
Breath Out The Old Breath In The New

'Ugghm, what the hell where am I' A young man thought to himself, finding himself hanging upside down from rusted chains and the stench of blood filling his nostrils. The man observed the room or as far as he could see as there was only a flickering light on and was barely shining, but as much as he saw brought back a sense of deja vu.

The room looked similar to a butcher room, but instead of animals, it was full of human corpses most of them looked like men in their middle ages, but there were some elderly and kids mixed up in the bunch he could rarely see any woman in the piles. There was also the sound of a meat grinder going on in the room in front of him.

The man mess with his chains, trying to break free, and started to swing back and forth. Finally, at about 10 mins the ceiling holding the chains broke, and the man fell in the bodies below him, crawling out and standing up, and standing below the light, you could see he was completely naked with blood and pieces of flesh covering his body.

'Huh, this reminds me of when I was hired for the Congo war, the only thing missing is being covered in honey beside that. It's just the same.' The man thought to himself as flash-backs of him being naked and covered in honey and guts fighting, passed threw his mind.

As that memory passed threw his mind the door in front of him opened and in came a man but instead of the man being startled while shouting and yelling what he heard was the man coming in singing with his eyes closed.

"He said there ain't no rest for the wicked money don't grow on trees." The sound of his singing was interrupted rudely by the sound of him getting choked to death by rusted chains.

"Sorry, mate, but I don't need an intro song." Our nude friend said, choking the man to death and looting his body, finding an old-style pistol with the brand Jakobs on the handle.

"Wait isn't Jacobs that weapon brand in borderlands?" The nude man said

Suddenly a screen that looked similar to the echo log setup popped.

Echo: <Welcome to the land of borderlands you have acquired so much sin that satan himself was impressed and decided instead of torturing you. You would be sent to one of the most corrupt worlds created. Your powers are for you to discover and find on your own. Now have fun Michael Flynt.>

<Ps feel grateful that you were not sent to the 40k universe like a certain someone>

'Well Shit, truly it is better then 40k at least but what does it mean by powers' The now-named Michael Flynt thought to himself.

Echo: <the process will begin as soon as the enemies around the area are eliminated>

soon the top right of his sight a map popped up with red dots all straight in front of the door Michael was looking at it also showed what the building looked like, it had a design like a compound with nothing else around for miles

Michael snuck up to the door and opened the door to a slight crack and looked threw and saw two disfigured people keeping guard.

Hillbilly 1: "Hey, did you hear they brought in some fresh meat they said they found him passed out a couple of miles from Fryestone it seems he was pretty well equipped even had some shiny suit thingy on him."

Hillbilly 2: "you mean that thing in the armory I guess Billy tried putting it on and made him cry like a chicken haha haha momma said we couldn't touch it at least there's more meat thanks to Billy haha."

Michael: 'hopefully that's my staff I don't feel like leaving this place completely naked or putting on whatever these things are wearing'

Grabbing a piece of metal scrap, he threw it to the other side of the door.

Hillbilly 1: "Hey, what was that."

Hillbilly 2: "I don't know I'll go check it out"

The man walked up to the door leading to the meat grinder and walked inside to see one of his brothers lying on the floor. As he was about to yell to the others, he felt something hit the back of his head hard and felt something wet dripping down his head and then everything went black.

before he fell Michael reached out and grabbed the end of his shirt that way he didn't alert the other guy, then he slowly got out of the room and walked behind the other guy

Hillbilly: "God damn it, Johnny hurry up, I want to look at the shiny suit."

suddenly he couldn't feel anything but the sharp pain in his chest.

Michael: "Nothing personal, I just had to shut you up, well now off to visit your mother."

after getting up to the second-floor Michael started cleaning house, the last person he killed was this thing that looked like Melvin's underbelly from Overlord but in female form.

Echo:<Process complete enemy eliminated process starting now. You will be unconscious for 12 hours>

Michael: Well at least let me cut my chains firs-

Before he can finish, he already got hit with a wave of pain.

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