
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

The Thunder Of Guns

/Frank POV/



Well, now that's been dealt with for the time being I guess I could tour around the areas? I mean there isn't all that much for me to go and look for considering that AFO could come at any moment.

{Well, if anything feels off, always go and listen to music to have your beat in life be a little funky.} I thought to myself as I then pulled out my earphones and my phone, scrolled down to the music that I wanna go with, and just let it play in loop.



(STFU by Pink Guy)



Shut the fuck up

You're a fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up

You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick

Shut the fuck up

Stop being a fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up

Nobody even wants you here


I just want to let you know, you're a stupid fucking cunt

Go ahead and run your mouth, pussy, I don't give a fuck

You're a stupid piece of shit, you're a stupid fucking bitch

Get the fuck up off my dick, get the fuck up off my dick, like

Please end your fucking life, please end your fucking life

I really gotta emphasise, no one cares if you're alive

You're a fucking penis-hole, grab a dick and eat it whole

I need to know if you were dropped when you were just a fetus though

You're so fucking ugly and your face is fucking foul, jeez

You're so fucking loud, can you shut your fucking mouth, can you

Shut the fuck up

You're a fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up

You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick

Shut the fuck up

Stop being a fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up

Nobody even wants you here


Close your fucking mouth, you're just really fucking dense

If you hate me, why you talking? You don't make no fucking sense

Got a sad life, sad life, go to fucking hell

Are you stupid or disabled, man, I can't fucking tell


You're a fucking dumb shit, you don't even run shit

Get the fuck up out of my face and go to hell and eat a dick

Come and catch these hands, boy

Come and match these bands, boy

I'm not crazy, I just do it all because I can, boy

I hope you fucking die in a high-speed car crash

I hope you fucking fall head-first and get your neck cracked

I hope you have some beautiful children that die from cancer

I hope you catch Zika when your wife gets pregnant

I hope you win the lottery and die the next day

And your daughter has to see you getting lowered in your grave

Like, uh, ooh- that was a little dark

I'm sorry. Tha-that was a little dark. Very poor taste

Shut the fuck up

I shouldn't have said that

You're a fucking cunt

Actually, no, I should have

Shut the fuck up

Actually, I didn't say enough

You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick

Shut the fuck up

Stop being a fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up

Nobody even wants you here



Ah yes the sweet sweet symphony of people questioning my sanity. (Well then, that was a good enough listen, I suppose that the day is gonna shave to end for now.) I said to myself as I then kept an eye on what the Orks were still doing.

Surprisingly there haven't been any problems so far, aside from the occasional suicide prank of shoving each other off the walls. Well that sorta makes the place a bit more stronger since the spores will start to propagate there instead.

Well, time for me to have a quick little nap on this cold fucking concrete. Goddamn this place may be cool but there is a very large lack of amenities in their labs. Well that does make sense considering that there isn't much for them the focus on except their research.

No matter, it's still pretty decent enough. Well folks, I'll be taking my nap right now, you can just go and read the rest of the 3rd POV instead, hit it Anti!



/3rd POV/



/Inside the dungeon/



It has been a good amount of time since Frank had went and did something in the dungeon. The new prisoner that they learned about from Frank was a very dangerous individual, but at least Frank had made sure that he wouldn't be able to harm anyone anytime soon.

But the problem of loyalty remained. There was an obvious divide in the 100th floor. The first group is those who decided to go against Frank, due to the lack of trust and all of the things that he had done to them.

This group was mainly the two gods Takemizakuchi and Hestia, and the other members were the Takemizakuchi Familia members and some of the other familias. The other side consists of the people Frank really trusts the most.

This included the couple gods who were scared of him, Ereshkigal, Harhumie Sanjouno, the children he had saved and the dungeon itself given form.

The child of Hestia however didn't really know which side she was on. Yes he had done so many atrocities that it would only be obvious that he was a villain, but there was another problem.

He never truly acted like a villain in many of the times that they interacted. Most of the times he was simply testing things around or even helping people, or that's what she had assumed.

But the problem was still there, she didn't know if she could trust her own goddess or not. She knew that there was some good in him since he had went out of his way to help children, but she also knows that he didn't even bat an eyelid when he said he killed all those people.

{This is so confusing!} she thought to herself as she then threw her hands up in the air and promptly smushed her face onto the bed mattress. She didn't really know which side she had to walk on.

On one hand, it was the side of "heroes", the side that made her feel the closest to her grandfather. On the other, Frank didn't see her as someone like family, but she felt that he was still somewhat trustworthy.

{If only he was a good man, then we wouldn't have these sort of problems occuring in the first place.} she thought as she then felt like she wanted to have another nap, but she fought the urge. The dungeon was way too peaceful for her to be complacent in but she just couldn't help herself.

What with the beds feeling amazing and the food tasting spectacularly she didn't really feel that there was much of a problem with this place. {Maybe that's his plan, for all of us to become so lazy that he'd be able to get rid of us all at once.} she thought as she then signed once more.

All of this doubt was making her feel tired, so she simply got up from the bed again, slapped her cheeks to wake herself up, and pulls out her dagger. She was never really given a better dagger, and she felt that it was wrong for hr to even ask her goddess for a new one.

So she kept quiet about it and made sure that it was nice and locked into it's scabbard. She then walked out of her room to go and search for a good enough place for her to train in. So she tried to call out for the Domain and ask it to bring her to an open space within the dungeon, but there wasn't a single answer.

She didn't really know if the Domain actually had a schedule as to when they were available but she tried her best to keep an open mind. She then kept walking around until she noticed that she was back at the exact same room that they had seen Frank bleeding.

The memory of seeing him hurt himself for the pursuit of safety made her question her morals. Was she bad for thinking that he wasn't all that terrible? Or was she bad for not thinking that he was just another monster of the dungeon? Those questions kept swirling around in her head as she shook herself out of her stupor.

She was still here, and she was still going to beat the dungeon once and for all. All for her grandfather! But this time, she'll treat him as fairly as possibly when she beats him! She nodded at the thought of that as she then found a decently open area for her to do her training, despite there not being anything for her to train on.



/Frank POV/



Ah, now that was a very good nap. Well then, time to take a look at their progre- HOLY SHIT. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THIS PLACE?! The entire damn island looks like a fucking training camp for soldiers! There's so much Ork tech around that I'm just fucking awestruck.

Wait, I shouldn't be, this what they're capable of. They can't quite literally make guns out of sticks and stones. As in gunpowder-using guns. Well then, this is quite the interesting situation.

{But damn though, that's a very good time for their building, literally fucking minutes.} I thought as I then noticed that the Orks were lounging around for the time being. {Well ain't that nice of them to know to take a break instead of killing themselves to make time.} I thought as I nodded in approval.

There wasn't all that much that I wanted to wait for aside from AFO, so now I need to bring the bait. I then jumped down from the building as I then hit the ground once again. There wasn't any damage done to me, and the ground was cracked once again.

{I ain't paying for that shit.} I thought as I then whistled a little tune and got the fuck out of there. There I was, walking the streets of the island that I sorta took over. {Oh wait, I should probably go and meet with the parent and child, maybe I can tell them to help along with the defense of this place.} I thought as I then started to get ideas, ideas on how I could endure that people wouldn't be able to get to my level, or even bring them down to mine.

Perhaps I could have the scientists research a bunch of energies and find ways to nullify them, like Chakra since I had Yang Release. {Well, for Argent that's gonna be a bit of a struggle for me to get to that point. And for Mana, I can probably look towards using Eldritch as a nullifying agent.} I brainstormed by myself as I then kept walking.

I then saw Dagg sitting on the side of the building, with his eyes closed. The building in question was almost about to break down but it was kept stable thanks to the help of grav straps that Dagg put on himself.

Now you may wonder what that is, it's simple really, it's just anti-gravity devices that you can strap onto just about anything. You have an Ork vehicle that you want out of the atmosphere? Get a couple grab straps and now you'll be going E.T.

You want your extremely heavy golden staff to not crush the ground beneath your feet every time you try to do some fancy schmancy bo staff moves? Grav straps on the middle and now you can make it feel like it's the weight of a feather.

Essentially, you can make things less heavy with them. There were a bunch of other shit that the Orks make to make their weapons a little bit better but ultimately it's still the good old style of bum rushing when it comes to just about any battle.

And now, I'm feeling like waking up this beautiful bastard from his beauty sleep. I then climbed up to his ear, and screamed into it (WAKEY WAKEY YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!) I can say with absolute certainty that the entire population of the island thought that there was an earthquake when he panicked.

2052 words. Well, a bit of trolling on the thing that looks like a troll is always a fun thing to do. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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