
The Mimic

Hana have this. What is it mom? Open it, I think you will like it. (Hana opens the box) What is all this?! These are all my old toys from when I was your age and now it's time you have them. WOW, thank you mom! And what's this? A doll? That's my old doll, I used to play with it for hours. Wow, it's so pretty, I think I will name it Saatchi. That's a wonderful name Hana. ( the next day ) Come on Saatchi, let's go explore, like we always do. Is mom here? No she is not, let's go to the backyard so we can jump out the back! ( Hana and Saatchi jump out the back ) YAY, We made it, Now we can explore! ( As Hana and Saatchi go exploring in the small nearby forest they stumble upon a sakura tree ) WOW, it's so pretty! ( Hana looks at the tree's bark and finds a note that says "HERE LICE MIMIC" ) Huh, Who is Mimic? ( As Hana looks up she seems to find a person. If she could explain the look of her she would be having long black hair, a dress that covers her feet and is black from her head to her toes ) Hi, why are you all by yourself where are your friends and family? ( the mysterious girl comes down the tree and looks at Hana with her head slightly tilted. After a few minutes she says ) I don't have any family or friends, would you want to be my first? YES, I love making new friends and I love making a family! ( the girl smiled with happiness ) But what is your name? My name is sama. Nice to meet you sama. You too little one. Oh my name is Hana and this is Saatchi. ( Sama remembers Saatchi from years back ) Oh um well, Hello both of you. ( Hana and sama sat next to the sakura tree and Hana asked some questions and since then Hana and Saatchi visited sama everyday and one day sama asked ) Hana we are family right? Yes? And family would do anything for eachother, so would you mind doing me a favor? Sure, What is it? Take off the seal and I will show you joy everyday. Please. ( Hana trusted sama and took the dark black seal off sama. But after she took the seal off it was not joy she saw. Sama started laughing with happiness and power, Just then sama told the true story of her ) Well Hana the story i told you when we met was not true the real story is, I was in prison in a wooden doll but one day i was able to escape and since then I did what I was suppose to do. ( right after telling the true story to Hana Sama ran away ) Oh no, What have I done! ( Hana ran back to her house to tell her mother what happened ) MOM! Hana what's wrong? ( Hana explains everything. Her mother did not say anything and happily watered the plants, right when Hana said the girl she was with was 8 feet tall, HER MOTHERS WATERING CAN DROPPED TO THE FLOOR AND HER MOTHER RAN INSIDE WITH HANA AND CALLED HER FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO COME TO THERE HOUSE ) Mom! ( Hana hugs her mom tightly and says ) Mom, tell me who is that girl?! ( her mom takes a deep breath and says ) that is sama, in our family we believe sama is a witch and will take the spirit in you, no one has seen her since years, i don't know where you found her but don't go there again! Okay mom.( after a few hours the door rings ) Everyones here. ( hana's mother answers the door ) Hi. Hi Hatchi, come in. thank you. So i heard you say on the phone that Hana seen sama? Yes! Okay it's best if Hana stays away from the place she saw the 8 foot long girl. Just hearing you say 8 foot is making me worried about what will happen to Hana. it's all going to be fine. ( door rings once, after a few seconds it keeps ringing ) i will get it. ( Hana's mom opens the door ) Oh hello, hehe. ( Hana's mom closes the door in the 1 second she said "hello") don't open the door.Who was it? I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT! HANA WHERE DID YOU FIND SAMA! Mom, I found here in the small forest in the sakura tree. I KNEW SHE WAS THERE! BUT HANA I TOLD YOU NEVER TO GO THERE NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID, SAMA JUST KNOCKED ON OUR DOOR!

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