
Prologue(1/2)-Reincarnation And A Single Wish!!

"Well, I guess I'm dead," Ken Master muttered as he floated around through an empty black space. "Not exactly the best way to go out but its whatever."

Ken had been walking home from his highschool when an out of control truck ran a red light while he was crossing the street. The last thing that he saw was the front of the dark red truck right before it slammed into him and claimed his life. There was a short blast of pain but it was over quickly and moments later, he woke up in this black space of sorts.

"Well, no point in complaining now that its over and done with," Ken said as he put his arms behind his head. "Its not like I was doing anything important anyways. Whats done is done so I guess I'll just float here for now. Wonder if I can find Pennywise and get him to float with me...he'd probably enjoy it."

"For someone who spent his life as an average person, you sure seem calm." A voice said from behind him said. "Not many people would accept their own deaths so quickly."

Ken turned around in the space which was actually rather difficult as it was like being in water. After going through a sort of swimming like motions, he eventually managed to face the person whom had spoken to him. The person in front of him was rather strange, akin to someone from an anime or

She was shorter then him with long red hair and dark purple eyes with numerous freckles across her cheeks and along the bridge of her nose. She wore a formfitting tshirt along with yoga pants that really showed off her curves. If such a beauty had appeared in reality, he would have probably tried to ask her out and would also probably get rejected.

"Well, its due to the fact that I'm average that I don't really regret dying," Ken answered with a smile. "I didn't really see myself going anywhere with my life and, though I really didn't want to die a virgin, theres no use complaining about things thats already happened."

"How interesting," The woman said, tilting her head to the side. "You have a good mentality. Perhaps it was changed after you died. Anyways, I'd like to formally welcome you to my home. The Netherrealm, the place thats between life and death, but you can also call it Limbo if you wanna be boring."

"Seems kinda boring for a home," Ken said as he looked around the black void. He couldn't see how someone could live in a pmace where there was literally nothing. "So I take it that your the person whose judging my fate? Deciding on where I'm supposed to go?"

"Well not exactly, I'm actually here for a different reason." The readhead smiled. "I'm the goddess of reincarnation, Arianrhod, but you can call me Arian. I'm here to decide what your next life will be like and, if I'm feeling up to it, I'll even give a single wish. Just one and only if I feel like it."

Ken nodded, deciding to just take everything in stride. "So I'm assuming not everyone gets this wish? How do you decide who gets it and who doesnt? Do you have a system or challenge?" His bright green eyes looking straight into her purple ones.

"Well, you already earned your wish," Arian said with small smile. "All you had to do in order to earn it was talk with me like a normal person. Its a rather simple task that almost everyone fails."

"Really?" Ken asked in confusion. "Seems like a rather simple task if you ask me. Hell, talking to someone as beautiful as you is a privilege in and of itself."

"Well thank you," Arian said with a small bow, her eyes twinkling. "It may seem easy but people seem to get rather hostile when they get confused. VERY few seem to be willing to have civil conversation with me. Anyways, lets cut to the chase.....your wish?"

Ken tapped his chin thoughtfully as he floated in the never ending blackness. "I never really thought about what I would wish for if I was given the choice. Its odd as many people have probably thought this to themselves many times."

"Before I answer, for reincarnation, where am I going and what will I be going as?" Ken wanted to be clear as to details of what was going to happen.

"The world I'll be sending you to, as I assume you don't want to start out as a kid again, is the world of The Mightiest Disciple. This is a world that is was originally made up but I do have the power to send you there." Arian pushed a strand of her red hair back behind her ear.

"Okay, then for my wish, I want to legalize polygamy so I can get my own harem." Ken smiled as he said those words. He had always wanted a harem as he was a true man of culture but due to the society he lived in and the fact that he was as average as they came, he was prevented from doing so. "I'm gonna assume you can do that."

"Why don't you just wish for a harem then?" Arian asked in confusion. "I can legalize it but I don't get why you need that to form a harem. I can literally just wave my hand and have all the girls fall for you."

"Sounds pathetic," Ken said with a wave of his hand. "Thats basically saying that I can't get a harem on my own so I have to rely on your powers. Thats bullshit!!"

"Well your wish has been granted," Arian said with a shake of her head. "I hope you manage to create your harem. Let me know how it goes."

Ken flipped upside down out of sheer boredom and looked at her face with a smile. "Soooo, when are you going to send me to this world? Also, did you know your like super pretty?"

"I'm actually gonna send you right now, but before I do, I'll give you a few tips that might help when I send you. I'm assuming you haven't seen The Mightiest Disciple.....?"

"Nope," Ken said as he slowly floated back upright. "Not even a little, never even heard of it. I have heard of The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, that was pretty good."

"Ugh, okay so once I send you, I need you to pretend that you have amnesia. Its probably the best way to not grt your ass beat and thrown onto the street." Arian had a serious look on her face. "I honestly don't wanna see you back here for a while. The only way for you to keep living there is to act like you have amnesia. Thats literally all you have to do. Also, I'll be changing how you look."

"Wait what?" Ken asked, clearly not sure if he had heard her right. "Your gonna be chamging my looks? Why the hell would ya do that? Not to mention that it was completely random."

"Because I'm a goddess and I want to," Arian answered with a shrug. "Don't worry, once you land, you'll see just how cool you look. It'll be awesome."

He was about to complain when something she said in her sentence made him hesitate. "Wait....land? The hell does that mean?"

Nearly a few seconds after he said that, the void disappeared along with Arian and was replaced by a vast blue sky and a rapidly appoaching ground. However, he only witnessed this for a minute before passing out, once again descending into darkness.

Next Chapter coming out so please wait....also haters can feel free to leave as Im doing thing my way

KingMaxDemigodcreators' thoughts