wore a black suit with a grey tie. his brows were slightly faced to the bottom witch made him look a bit angry...

Finally the hallway ended and we were standing in front of a big gold door. In the room was a girl my age reading. She wore the same dress as the lady in the picture but she locked.. younger she must be her daughter.. Hi I'm Blume! I said.

With a light calm voice she said... call me "miss Jones".....
