
Strange Thoughts

Moaning...all I could hear was Moaning all around me.I became awfully dizzy as I ran through my thoughts,the moans getting louder and louder.At 16..that's the age you lose your virginity.But me?Im not the same.Im a 19 year old virgin.Im saving mine for the right person,I mean who would just give it up to a random person?not me!Even though I'm currently on my period,I'm saving my virginity.

I was sitting at the edge of a mountain,watching the vivid sun set in the sky.I look around for my surroundings and see Carter.Carter is the Alpha male of our pack.Oh and I forgot to mention,my name is Bella.Back to the story,I notice it getting dimmer but I'm not a tad sleepy so I decide to stare at a few tall trees,noticing how dark they look in the night.I turn around to see Carter standing above me.

"Um..Hey Carter..what are you doing here?"I softly say.

"You need to sleep..why don't you go to your den?"

"I'm not tired or sleepy...."

I catch myself staring into Carter's eyes as I quickly look away.Why? You might ask.Well if you look into another male's eyes that means your either challenging them or inviting them to sex..and I wasn't ready for either of those.

"Follow me."


He grabs my hand and runs with me into the forest as I find myself with Carter in a den in the center of the woods.

"Carter!Where are we?"


"Sorry...But what am I here for?!"

"...Reproduce with me..."

Chapter 2:I'm not ready for this...


".. I said.. Reproduce with me"

My face turn bright red as my body temperature rapidly heats up


"Bella I'm serious....I want you to reproduce with me.."

"Well.. Can't you just go find someone else...Why would you ask me?"

"I asked you because I know your in pain with your period...and I want to help you"

"Oh Carter...I'm fine I don't need or want help"

"No you need help..Let me help you"

Carter takes off his shirt and his pants as I look away,completely embarrassed by the thought that Carter...THE ALPHA..CARTER wants to reproduce with me!Thats just crazy!Im just a basic girl!...But sometimes I don't know how to say no...

"C-.. Carter put you clothes back on!"

"Your mine and only mine...God your so beautiful"

"C-Carter...why do you want to help so much?"

"Just let me do it...I won't be rough with you.. I promise"