
Chp. 78 Remembering past lives...

Tony Stark has closed his weapons manufacturing department, the world is shocked as the famous playboy billionaire seemed to be trying to make his company bankrupt.

Stocks went down instantly that it made Paul who was watching at the sides smile in glee as he had prepared at least a billion dollars of funds to buy the Stocks of the Stark Industries.

He could have forked out more as he had taken the ill-gotten money of many crime lords for the past few months but he also reserved some to buy other stocks of other companies like Rand or Oscorp.

AIM is even in his sights since he can at least watch over the idiot owner and wait for him to make a fool of himself. Fury did notice him buying the stocks but he did not do anything about it.

Obadiah was also alerted at this since he too remembered who Paul was but even then he cannot speak of who this mysterious person is that threatened the most powerful people of America in one night.

It made him uneasy even if the company is holding on because of his injection of funds by buying the stocks.

Many rich people were second guessing now but they still saw no future for the Stark company if they stop making weapons.

Tony was absent ever since his announcement and many were speculating what his current situation is.

But he was in his house making improvements on his suit of armor, Paul was witness to it and he was totally amazed at how creative Stark was.

Even he had a hard time figuring out some technical problems in intricate things like microprocessors but Stark was a whole new level in his field.

Paul was even learning as he watched the guy exhaust himself. So he made sure things are going to be easy for the man as he watched over him for the next few days.

Meanwhile he also split his attention to the heroes that Shield already has.

Mark Todd, aka Blazing Skull has been successfully retrieved by SHIELD. He was still a bit loony since he spent decades in a middle eastern prison and he did not age one bit. Also he seemed to have a severe case of Amnesia as he only remembered his name.

Manfred Haller, aka future Elephant Man was on a watchlist as he was developing his power armor for the mean time. But Fury does acknowledge that the man was smart and also a famed philanthropist was joined some of Paul's charity programs.

Dr. Stack has made his robots already but his 51st one was already on its way, HYDRA has eyes on this project as well as Fury. HYDRA still thinks that Fury has no idea about them and they cannot give attention to him for the moment since they are being pressured left and right by the X-men and the Viper with her Serpent Squad.

Fury was also able to gain Thomas Fireheart as he had approached him recently about his activities as a gun for hire, though it made the Kisani alert at the super spy. He was convinced in the end since he has no choice as Fury has files pertaining about his secret identity.

Meanwhile the recently recruited trainee, Fredrick Myers did show talent in his throwing skills that even Hawkeye himself is impressed. And as Fate has it he also chose a special set of boomerangs as his main weapon.

Fury did realized that Natasha was getting awfully close to Paul but he did not mind, he felt that at least Paul might have a reason to side to their cause. Not that he had shown to be a bad guy or anything but an assurance does keep the eye-patched spy sleep better.

Coulson was reassigned as well since Paul did not seem to be doing much lately. But Fury did still make plans since most Skrulls on Earth were now migrating to the South Pole as Paul gave them a home that they did not need to hide their forms in.

Gravik and Gi'ah attested making many interested including Talos. The two were given a shuttle to drive back and forth as they picked up their kind all around the planet since they seemed to have gotten a chance to get out of this spy life of theirs.

Fury has no need for them anyways since everything he wants to learn is on a folder that Paul already gave him. Slowly the world is changing not just in America but also in other countries as well.

Even the Warlords in Africa are behaving and terrorist getting dormant, no one knew why but the world is getting respite for the moment while only those that are ruled by an evil organization kept moving.

The Hand, HYDRA, Maggia and many others realized the world is changing and it was not to their liking.

Still the plot continues as Tony Stark successfully made his Mark-III armor and test tried in after he crashed the party that Obadiah made.

There he received news that more Jericho missiles were spotted in Gulmira, there the Ten Rings were made aware of the perfected Armor of Tony Stark.

Paul smiled as he watched everything in much more detail that he had seen in the movies. It was also at this time that Bruce Banner was also discovered by Ross making Paul remember and annoying fella with a big brain.

He felt that he should have this mister Blue trip and knock his head on a corner of a pavement but maybe he should at least facilitate the creation of Abomination.

He did say to Fury that he has a specialized prison in his Man-cave that could hold powerful individuals. He also prepared incriminating evidence of Gen. Ross activities so he'll lose the faith of his daughter.

Now that he thought about it, should he also let Betty become the Harpy? That thought made Paul ponder as he watched various events start to happen since Tony Stark started making his armor.

It was like a domino being knock over and a series of events just fall over as the world turned.

It was then that he found a blur within his senses that Paul was pulled out from his thoughts. He focused on this blur and found a speedster running around gathering things.

"Makari."Paul smiled as he finally found nine out of the ten eternals. Only Druig is hard to find since he has very powerful telepathic powers as well.

He had been slowly searching in the Amazonian forest of signs about this telepathic Eternal. Ikaris, Ajak, Sprite, Gilgamesh, Thena, Kingo, Makari, Phastos and Sersi has been found.

He had been watching over them and he truly found the way they were made to be quite amazing. They are all rather intricately made androids with a working digestive system and even organs that filter the things they eat.

They were also equipped with the necessary tools for procreation and it made Paul amazed at the details the Celestials put into the making of their bodies.

They could all be considered a proper living being that could even get pregnant and make others pregnant. He did wonder though if they pass on some genes or does the power cosmic do something else to propagate the process.

Also they all host a Soul that is unique to them but some are rather fluctuating, especially Thena's as she seemed to be getting glimpses of her past lives.

Paul closed his eyes as he sent his Lion Clone, a blonde tall version of himself with a thick bushy beard into Australia where Giglamesh and Thena are residing.

He arrive a few leagues away from them as he summoned a simple camper Van and filled it with Fuel.

Paul took his time as he was thinking how should he go about approaching the Eternals.

They seemed to be the Movie Version and not the Comics one where a hundred of them reside in the Himalayas.

Also he could also feel the conflicting emotions of Ikaris now as he seemed to be conflicted as he knew that Earth only has a few years left.

He had not steeled himself yet to follow through the mission he has and thought about the memories they made in this planet.

Paul did not let the guy think much as he made his life rather enjoyable and peaceful as he had an orphan girl get close to him. He felt it was a bastard move but he did not mind, he wanted Ikaris to at least feel sympathy to humans as he picked the most innocent lively girl to intrude upon his life.

Paul drove the camper Van looking for the road and pulled out a map as well seemingly acting lost but he knew that this was not a good way to approach the two eternals.

Soon his van was seen by Gilgamesh and Thena making them curious as to who would be arriving at their very secluded spot.

They focused their eyes and saw a blonde rugged man driving with a map on his hand seemingly confused but they saw him lock eyes to where they are and smiled happily as the camper Van accelerated towards their house.

"…" Thena looked poised and silent as she watched the Van slowly go towards them and went inside the house seemingly not caring to face who this man is.

*SSKKRRTT* (A/N: What's the onomatopoeia again for a car's brake sounds?)

Paul smiled as soon as he arrived seeing the curious Gilgamesh, he peeked out the window and said.

"It's you! Haha! Finally I found you." Paul did not want to act like a know-it-all immediately as the Eternal was confused at the man in front of it but it was better to make them pay attention to him.

"Do I know you?" Gilgamesh was frowning as he tried to recall where he met Paul.

"Nope, but I do know of you great Gilgamesh as well as the noble Thena of the Eternals!" Paul's words made the mad in front clench his fist but Paul raised his hand to stop Gilgamesh from going further.

"Whoa whoa don't be alert man, I come in peace. Though I cannot say for you though if you all really come in peace to Earth." Paul said vaguely making the bulky eternal frown at his words.

"Also I know about all ten of you, you were just the ones I tried to contact for now since I wanted to give you information about why you were all sent here." Paul smiled as he had initially did not feel any Celestial within the planet being nurtured but during Tony Stark's return he had felt the consciousness that covered the whole planet.

It was then that he found the body of Tiamut after carefully making sure he is not detected by the dreaming Celestial.

"It seems you already know a lot about us." Thena said as she came out of the house since she too heard Paul's words.

"Oh I know a lot, much more than you. So would you like to invite me in your house? I smell freshly baked pie…" Paul said as he walked ahead not caring if the two powerful Eternals would attack him.

Gilgamesh was confused but he followed inside since Thena seemed to be calm today.

Inside Paul went to sit on a wooden chair and looked around the dainty house that seemed humble but also has an abundance of food.

"So would you care to introduce yourself as we are a bit at a disadvantage here since you already know about us it seems." Gilgamesh said as he looked at Paul calmly sitting his house.

"Do you really believe that your duty in this planet is to make us develop and protect us from Deviants?" Paul said making the two in front of him alarmed since he knew of deviants as well.

"Why? Is there something else we need to do?" Thena asked calmly as she felt something important about her might be shed to light after Paul explains.

"Mahd-wy'ry, you seem to have it no?" Paul asked making Thena and Gilgamesh frown a bit but Theno nonetheless nodded.

"Do you know the real reason you all get Mahd-wy'ry? Do you want to know? Because once I speak of it then you will all have to live with the fact and might even rebel against the being you all call Arishem." Paul's words made the two frown more as since he kept saying things that no human should know of.

"You are not human aren't you?" Gilgamesh said as he looked into Paul's eyes intently as he readied himself to take action of necessary.

"No, I am human. This body is not though, think of it as a clone being controlled similarly like how Druig controls people." Paul said making the two look at each other unsure what to do.

"Tell me." Thena said making Paul and Gilgamesh understand her curiosity about the illness that has been afflicted her.

"After this, I want you all to call the others except Ajak and Ikaris since they already know why you were all here." Paul's words made them pay attention to him.

From the start of his arrival they felt that they were playing in his tune ever since and had no ways of understanding how he came of the knowledge he has.

"Mahd-wy'ry is you remembering the past lives you have lived…" Paul's words made the two in front of him confused but he continued. "…you don't believe me don't you, but let us see once I show you this."

Paul suddenly teleported in front of them shocking the two and Thena's senses kicked in but it was too late as Paul placed his palms on their heads and had their souls remember their pasts.

Not too much but at least two lifetimes, he also assisted in making sure they will not break down and digest the memories they are remembering.

The whites of the eyes of Gilgamesh and Thena were shown as they got absorbed into the lives they had lived before. The alien species they had guided and left for dead once they had succeeded in their mission.

The emergence and how they survived and remade again and again and again for the plans that the Celestials had concocted over the billions of years they lived.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the two as they finally realized the horrifying truth that they had done. They were silent as they processed everything they had seen, good thing Paul assisted them as he too watched the memories to get ideas on various tech the destroyed world had.

This also proved Paul's theory that his strong Soul could make these forgotten memories emerge from the two. It was like how if you deleted the text and messages in your phone, people would still be able to recover the data from the memories due to bits and pieces that were left of the messages.

It might have been a minute for the two but Paul had spent a few days as he hastened time in his mind to process the information he was getting.

Normally people would die from the overload but his highly regenerative body and strong mind was able to take it since he has experience in different perceptions in time.

Paul sat back to his seat and sipped a tea that he had conjured waiting for the two to get their marbles in order. He was sure that with his assistance earlier that their minds will not break down and slowly integrate what they had just seen in a few minutes.

Paul looked at the two who were in deep thought as they recalled what they had lost and tears dropped from their eyes as they calmed down from the turmoil inside of them making them need a bit more time.

"So that's how it is, we were not guides but more like shepherds raising the humans to be butchered when the world is ripe." Gilgamesh made a depreciating chuckle as he first came to, he looked at Thena beside him as he also knew that she was the one who got Mahd-wy'ru since she was the most noblest soul within their group.

"Pawns to lead fattened lambs for harvest." Thena said in a low angered voice as she felt guilt for all the lives that died because of them.

"I know this is insensitive to say but I need both of you to mourn the past for later because there is still a planet you can save and might be able to redeem your past involvements. You all know that you have no power to go against Celestials but with my help maybe, just maybe we can make even grounds with Arishem that he might listen to a proposal…" Paul said as he looked into the strongest of the Eternals and the noblest.

"This is not something we can decide on, also Ajak is the Prime Eternal right now so she is the only one that can contact Arishem." Gilgamesh said as he looked unsure since mostly he is the muscle not the brains of the operation.

"I know, that is why you must gather the rest besides Ikaris who is totally the boyscout out of all of you. He has good heart but he is too much of a soldier, he will never betray Arishem for one moment." Paul said as he waved his hand and two cups of tea appeared on the Eternals' hands.

"Thena are you fine?" Gilgamesh looked at his fellow Eternal and seemed a bit worried since he too is currently awash with Guilt and uncertainty since he just found out how much death they had caused.

"I'll manage…" Thena said as she smiled to Gilgamesh since she felt that she might have gone deeper in her Mahd-wy'ry if not for him.

"Good to have you back Thena." Gilgamesh smiled as he found the familiar confident noble bearing of the war goddess returning.

"It seems that you are in, so tell me what do you all need before we go." Paul asked as he sighed in relief that at least his help did nto go t waste.

"We'll need a ride." Thena said while Paul smiled and looked at the window staring into the camper van he brought.

"Wanna see something cool?" Paul asked as he smiled like a kid that wanted to show off his toys.

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