
Preparations for the party

You have gained access to the status window!!!

Congratulations for becoming an alchemist!!!

Skills gained - knowledge of ores, plants and creatures (level 1)

- mixing up things (level 1)

- throwing (level 1)

Ability points +1

Enhancement points +1

Well now i am even less sure that i am not high on drugs, but other than the kid and those characters nothings feels different, and what was that about the status window.


Status window

Class: alchemist (level 1)

Experience: 0/50

Skills (+1)

- knowledge of ores, plants and creatures (level 1)

- mixing up things (level 1)

- throwing (level 1)

Enhancement stats (+1)

- Stamina 9

- Inteligence 6

- Strenght 8

- Dexterity 16

- Wisdom 6


Nimble thief (dexterity +4)


This feels so much like a videogame and this window appeared when i though about it so maybe if i focus on something here there could be an explanation.

Class: alchemist (Your job is to mix things and hope they don´t explode or end up being a waste, you can be called a jack of all trades as you can throw potions to your enemies to deal damage, to your allies to help them, try to not confuse which is what and test them first)

+1 ( you can upgrade one of the following options)

knowledge of ores, plants, substances and creatures ( You have inheritated knowledge about the world in order to aid to your class, if you see something you can try to identify details about it and check if it is useful)

mixing up things (You mix things and hope they don´t explode before time, alchemy books can help to make potions or you can research on your own )

- throwing (You know how to throw things)

Enhancement stats (+1)

- Constitution 9 (This stat is related to your endurance to receive hits, to mantain activities and regeneration)

- Inteligence 6 (This stat is related to the capacity to retain more information and you magic power)

- Strenght 8 (This one is self explanatory)

- Dexterity 16 (This stat is also related to speed)

- Wisdom 6 (This stat is related to your mana regeneration and your ability to think)

Traits (Specialities that can be used to enhance or deter stats, abilities between other things)

Nimble thief ( Years of experience as a thief have made you nimbler)


I have decided i will use that extra point on wisdom first

Ding! Wisdom +1

And lets thing a little about what is happening, i mean i should be freaking out about just killing this little kid, oh wait normal kids are not this red so i guess i should call it little devil spawn

Ding! Imp corpse detected : The most lowly creature in hell, it can be used in rituals or to feed your dogs, useful parts (unknown)

Oh right i got it system, this little imp and even though the description doesn´t says much there is something important, it says that this thing comes from hell so how did it appear here, and considering that no one has come around and the ocasional screams that have been going for a few minutes i guess this was not the only one.

So for now i think i have some time so lets check what is useful in this place.

10 minutes later i already got everything that had a label of dangerous or flammable and so i though about what to do next, so i separated three different flammable substances and two acids bottles and a few flasks and when i was about to mix them in the first flask a confirmation window appeared.

Are you sure you want to mix this substancies?

yes no

After that i selected yes and my hands seemed to be guided by someone, after i mixed them all in the first flask the result was:

Dangerous mix #1 : A mix made my a novice alchemist that just mixed some substances that seemed dangerous, expected effects if consumed extremly dangerous, if thrown the target will be affected according to his constitution and if it gets in touch with fire the liquid will ignite.

Well this will surely come handy.

After that i kept using the same materials for five more mixtures and got the same result.

After my great success in my path of alchemy i decided to go for it again, so i took a few liquids and i decided to add some powder and i repeated the process but when i mixed the fifth substance the mixture started boiling up, i got a bad feeling so i took all my bottles of the dangerous mix #1 and ran away, a few steps later the whole thing exploded and i got this.

The potion failed!

Perception stat unlocked! (You can feel when someone watches you or when your life is in danger)

Well shit it exploded and most of the materials have gone to waste, but this new stat is going to be so useful.

After that i packed the potions, the universal support and a first aid kit into the backpack and grabbed the fire extinguisher because it seemed useful.

And now its party time!!!

Next chapter