64 For

/Frank POV/



Hey there guys~! I may or may not have taken a look about who to screw over and you know what? I say we finish off what we started and kill off the guy who pisses me off by such a degree that I shot him in the knee. You guys guessed it! I'm killing off the bisexual redhead who's obsessed with vanity to an unhealthy degree.

But Frank you already left him with psychological horror, why kill him now? Because his soul will help me in what I wanna do, plus I still don't like him at all for the things he tried to pull back in the original timeline, so there's another one there for the crossing of the checklist.

Now how will I kill him you ask? I'm going to rip his fucking spine out Yautja style and parade his fucking corpse around the city. Does that sound good enough for all of you cOOl and hIp cAtS? If no, then stop it, go get some fucking help.

Anyways though, I actually have to do some critical planning because Number 1: The guy is paranoid, now this may seem good since I'm sadistic but that means he's going to try and get as much safety as he can since he's batshit scared of me.

First things first, some snooping around cuz I don really know if he's gonna go through with it or hide like a little pussy. But first things first, I gotta try and deal with this gray ass chakra that I can use.

I got a lot of it, it's just that I have absolutely no clue how to play around with it, sure I have Yang Release but that won't exactly be fully useful without the other side of it.

Yeah you guys know what I'm talking about. I'm taking about Yin Release and all that shit. Given the fact that they are both extremely overpowered in their own rights, it wouldn't be bad to, you know, mix then right?

Now big problem here is that I have no clue how to get Yin Release. I have to perform some surgery-esque shit to be able to use it. Now Orochimaru was able to put Hashirama cells into Danzo with some special chakra and a shit ton of surgery.

How can I top that? By studying more than twenty books on modern day surgery and by God did I have a headache while doing that. But it was somewhat worth it since I had a couple new torture methods cooking up in my mind.

(Hey System, how much did that cost me again?) the system prompt appeared again as it stated to me that all of the books costed me about 5 Luck. Now that was cheap.

{Well then first things first, supplies, second, locations, he doesn't seem to be the type to think far ahead so I'll make good use of that information.} I thought as I prepped up, putting on my ballist gear and Foundation mask. I then grabbed for my BFG since I wanted to clear that bitch out quickly.

(Okay then Domain, send me off to the surface. I have a meeting with someone.) I said as the girl came in and nodded, as she raised up her hand and waved me away. And like that, Operation: Mommy Lost Her Boxing Match With Daddy So I Have To live With Grandma For The Time Being is now a go!



/Apollo Familia Mansion/



Apollo was scared. No that was an understatement. He was so terrified that he even tried to kill himself in multiple occasions so that he wouldn't have to face the wrath of Frank the Dungeon Master.

{I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for I'M DONE FOR!!!!} he thought to himself as he was crying in the corner as the very many Familia members of his, including his very bi Captain/Lover was even trying his best to calm him down.

(Apollo-sama! Please calm down! We'll be staying here accruing materials and weapons to ensure that you'll be safe.) Hyakinthos said as he then nodded to another member.

They wanted to make sure that their god didn't have to worry about the man who attacked him. They were all busy that day, but now he's hurt and mentally scarred, they had to put up a stand against the monster.

He took up his blade, the Sun's Flamberge, and walked over to the front of the Familia's gate. Dozens of Apollo Familia members were in neat lines, all of them having hateful or stern expressions, aside from Daphne and Cassandra, who despite both of them already having the "graces" of their God to leave the Familia, were forced to stay by Hyakinthos.

He said to them as he walked by (You two, keep on guard, in front of the gate.) he spoke in a borderline angry tone. (Are you trying to get us killed? You expect us to just stand right in front of the gate where that monster can kill us instantly?!) Daphne spoke out to Hyakinthos, as she knew for a fact that if they stood there they would most definitely be the first targets.

(You dare to oppose me?! I'll report this to Apollo-sama this instant if you don't listen to me right now!) he showed right in her face as spittle lew right at her. She scowled at Hyakinthos and told him (Leave Cassandra out of this! She's a healer! What can she do to that man if he comes near her?) Hyakinthos simply waved her off and pointed at the gate.

Daphne huffed in anger as she told Cassandra to stay put. She would rather die alone than bring her friend along with her. Cassandra held onto her as looked at her sadly, and then let go after a few seconds. Daphne swallowed up all her feet as she steels her heart and walks toward the gate.

({This is it, this is how I'll die, but I'm going to make sure that monster takes a few scratches!} she thinks as she then takes out Fencer Laureate, a short sword made for her.

And so, the entire Apollo Familia waits for the coming of the monster that attacked their god. Little do they know, that the very monster that they prepared for was simply walking towards a very specific location.

It was Daedalus Street, and he was there to meet up with a few people. Or more specifically, Evilus, who had left a message to him via a note that someone slipped into Frank's pocket.



/3rd Person Frank/



Frank was walking along the barren streets of Daedalus, they were quiet a good portion of time, only disturbed my the occasional child running with their friends.

He knew that there were a few things that he wanted to do here. The first being meeting with a few of the Evilus gods that came back to Orario.

They gave him a good deal that he couldn't help not to resist. After all, it was information referring to a very specific blind in one eye lizard. And he was looking forward to getting it.

Obviously he brought along his other weapons, namely his SSG, the Bolter, and the Glock. His inventory was huge but it was mostly containing ammo and other things.

Yes his inventory nay have gotten extremely massive since he had control over a god, a super soldier that could kill anyone, and a demon that nobody wants to fuck with.

({Oh boy here we go. Time to meet some very interesting people.} he thought to himself as he then walks into another alleyway, personally he considers these places to be somewhat safe since barely anyone wants to go near poor people.

He then winds up in front of a door, wooden and rotten. {Okay bitch please, you had to choose the door that looks the most suspicious? You fucking idiots.} he thought as he then opens it. Or more specifically, the handle broke off and it fell down forward, to which his actions alerted an individual cloaked in black.

Said individual pulled out a very "scary" looking knife and proceeded to run straight at Frank, and guess what, he was shouting while doing the dumbest shit ever.

Frank mentally facepalms as he simply dashes under the person and pulls away their robe. What he saw was interesting to say the least. It was a girl,an elf to better describe it, and her hair was silver.

Her face was marred with anger until she noticed what Frank held in her hand. Then she looked down to see that she was only wearing the equivalent of a bra right in front of this stranger.

And finally to top it all off, she screamed really really loudly as she started to cast what seemed to be Earth Magic. {Is this a quick cast or is her actual chant just to scre-} he thought as he saw that she covers her hands in sharp rocks.

(Hey there, my name is Frank and I was wondering if you're the person who was supposed to help me meet with your superio- and now you're trying to kill me that's great.) he said out loud as he does her extremely clumsy attacks.

( What is it with you girls and screaming if their tops are torn o- oh wait there's actually a lot of things wrong with that.) he said out loud as he turned to the side and saw that there was a tunnel.

The elf girl, who was still trying to attack Frank was very tired from trying to attempt murder and proceeded to walk over to Frank with her rocks falling off her hand. (So what are you done or wh-HEUGH!) he said as he jumped backwards as a rock spike cme out from the ground whee his crotch was.

(Watch the merchandise woman! I may not have a girlfriend but I'd prefer if I still had my junk on me!) Frank shouted out as he then turns both of his hands into claws and proceeded to absolutely dunk on the poor girl.

Her eyes had sadness in them as she saw the blades going right to her eyes. But at the last moment he backed off and transformed his hands back to normal. (I've seen those kinds of eyes before kid, I'd rather not do something that'll make it hard for me to sleep at night.) he said as he started to walk into the corridor.

The elf then runs ahead of him and spreads her hands out and says to him (You can't go in there! The monsters will ft you and eat you!) she spoke as Frank took a minute to look at the kid with a deadpanned face.

(Kid-) he said as he puts his hand on one of her shoulders. (I beat your ass in and somehow you're still walking, not that's admirable, despite me not using most of my power, hell I don't even think it was near a single percent. But you saw my hands. They weren't sharp nails kiddo. Those are my hands becoming claws.) he spoke as he applied a little pressure in her shoulder and patted it.

(I'm a bigger monster than whatever they have inside there kid. Also how old are you and why are you stalking around these parts with a knife kid?) Frank said as the girl then looked at him with disappointed eyes as she held her stomach.

And as comical as it sounds, it growled in hunger. Yes, the poor elf girl that has to hide herself as a common bandit in order to mug people of food has appeared. If that isn't some of the most cliché shit I've seen then I don't know what is.

Frank looked at her as he noticed that he didn't give back her cloth. (Oh yeah wear this kid, we don't want the monsters to think that you're easy prey) Frank spoke as the girl then nodded at his words. She then wrapped the cloth around her randomly as she then comically acted bedazzling.

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