
Ch. 1 Awakening

In the beginning all he was darkness and energy. Or at least It though so fading in and out of sleep` for decades at a time not being awake long enough to really think then it awoke permanently with a start the world around him as he knew it had changed. It thought it was the moving of the rock around him. The red glowing rock. But then he felt the energy. It came to him in small amounts at first it made his mind feel full. He looked at it wondering what it was. then a thought came to it, what was he?

And so, it explored its body, ignoring the energy for a moment. it was was a crystal deep red in cooler with hints of brown, in the center a sola light was drifting about. the mystical energy was flowing inside. so, he followed it inside, he appeared in cave made of pure energy. It was not the same energy it noted this energy seemed to be a part of him it was him then her looked around and say moved of light float amount in a circular fashion equal distance from the wall and the center point where he was fastened.

he truly couldn't move from the spot, he sensed he could leave but couldn't move around. so he tried his next thought and focused on one dot of light and tried to bring it gourds himself. the light he had chosen flew closer and closer then it stopped right in front of him. He looked at it inspected it and saw that it was dirty with other kinds of energies so he tried to separate them and so he cleaned that one dot of all other energies he became so emerged in that one action that he lost all concept of time.

When the deed was done, he felt accomplished and let the dot go. It floated away and started spinning apron him much closer than last time. Then he realized something it was glowing not white like the others but brownish-red. after he completed the job, he left the cave back to the real world and looked around for something to do but found nothing

"Is this my purpose," it said allowed "for if it is this is what I will do." So, he did, grading one dot of light after another and refining it all the while more and more came in until he had completed hundreds out of millions. "this is slow" he said there is no way to refine all of them at a time and get anywhere. What if I try two?" It was a struggle at first to get it to work but it slowly worked then he was refining two at a time, then three, then four and then all the way to ten. so, the work continued until he could keep up with the input of energy. The stream of brownish-red lights had slowly compressed during his word contending into thin cables. this last batch should couplet them he watched as the lights floated into the missing spots on each cables..


A shockwave exploded out of him, he came out of his crystal to see what happened but he realized his surroundings were long sense turned to rock then he noticed he was vibrating and the rock around him cracked "was this because those cables inside me formed completely. He wondered sending out his mind to explore the newly formed cracks. I wonder what I can do with them he pondered. the answer nothing. With absolutely nothing and so he went back to his task to refine more lights to make more cables in hope he could do something with them in the future.

A long time pasted and he managed to make seven more strings from the original three.. another explosion happened when he reached five cables, now the cables slowly came together and formed a larger cable and its brightness grew three fold. This time instead of staying close to him like the dots and cabled this "rope" went into the ever gathering steam of lights and every light it was touching slowly refined during that period

"I will name you "refining rope" after your purpose". he said relaxing for the first time in a long while. Then a thought came to him "why not also do it myself that way it will be twice as fast. So he chose a bunch of lights that hadn't ben refined yet bout them out of the outer ring and throw the inner ring that the refining rope was creating and started to once more contribute to the refining of energy. years passed and he

built one cord after another then they became ropes and they quint the refining proses until all energy was immediately refined and he could do nothing about it.

Decades passed in boardroom until he realized he could speedup the rate of energy absorption. He felt like an idiot for not realize this sooner. Then once he did the amount of of energy transforming into cords and cords forming ropes grew into one hundred ropes. Then he was full and physically couldn't absorb more. Mumbling about not being able to do so. He emptied his mind of all thoughts and fell into a slumber for a-time.

This is the chapter I had backed up

A bit grind-y but the plot will get better

Piromancercreators' thoughts