
The Might Of A System Wielder

I am writing this fan-fic for fun since I am stuck at home. There will be grammar and plot holes in the story. I will write when I can. The MC will also be stupidly powerful and will only continue to grow. Don't expect a lot of world-building or some amazing plot, this is just a wish-fulfillment story.

Xurora · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Quirk Assessment Test

Note: I won;t explained all their quirk since I'm pretty sure you guys know it already and this chapter there a lot of dialogue from the anime so next chapter I'll try my best not do that. LOL. Also all the data I used is from the bokunoheroacademia fandom.


This chapter is like a semi recap of Bnha episode 5 with just my character in it so just know there won't be a lot of Alan in this until the next chapter so you been warned!


Out on the field all of class 1-A can be seen in there training uniform.

"A quirk assessment test?!" Some of class 1-A students ask in surprised.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Uraraka asked.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don;t have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes." Aizawa said in his monotone voice.

"So then sensei. What exactly are we going to do?" Alan asked.

"It's simple really. You kids have been doing this a lot already since junior high. It's just physical fitness tests where you aren't allowed to use your quirks."

"Alan since you came to the top of the practical exam, in junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?'

"I don't know, I never went to junior high. All I been doing for the last 14 years was stay at home." Alan said wile shaking his head.

'Tch that bastard stayed home all his time and still got the highest score! If it weren't for him I could have gotten first!' Bakugo thought.

"Well that's a problem, then Bakugo since you came in second what was your score in Junior high for softball throw."

"67 meters."

"Then, try doing it with your quirk."

Bakugo then proceeded to walked to into the circle for the softball throw.

"Now then , you can do whatever you want. As long as you stay in that circle."

"Ok then..."

'I'll add a blst to the pitch.'

As Bakugo was rounding up the ball in his hand to throw it he then screamed out...



The blast from Bakugo quirk push the ball up high in the sky while fire is being trail behind it until it reached 705.2m where it stopped.

"Wow 705 meters? Seriously?" Kaminari said in surprised.

"What's this? It looks fun!" Mina said excitedly.

"We can us out quirkls as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" Sero said.

"It looks fun, huh?"

"You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?"

"All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"Huh?!" Class 1-A said.

"We;re free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A's hero course!"

'Hahaha, that's Aizawa for you I guess' Alan thought


[Host Has Received A Quest]

[Mission; Get Number 1 In The Quirk Assessment Test]


-10,000 EXP

-20 Common Lottery Tickets]

"Well then start doing it, time is of the essence since you got only 3 years."

[Test 1: 50-meter dash]

Tenya Lida: 3.04 seconds.

Tsyuu Asui: 5.58 seconds

Ochaco Uraraka: 7.15 seconds

Mashirao Ojiro: 5.49 seconds

Yuga Aoyama: 5.51 seconds

Mina Ashido: Unknown (Faster than Yuga Aoyama)

Katsuki Bakugo: 4.13 seconds

Izuku Midoriya: 7.02 seconds

'There are seven more tests. I'm sure everyone will use their quirks to produce some extraordinary results. On the other hand, I have this power that will break my body id I use it once.'

When everyone, it was finally Alan's turn

"Aizawa-Sensei, I have a question." Alan said while raising his hand like a good little boy he is.

"What is it?"

"Do we actually have to use our quirk?

"That's up to you. If you want a good score I recommend using your quirk to get a good score or you could not use it and end up being last and getting expelled" Aizawa said with his monotone voice.

"No quirk it is then!" Alan said smiling

Many of the students were surprised since they don't believe that Alan will be able to produce a good score without his quirk.

"Just get in line."

Alan walked to the line and ready himself.

"On your mark..."

"Get set..."


As soon as the bang was heard Alan immediately push his heels and then...


Everything and everyone was blown away, the glass shattered, the ground was a mess and all of the students who were currently in their classes all looked out on who made the sound, even the other Hero's came out asking what the hell made the sound.

The sound that Alan produced was the sound that happened when the sound barrier was broken.

Everyone was in awe this included Aizawa as well. Aizawa believed that at most Alan without using his quirk he would get 7 second top, but he never thought that Alan was so fast he broke the god damn sound barrier, even without his quirk.


Everyone was still shocked and shocked until Aizawa finally stepped in.

Aizawa cleared things up with the other heroes and just told the other students to stand back up after being knocked down and prepare to go to the next test.

"How the hell are we going to beat that?! And He's not even using his quirk!" Mineta said.

"That's right what kind of monster is he!" Kaminari said as well.

After finishing with calming the situation down he walked to Alan and said.

"You better clean up this mess our else you'll be spending detention with me! Are you clear boy."

"Yes sensei!"

Then with a snapped, everything started to glow and started repairing itself again like what happened during the Battle Center.

Everyone got shocked again looking at the name Alan who just snapped his finger, while they thought to themselves...

'What a monster.'

"So it was you who fixed the Battle Center as well." Aizawa said looking at Alan.

"Hehehe of course it was, who else would have such power besides me."

Alan Fox: Unknown seconds.

[Test 2: Grip strength]

Mezo Shoji: 540.0kg

Izuku Midoriya: 56.0kg

Alan Fox: Unknown (Destroyed grip device)

[Test 3: Standing Long Jump]

Katsuki Bakugo: Cleared Sandbox

Yuga Aoyama: Cleared Sandbox

Izuku Midoriya: Landed within sandbox

[Test 4: Repeated Side Jumps]

Minoru Mineta: A lot ( Website doesn't tell so I just say a lot)

Alan Fox: ???

( Aizawa said that he did not have to do it or else he will destroy the school again )

[Test 5: Ball Throw]

Katsuki Bakugo: 705.2 meters

Ochaco Uraraka: ∞

"Next up Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa said lazily.

Midoriya can be seen in the circle who was just looking at the ball pondering on what to do.

'It's about time, huh?' Aizawa said in his head.

After the wait Midoriya was prepared, he aimed far and with all his power he had in his right hand...

*Shwing* ( I don't know what the sound effect for Aizawa quirk activation is so I go with Shwing )

"Go!" Midoriya said

With all his might Midoriya throw and landed with... 46 meters.

Midoriya was surprised since he really did try to throw with all he had.

"I erased your quirk." Aizawa said with his cloth-like equipment started to spread.

"From what I can tell you can't control your quirk, can you?"

"Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"

"Th-That's not my intention--"

"I don't care what your intention is, but what i'm saying is the people around you will be forced to do that."

"Izuku MIdoriya. With your power, you can't become a hero."

'Aizawa is definitely cooler and scarier in real life.' Alan thought.

"I returned your quirk, you have two turns for the ball throw. Now hurry it up."

Midoriya then proceeded to go back to the circle and mumbles to himself on what to do.

After a while Midoriya started moving again however this time as Midoriya was whining up to throw again, he put all of his strength into his finger and yelled out...



Izuku Midoriya: 705.3 meters

"Sensei...I can still move!"