
Chapter 2: Orsick's Office

As the Three left the sewers they were greeted by the sturdy stone structures of Adverdale.

Being a frontier town, Adverdale was built to withstand any land invasion from the monsters that lived in the Wilderness to the North.

The Three headed towards the Town hall, located in the center of the city. The hall was built with thick stone walls that made it look like a small castle.

"We're here to see Orsick." Dragoon said holding up his sergeant badge to the guards posted on either side of the door. They nodded and gestured towards the door

"he's currently working inside his office, make sure you talk to Aniyetta before you enter, she's a real stickler for the rules" one of the guards said as the adventures passed into the building.

Inside was a large open space with three immediate hallways and a staircase that lead up to the largest barracks in the town.

The Three headed towards the left hallway, and soon saw short desk filled with paperwork, some stacks were precariously perched on the edge of the desk.

"Hey Aniyetta, it's us again." Lux said as they approached the filled desk, a exclamation of surprise sounding as ten pages flew into the air.

"Hold it" a small, nervous voice said from underneath the stacks of paperwork, of which a small female gnome walked around to collect the fallen pages. "Oh, Grook, Stg. Dragoon, and Lux, are you here to see Orsick or are you just here for a friendly visit?"

Aniyetta Flowercraft was a gnome who was assigned at Adverdale alongside Orsick. Her dirty Blonde hair was currently tied up in a business bun, with square glasses on her nose.

"Grook is here to see the pretty little lady, but also to see the Stoneslaper" Grook said as he looked towards one of the walls. "Don't you agree Penya?"

Penya was a Jade bird that stood on Grook's shoulders. Apparently she was also a family heirloom. Lux still didn't know what it really was.

"Thank you Grook, but maybe when work isn't as backed up as it currently is. You three can head on inside, Orsick should be finished filling the supply orders." Aniyetta said as she walked back behind the stacks of paper.

The Three nodded towards her as they opened Orsick's door.

As the door swung open a gruff, dwarven voice could be heard

"Aniyetta! Could you please prepare a bounty, I feel like we will need it soon"

"Ahem, Orsick, yo" Dragoon said as he slid into the room.

"Grook wants a bigger challenge than some puny spiders" Grook said as he plopped down into the chair across from Orsick's desk.

"Hi, Orsick." Lux said as she closed the door gently behind her.

Orsick looked up from his paperwork, a smile growing on his tired face "Good, it's you three. I have a job for you, that's if you're interested."

"Give Grook this job, and he will compete it to completely."

" that's a yes" Dragoon followed up.

"Good. I need you to Scout out Mt. Graness by the Bulkward. I've been getting preliminary report on sounds coming from the mountain side. I would send some men, but I need them on the Bulkward and in the town. Make sure to keep an eye out for Orcs."

"Orcs, sir?" Lux asked

" Yes Orcs. they normally attempt to get through the Bulkward this time of year, and it appears that they have three warbands with them. I have the feeling that something big is on it's way to Adverdale."