
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Put Them Together

/3rd POV/



The Rabbit Hero Mirko was struggling in a battle against the dungeon master, as she soon learns that he's the type to play with his prey. {That fucker!} she thought as she soon tried to look for a way to get out of this situation. She didn't know how did the dungeon master find her and the other heroes but she knew that she either had to fight her way out of this, or be fast enough to evade them and find a new hiding spot.

{Great, of all the times for him to try and attack us.} she thought as she then cursed the dungeon master once again. (Well then Miss, I suppose that you should do your best not to get killed so quickly, eh?) the dungeon master said as he then motions the man wearing a mask to attack. She does her best to evade but there were too many attacks, and the man himself was also an extremely good fighter. {Magic and fighting ability, what kind of fucking bullshit is this?!} she thought as she then narrowly dodges another ice lance thrown at her. She still felt the burn in her legs, especially the one that was cut off by the dungeon master himself.

She didn't know how he was able to reattach limbs, but she sure as hell knew that this was because he wanted to fight even more. She would have followed along if not for the fact that she just saw the others killed for no good reason. (Why the hell did you choose me to spare?!) she shouted her frustrations out loud as she then starts to ignore the attacks thrown at her, even though they may be extremely damaging, and just went to kick the masked man using magic in the gut.

Unfortunately, that was a very short-lived bit of mental strength as the magic user soon conjures up an ice box and soon more shouts of pain come out of it. {And down goes the queen.} the dungeon master thought as he then walked over and ordered Midoriya to open the box up. The child complies as one of the walls of the box soon melt away as the dying body of another hero was shown to the public, well, as public as an abandoned complex was.

(You know, I used to find you respectable, hell, I even thought that you were cute. But look at you now, I'm the bad guy that somehow won because I had monsters under me, killing civilians as quickly as possible, that was the first issue that people would normally have with me. The second thing that I did was give the Non-Quirked population Mana, which also made them even more powerful, and now, here I am, giving an entire race of my servants an entire planet, just because I didn't really know how things would go.) he said as Mirko was about to leave for the afterlife.

(But you wanna know what I learned?) he said as he then turned his hands into claws once again. (It's that I'm way too greedy when I want to be greedy.) he said as he then plunged them into her chest as he swirled them around to ensure that her heart was ripped. And soon, a white wisp soon came out of her body as it tried to float upwards, but was soon grabbed by the dungeon master with the exact same claws.

(Also, I think that you'll make quite the boss monster, with those legs of yours.) he said as he placed the soul into his inventory and then left the scene with Midoriya, who was still under his control.



/Frank POV/



Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Finally, a new soul. Well, I guess I gave Kai pure hell, so now I have to figure what exactly am I going to do with the soul of a hero who has rabbit ears. {Hmm, well, I guess I have to go and take a look at the general area to really know what exactly I'm up against.} I thought as I then used creative mode, drank a quick invis pot, and then flew up to see the area. Well, the BFG was fucking overkill, but then again I didn't buff it as strong as oud expect me to.

{Alrighty then, rubble, rubble, rubble, Ryukyu the Dragon hero girl walking with Mt. Lady, rubble, Hawks, more ru- HOLS THE FUCKING PHONE.} I thought as I then noticed that there were still three of those fucks still alive. {Wait, I thought that they would've been murdered from the sheer number of monsters coming out of the dungeons? So why and how the hell are they still breathing and walking?} I thought as I then tried to wrack my brain for the task until I had two ideas.

The first one being that they weren't anywhere near the initial, or even the latter first floor attacks. The second being them very fucking lucky and not getting killed during the attacks. Albeit, Mt. Lady seems worse for wear I have to say. She gots herself hurt in some bad places, and I think one of her eyes got fucked up. Ryukyu had it easier with some scratches here and there. Hawks, well, he's just flying with a gun in hand as he then keeps searching with some anxiety laced into his expressions.

Well then, that's a bit worrying isn't it? Well, it just got worse as he soon flies into what was the battle field where me and the other heroes tussled and I won in, with Mirko's dead body still on display at the ice box. And Midoriya was still on the scene with his weapons still in hand. {Well, this is gonna be interesting.} I thought as I then grabbed a stack of steak from the game and watched what was about to go down. I can't read lips nor can I actually hear what they're taking about since they're way too low for m to actually hear what's going on, but it'll still be cool to see them duke it out if they do.

And then the two other female heroes soon come in as they also look at what happened and then started to shout and point at Midoriya, or what I think they're doing since they seem to be getting ready to square up. Well, not my problem if they find Midoriya too hard to handle without getting lethally attacked. {Hmm, maybe I can get closer.} I thought as I then flew a little closer without touching the ground as I then hear what's going on.

They're still shouting at Midoriya as he just stands there, menacingly. Like shit, it's like that meme template where there were two women shouting at a cat. Well, instead of a cat they're shouting at somebody who is capable and willing to kill them quickly. {Alright then, I guess I do have to bring myself into this little fray.} I thought as I then pulled out a bucket of milk and then consume the contents.

The three heroes soon hear what's going in and then saw the dungeon master, AKA Me, floating behind them in the air with my hands behind my back. (Well hello there heroes. Didn't expect for you three to get to this little scene so quickly.) I said as Hawks quickly uses his Quirk and releases all of his feathers at me in an extreme flurry as they all circle me.

(Frank the dungeon master! You are under arrest for-) Ryukyu said as I then scoffed. (What? Dispatching people who planned to make use of innocent people to kill me? Please, don't always think that I kill for the sake of killing, plus, they themselves considered themselves as vigilantes when they came after me.) I said as the heroes then looked at me with anger.

(Oh don't look at me like that, I still have way too many things to deal with at the moment, plus, who do you think made a deal with the UN huh? This guy right here!) I said as I did the this guy pose as they still looked at me with anger evident in their eyes. (Also, I really suggest you let the two of us go, since the only things that we need to do now is get my people to Mars. I believe you been watching the news about what was happening in Bhutan correct?) I said as the heroes nodded to me while still in their fighting positions.

(Well do you know that I still have a couple weeks til I finally go? All I have is supervision and some random escapades left, and then I'll finally be out of your hair. Does that make sense to you?) I said as I then hovered closer to the three of them as I tend patted Hawks' shoulder. (Despite all the things that group had done for you, they're surely not the good guys, because they're just the guys that try to keep everyone else good and two-sided. They need the world to be black and white since they need happy civilians.) I said as I then hovered away from the hero as I then went over to Izuku. (It's about time we went, shall we, my new general?) I said as I then reached my hand out and he grabbed it while having his head facing down.

(By the way, I want you all to know that this man is under my control, and he will kill if I order so, so I suggest that you all don't try anything funny, or else.) I told them one last time as I then teleported away to the thirtieth floor. {Domain, you should meet someone that you'll be working alongside with for quite the while, meet my new general for the armies that could occur while I'm gone from the dungeon.} I thought to the Domain as she then came and hugged my waist again.

\So what's so special about him Master? He seems strong with his magic but I don't really see anything else that's so good about him.\ she said as sh then climbed like a monkey onto my shoulder. {Oh don't be like that my dear, he's quite the trainable person. So I need you to do as much as you can to make him have as much as an edge for whatever he's gonna have thrown at him.} I thought to her as she then nodded. \Well, if you insist Master, but I do have to wonder who you plan to have him train with for him to fight with his fists.\ she said as I then rubbed my chin.

(You actually have a good point with that one. Albeit there are a lot of things that I didn't really understand at first, I guess I could just have him train with Stain for the time being. After that, I could have him go even further with more dangerous foes until he gets just good enough.) I said as I then remembered to make sure he doesn't get too strong for my safety. {In the meantime, make him a room with some basic necessities in it, such as food or anything of the sort.} the Domains followed along as I then quickly bought lots of protein based foods and lots of carbs for him to make use of during his training with Stain.

{That should do it for now.} I thought as I then relinquished my control over the child as he then looks around wearily as to where he was until he saw me. He then tried to use Magic on me, but I made use of a good amount of speed to grab him by the neck and have the Domain remove all the ambient Mana in the air. (Welcome to the dungeon once again Midoriya, I really wanted to show you something cool.) I said as he then kept struggling and shouting, trying to get out of my grip but failing to do so.

All the magic that he has? Worthless when you're the only one with the Mana, you need some of the ambient energy as well to make it good. (Oh don't be like that, I just made use of that little mind control because it's temporary. Now all I need is to get you to join my side with a different form of control.) I said as I then quickly threw him to the ground and then kept monologuing. (You see, you're talented. I like that you've got the will to keep pushing forward without any problems, so I suggest that you let this ha- I said as he then quickly grabbed my mask and flung it away, and within that split second, I wanted to make him scared and angry, so I changed to the good old Ricci face.

But wouldn't you like to know what happens?

2172 words. Oh boy, I didn't expect that my normal word count would get bigger and bigger by everytime that I write it. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side if the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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