
The attack

In a calm and dark night somewhere in the forest surrounded by mountains, a base camp can be seen.

Its seen as a secret base camp. Inside people's laughter can be heard.

"This time when we have a holiday lets go for a trip" said Steven.

Steven Johnson. He was one of the millitary intelligence officer.Handsome as hell with his charming smile.

"Well we've been here for more than 3 months but we can't even trace the opposite party" said Charles Moore, an officer as well. He has a strong presence, with his dignified aura.

" If we can't trace them , then I think they are not active, I think we'll get an order to retrieve soon." Said Adira Dufort. A girl with strong commanding aura, with her face spot free, clean like jade, with her emotionless eyes. Then she looked at the girl beside her.

Leaning against the wall , her legs are on the table, a glass of red wine in her hand. Her eyes are closed

She was beautiful, she has beautiful carved eyes, a button nose , an sexy pink full lips. One can describe her as fallen angel, but the people around her knew that she's not like other pretty girls.

She open her luminous eyes, looked at Adira lazily. And hummed slowly. Again closing her eyes.

Rose Bernard. A common name indeed. But she's the young miss of Bernard family. The Bernard family is one of the prominent family among the elites in country H.

But what's she doing in a millitary base, that's too a in a secret base.

Henry Bernard has 2 children. All of them are girls. One of them is the illegitimate child, whose mother is the current wife of Henry, also step sister of Rose.

Rose has no wish live in the family of pretenious creatures. She moved out at the age of 16 and joined millitary. Her father wasn't happy, but his current wife persuaded him, to let go of her. Rose knew it wasn't from the good heart from her step mother. But she wanted her out of the family.

She's now 21 , now she's a part of intelligence crew of the millitary. And the lead of the current operation along with Steve, Adira and Charles.

" Well Lets get some sleep" said Steven.

Suddenly someone came running into the room.


"Commanders!!!" he shrieked.

Rose suddenly openned her eyes and sat upright. Her expression is serious.

"What happened?" Asked Charles in a deep voice.

"We have been surrounded, they are attacking us" he said wide eyed.


Suddenly a sound of explosion can be heard.

The four of of them with the other man rushed outside.

They saw they are attacking the buildings where their soldiers are sleeping.

"Commander Dufort go to block 3 , commander Moore come with me to the building to rescue. Commander Bernard You know what you have to do" said Stevan in a calm tone but urgency can be hinted in his voice.

"On it commander" the three said simultaneously.

Within few seconds they ran for their own mission.

All of them are connected on bluetooth piece.

Rose ran to the store room, collected her pistol fully loaded. And ran towards to the forest.

Hiding and running she has to identify the source of the attack. Less than 10 minutes it took her to discover their rivals whom they are trying to track from more than three months are launching attacks.

They are atleast 300 metres distance from her. Without thinking of any reason she launched her explosives on them. Within 15 minutes of battle they are all gone.