
We Met Some Girls

/3rd POV/



(Alright then, now, from what I can assume, you are all part of the class labelled-) the man in front of them says as he then looks through the paper in his hand. (1-B? Why exactly do your classes not have some special name? I mean I get that this is a half-government half-privately sanctioned school but shit man, can't they have at least a little bit of imagination when they make the classroom names?)

The man in front of the students said as they were still thinking that this was all a bad dream. They were right in front of of the dungeon master, the man who had killed the number one hero. (Alright, you all know my name, but I'll say it again, my name is Frank, I'm the dungeon master and I apologize for killing this era's best hero, but unfortunately for you all, that's just life.)

(Okay then, so, which one of you kids is gonna go first?) he said to them as he then scanned the room.

(Come on, if this is how it's gonna go this was just a waste of good people and time. I didn't kill that smiling dude for nothing you know that?) he said as the students moved slightly form the discomfort of hearing about the death of their hero.

(Okay I'll do the picking then, who's the classroom representative then?) he had asked as one girl then gulped and walked forward.

(My bmw is Itsuka Kendo, and I'm the class representative!) she said with a bit of fear evident in her voice. But the man in front of them started to scribble something in their paper.

(What's your Quirk kid?) he asked as he then looked up with what seemed to be a bored expression. (Oh yeah, I know that you guys are probably wondering why do I look different from before, well that's because I have the special little power of changing my fae to whatever I want.) he said as he then morphed his face into the exact same girl in front of them.

(And this is what I could do, since, I don't have a Quirk.) he said in her exact same voice and it felt very surreal for them to hear their representative's voice coming out of something like him.



/Frank POV



(Are there any more thoughts floating around, or are we gonna get this over with?) I said as I then thought that I still needed to do a bunch of other shit. I still needed to extract the Quirks that those dudes there had, I have to go and kill AFO live on cam since it would be boring if I didn't, and I still have to go and get Midoriya to try and find out what the shite had happened to him.

The students of 1-B then promptly shook their heads as I then nodded. (Alrighty, so what's your Quirk then?) I asked Itsuka as she then answered with a squeak (I-It's me enlarging my hands.) she said as she then demonstrated.

(I would make a sex joke about that, but unfortunately, all my shots are blank.) I said as I then chuckled a little at my words. (Alright, you can stay with the others for a while until I finally get the chance to hire one of you.) I said as they then looked at me with shock.

(H-hire us? ) one girl with really sharp teeth said as I then looked at her.

(Umm, yeah, that's why you guys are here. Look I know that you guys don't trust me at all due to the fact that I'm the dungeon master and I might have hurt some of you with the things that I've done, but know this for the record, I have a standard as well. Civvies are only to be harmed if I give the order, and that's normally rare.)

(Any and all people are not to be exempted from my rage. I don't give a shit if you're pregnant, I will kill you and your next of kin either way, and anyone who isn't involved isn't involved.)

(And finally, the most disgusting thing that I'll never go so low to do, no fucking rape. That means to both of the idiots that exist, if you go and take advantage of a little boy and you're a woman, I'll rip your uterus out, deep fry it, and then feed it to you by hand.)

(If you're a guy, expect your reproductives to go the exact same way. If there's a list of things that I hate from the most to least, it goes from pedophile and rapist taking the the pair for first, and then the second goes to cultivators.) I said as one of the students slightly flinched at my words.

(Relax kid, I know you may be partially mainland, but I understand what you wanna do. Cultivators are essentially wasteful one man armies who do nothing but compare dick sizes, slaves numbers, and how many minute motes of energy that they use. There's literally no use to any of their kind.) I said as he then sighed in relief.

(Alright, give me all of your names and I'll be having a think before I give you all my business speech of why you should join me. You can all go with the principal after you give me your name, Quirk and social security number.) I said as I gave the paper to them with the pen that I used.

But when they got it, all they noticed was that the entire thing was filled with scribbles of penises. They then looked to see the dungeon master laughing in his seat like a madman. Itsuka was even thinking about bashing him in the head at least once.

(Oh, oh boy that was a good one. So, I know that miss representative here wants to hit me at least once so that she'd feel better, and I invite you to do so, but however, I have a bit of a challenge for you Miss Kendo.) I said to her as I then walked up and used [Full Transformation] To make myself look bigger than ever.

(If you fail at least once, I will have to give one slap on the head to one of your classmates, do you really wish to try your luck against the strength that I command?) I said as I then crossed my hands. I was standing at a solid 7 foot 3 with the transformation and I used a little bit of Argent Energy to supplement the muscle size.

I was built like a Primarch, and I could get close to their strength, provided that I use a lot more power and give myself some Minecraft buffs. Itsuka Kendo then stepped a few steps back to stay away from someone like the man in front of her.

(Well, are you gonna try Miss Kendo? Or are you going to stand the hell down?) I said as I then let my eyes turn red from the Argent surging in my body. This was a really fun thing to do to people when they least expect it.

I then stopped and let the power slowly go down. (Very well then, time for all of you to give me your names and Quirks, just use the other side of the paper, I didn't doodle on that side.) I said as I then sat my ass right back down to the spot that I was in.

I then checked the paper for all of their Quirks and they had quite the interesting line up:

- Hiryu Rin

Quirk: Scales

- Reiko Yanagi

Quirk: Poltergeist

- Neito Monoma

Quirk: Copy

- Kojiro Bondo

Quirk: Cemedine

- Juzo Honenuki

Quirk: Softening

- Manga Fukidashi

Quirk: Comic

- Setsuna Tokage

Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter

- Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Quirk: Steel

- Kosei Tsuburaba

Quirk: Solid Air

- Pony Tsunotori

Quirk: Horn Cannon

- Ningereki Shoda

Quirk: Twin Impact

- Jurota Shishida

Quirk: Beast

- Ibara Shiozaki

Quirk: Vines

- Kinoko Komori

Quirk: Mushroom

- Yui Kodai

Quirk: Size

- Itsuka Kendo

Quirk: Enlarge Hands

- Shihai Koroiro

Quirk: Black

- Togaru Kamakiri

Quirk: Razor Sharp

- Sen Kaibara

Quirk: Gyrate

- Yosetsu Awase

Quirk: Weld

I looked through their descriptions and then liked straight at Nezu with a very serious expression. (Nezu.) I said to him as I noticed that his fur started to go up.

(Y-Yes?) he said as I then stood up to shout out loud. (WHY THE HELL ARE THESE GUYS IN THE SECOND CLASS?!?! THEIR QUIRKS QUITE LITERALLY FUCK ASS SO HARD THAT IT GOES FUCKING RAW!) I said as I shook the little rat chimera over and over again.

(Dude, even the Manga kid could just say VWOOOOOM and think that it's a black hole. That shit may make him mute for life but fuck bro, that's a god tier Quirk, what the sit were you thinking about?! Sure they're children but you gotta see the wider fucking picture!) I said as the entirety of the class gasped behind me.

Manga Fukidashi, his Quirk allows him to make onomatopoeia sounds and let those sounds occur in real life real time. This was a discount Stand ability. (Dude, you gotta do something for me real quick, can you do it?) I then quickly dashed in front of Manga as he was shocked that I grabbed his shoulders.

(You need to say something for me, and you have to let your Quirk do so.) I said as I then whispered into his ears the magical words that'll make things go very dangerously. (Can you do it?) I asked him as he then nodded his head up and down and I smiled.

(Good! If I'm right this is going to be an awesome experience!) I said as I then led him right to the window. (Alright, you know what to shout out, I'll supplement the blast with what I can, just do it as loud as possible without your throat trying to bleed on you.) I said as he nodded again out of fear.

(On my count to three.) I said as I started



(3!) I shouted out loud as he then used his little speech bubble and I saw the beautiful beautiful words. (FUS-RO-DAH!) he then used his Quirk as it soon too effect. The Thu'um, the greatest gift that God Howard had brought upon the world. And in his infinite wisdom, his favorite saying comes up as I then looked at the damage that had been wrought (It just works!)

Nezu looked at me as he then shook in fear of what had just happened. (Congratulations Manga, you've just been able to use the Thu'um, a magical power which was used by people who eat dragon souls for breakfast, lunch and dinner before washing it down with the infinite wisdom of a scroll that contains all the wisdom in one reality.) I said as I pat the poor man's shoulders as I could feel the guy shake in fear for what he had just done.

(Calm your nerves, the Thu'um is a very simple saying and you did well. You didn't have the soul of a dragon, but I suppose the energy from hell and above would suffice to feed it to continue.) I said as I then laughed a little.

These guys were the real deal, they could make things so fucking good if I trained them. (Man, it's a shame that you guys are still gonna have to make a choice of joining me, it would have been cool if you all were students of mine.) I said as I then sighed as I knew that they were most likely not going to do so.

They had lives here, and that was honestly fine with me. {Well, I could always go to another reality for making a different path.} I thought as I then shrugged it off and told Manga to go back. (Well you just saw a bit of what I could possibly do, I know you're probably gonna decline my offer since I'm technically the bad guy here, but if you wanna join, I can promise that you could do a lot more and get more powerful.) I said as I then saw them all have pensive expressions.

(Take your time, I'll be here in this world for about a month, but if you want one free ability, then just call me up.) I said as I then walked out of the room.

2083 words. Okay, I have a bit of a question for you guys. After the AtG arc, do you guys want me to entertain going to different versions of the worlds that Frank has been to? I mean, I got a couple idea baking in the furnace and I wanna see them blossom but this choice is in your hands. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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