5 The demon within

Have you ever wondered why you feel the way you do? Or why is it always you? I have I know exactly what you feel because I feel it. I always find myself wondering... why do people hate me?,What did I do? Why can't I just be in love? I know you feel like that so what I like to call the voice in my head a demon... Though it May be a demon it's has always been with me it's here when I mad,sad, sometimes even when I'm happy. Most people think that demon inside of you is a bad thing I think it's a good thing. It makes me feel special and like I'm not alone in the world as I always thought. Don't stop reading now just because I sound crazy. Take your time and think you will feel a pain in your brain, or stomach but you will feel a pain somewhere on your body now place two fingers where you felt that pain and talk. Talk about anything you will start to feel better. I promise....
