

Chapter 22

[Night Time]

Luca just got done packing all the things he needs for a stay-in modelling and dance practice in the castle. It is almost 12am but he can`t still sleep.

***Damn! She will be partnered with that idiot prince again! ****

He sips some coffee as he watches the moon outside his balcony. He was sulking all the time thinking that Muriel and Prince Nathan will dance in the ball.

He can`t stop thinking that Prince Nathan just ask Muriel to be his lady in the night of the ball but according to the royalty's traditions, once a crown prince ask a lady as his first dance, its like declaring to everyone that the lady he is dancing with, Is the soon to be crown princess.

He didn`t know that all this time Muriel is watching his sulking face from her balcony.

***Why is he sulking? Is he still bothered about the incident with Princess Hannah? ****

Luca suddenly broke the cup that his holding. Muriel immediately jumps again from her balcony to Luca`s balcony.