
Kingdom of Karg

The Merchant and The Mermaid

Chapter 1

[Kingdom of Karg]

"Where is the Royal Highness Grant??!! "

"I ... I really don't know Mr. Hunter"

"You're his personal assistant for almost a decade Ms. Hugen and You don't know where he is!!? "

"Do you know how long all the delegates waiting for him to arrive at the hall?!! "

Sob sob*

"He only left this letter for you Sir Minister, and I didn't open it incase its confidential for the both of you"

Hunter saw the letter with a seal and was carefully stored in a glass box and thought that it was really important for it to be sealed in such a high-class glass box in the palace.

"Give me that letter! "

"As you wish Mr. Hunter."

"Dear My ever-loving Minister Ed Hunter,

Please do manage the country while Im gone. Im bored.

Your Emperor,

Grant Luca de Vand

PS: Don't come find me if there's an urgent matter just give it to my baby pigeon there.

PS: Don't get angry mwa, I 'll come back after 5 or maybe 10 years Thanks!

Hunter was so furious that he uses his fire magic to destroy the letter.

"Uhmm... Mr. Hunter are you okay?"



[Fishing Port of the Country Nether]

"Hey you! Wanna help here pull this net? I'll give you free fish!"

"Wow! Really?"

"Yeah! Come on! I'm Jay one of the merchants here in Nether and I never go back on my words! HAHA"

"Nice that's Great!! I'm Luca "

"It's Nice to meet you Luca!"

Luca and Jay pull the fishing net together and Jay was so shock on how strong luca's arms were.

"What the hell with that strength Luca!!"

"Hehe I kinda exercise a lot in my free time."

"Where are you from? I guess you're new here?"

"I'm... ahm... a wanderer from Country K...d..Dargonil.. Yeah..! Dargonil"

" Oh I see.. hmmm..I never heard that country before huh.."

Luca didn't want to reveal his identity being the emperor of the Kingdom of Karg so he manage to make a random name of a country.

"Ahh it's kinda far from here tho.. And it's just a small island."

"Oh! I see..Do you have a place to stay already?"

"A.. Actually I don't.. hehe"

"Then why don't you stay in my house near the sea for a while? It's getting late now and probably all the inns are full due to the upcoming fish festival"

"Really?! Is it okay??"

"Of course!! HAHA! Don't be shy you strong one!"

"Well then... In exchange for your hospitality I will help you hunt fish for the time being!"

"Hell yeah!! That's good to hear!!"

Luca carried the big fish that they got all the way to Jay's house. Earlier, Luca scanned the body shape of Jay and found out that it was too tired to go fishing so he offered a help due to Jay's kindness of letting a stranger to stay in his house. Jay's muscle was beat up to death just to provide food for his 7year old daughter.


"Ahhh! Baby!!"

Jay's daughter run so fast just to hug his daddy and when Luca saw it, it's as if he realized how great it is if he have met his dad the late emperor of Karg. It may have been great if he also run to his dad like that after a long day of managing the empire.

"Hey Luca! This is my lovely daughter Emy.. And Emy this is Luca he helped daddy fishing today! HAHA"

"Really??! Hi I'm Emy Nice to meet you!"

Luca sat down and pat Emy on the head

"Nice to meet you too Emy! Im Luca"

"Thank you for helping my daddy Mr. Luca, He is actually sick you know... but he insists to work!! And I'm gonna beat him so bad today so that he will rest for a whole week!!"

"Oh no! don't be like that to me baby!"

Luca laughed on how cute Emy and Jay so he decided to heal Jay in a one snap of a finger.


"Now your daddy is not sick Emy, so don't be angry hahaha"

Both Emy and Jay were in shock because healing magic is so expensive that they have to work for at least 5 years just to afford it. Emy suddenly kneel with teary eyes

"Thank you for healing my father! I will definitely pay for it when the time comes! But for now, please accept all the fish my father hunted for today as a sign of thanks."

Jay was so shock, knelt and cried so hard but was so proud on how his daughter handled the situation carefully like a great merchant.

"Ahh...It's not really a big deal.... But if you offer me this fish can we eat it together then?"

"Yes Of course brother Luca! I'll be the one to cook it!"

"Then, Thank you Emy!"

The three of them ate together the big fish with joy and both Emy and Jay thank the Goddess of Sea for the blessing they received. After eating Emy showed his father that he became a registered merchant because Jay is not really a registered merchant so he is so proud of his daughter that he cried again.

"Congratulations Emy!"

"Thank you, Brother Luca ! In this case father's fishes won't be sold cheaply to those greedy merchants anymore!"

Jay ran towards the picture of his wife, knelt in one knee and said

"Oh great God thank you for the blessings today and thank you my dear wife for watching me and your daughter up there, I guess I won't be with you yet all thanks to God for meeting me luca."

After that, Luca walk around near the beach for digestion. He thinks of everything that has happen to him as an emperor and as a "wanderer". When suddenly he heared someone screaming in pain.

"Argghh... H..Help.!"

Luca ran so fast towards that voice and saw a mermaid showered with blood.

"Some..one.. h... help... me..."

Luca was not so shock to see other species because he saw a lot of them in his kingdom. Without a second thought he immediately heal the mermaid with a snap of his finger but it didn't work out so he held the mermaid in his arms, put his forehead towards the mermaid's forehead and gently held the mermaid's cheeks while closing his eyes and said

"Deep heal"

A large amount of magic power poured into the mermaid's flesh that it made the mermaid's wound completely gone even the birth mark that makes her look ugly in the mermaid world. Emy and Jay felt it in their house and quickly got up to look for luca.

"Father! Luca is not here! He might be in danger!"

"Quickly! Hand me my gun! "

The two of them quickly looked for luca without hesitation.

And In just a few seconds, the mermaid is starting to regain her consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the face of a man so close to her that it maid her shock and blushed so hard.

**What the hell is he doing?! T..th.. this close to me?**

And when the man slowly opened his eyes both of them were shock on how both of them looked so beautiful and handsome.

"How are you feeling?"

The mermaid gained her consciousness completely and suddenly pushed luca away and said

"I .. Im fine... T...Thank you! "

"That's great to know hehe."

Luca smiled and it made the mermaid flustered because luca is so handsome that he sparks.

"Brother Lucaaa! Where are you??"

As soon as the both of them heard that voice the mermaid immediately swim to the sea and then Emy found luca covered in blood and was so shock that she ran immediately and check if luca has wounds.

"Brother lucaa!! What happen?? Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Common tell me!"

Emy was in teary because she like luca as a brother figure and Jay just laughed so hard on her and said

"HAHAHA Hey baby don't cry. HAHA your brother luca was just out hunting for that shark"


Luca then saw the shark that is dead behind him. He smiled as a relief that the mermaid escaped.

"Sorry for worrying you Emy, Let's go home?"

The mermaid saw Luca's charming smile and it made her feel relief also that luca liked the shark.

[6am in the Morning]

The mermaid quietly followed luca and found out that luca sold the shark she gave instead of eating it.

"This man also likes gold huh! Tsk! Tsk! they are all the same after all."

Emy was so shock that luca became a registered merchant so fast when he sold the shark. Everyone was in shock of the rarity of that shark that it made quite a fuss. The mermaid still followed luca and emy whom entered a dress shop.

"Are you sure brother luca? You will really buy this dress for me? I..Its already too much."

"Don't be like that to me emy,Just think that in exchange for this dress you're going to cook me delicious beefs okay? And besides as a merchant we have to dress accordingly to be trusted by our clients got it?"

"You have a point brother luca, then Thank you so much! You're the best brother in the world!"

Luca smiled and both of them bought a lot of clothes and dress fit for being a merchant.

As luca and emy came out of that shop, the mermaid saw emy with a new beautiful dress, and she suddenly felt envy. She recalled all the magazines thrown by the humans that she has in her room which contained a lot of different dress designs that she liked so much. She always requested it to her father but her father constantly denied her requests.

[Beach BBQ Dinner Party]

"Hey luca drink up! Today was also a feast thanks to you hunting that shark! HAHAHA"

"Hey dad!!! You drank too much already!! You have to stop!"

Luca drank an alcohol for the first time in his life. He wasn't allowed to drink one in the palace because he needs to wake up early and sleep late everyday just so he could manage the empire well.

It was also a rule set by Mr. Hunter because alcohol was the reason why his father the late emperor died. Jay suddenly collapse due to drunkenness and fell asleep murmuring luca's name. Emy then carried his father to the bedroom while complaining.

Luca was shock of that collapse because he thought Jay died like his father instantly but he was dumbfounded because Emy said that It was just an effect of excessive drinking.

"By the way Brother luca, if you feel dizzy because of the alcohol, you can drink a milk or take a swim at the sea to remove that dizziness okay?"

"Ehh? Is that so?"

"Yes brother! And Don't recklessly use your healing powers to remove it got that!!?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

As soon as Emy left, Luca then go to the sea and swim to test it out if it works because he already felt dizzy after just one glass of alcohol.

"hmmm.... How far should I swim to remove this dizziness then?"

The mermaid saw luca and would like to approach him about those dress and tell him that she wants one. But as soon as she approaches, Luca suddenly jump so wildly in the sea and swim so fast like a speed boat.

"What the hell is he doing? Swimming in the sea full of wild beast in this hour?!! Does he want to die??!"

The mermaid was full in shock and thought that maybe luca is going to suicide by drowning himself or be eaten by sea monsters.

"N...Nooo wayyy!!! No freaking way!! My dresss!!!?? I have to get my dressss!!"

She then followed luca and was tired as hell because luca swim so fast but in just circle motion deep in the ocean, so she was just watching luca swim like an idiot non-stop.

"Heyyy you! human stop!!! "

Luca didn't hear the mermaid because he was drunk.

"Heyy!! Are you an idiot!!?? I said STOOPPP!!!!!"

The whole world stops due to the mermaid's power.

"There you go! You finally stop! You're annoying! You even let me use my power to stop your idiocy!"

The mermaid slowly approaches luca to stop him from swimming. But she was shock when luca moved his head and looked at her because whenever the mermaid stop the time, everything in the world doesn't move.

"H..H..How ..the hell can you move human?"

The mermaid looked at luca with killing intent.

"W..who the hell are you ?!!"

Luca smiled charmingly towards her and lost his consciousness immediately.

Next chapter