

/Frank POV/



Well, I have to say, all this waiting was getting really fucking boring. I don't know why do I want to go to one o the few places that openly say "fuck you" to cultivators, well, mainly due to my hatred against them. I don't know, it's that or I want a good spot to hide in. Albeit I just noticed something, instead of running, I could just use /tp. Yeah, obviously I'm not smart enough to have the memory for that.

Things come to me at odd moments, but it doesn't mean that they're without meaning. Welp, at least she's not able to sense me due to the fact that I don't have a great cultivation, so there's that. And if, say, I do cultivate which I don't really have a plan to do so at all, I might as well ensure that I never leave the "Foundation" Realms since it might be a little funny for Mr to just stick to being at the baseline level. Now, Anti did a little research, and he's been learning about AtG a lot more. One of the things he's learned is that Qingyue's mom, who was the woman that left Qingyue's dad, has a body thingy that ensures that her children also get body thingies.

Do I understand what does that mean? I don't fucking know. What he does know and tell me about is that if I were to stick this woman into the dungeon to get pumped with seed 24/7, this might give me a Gacha for special units. Ooh~ me likey, plus this might as well be her punishment since she's into two guys, the guy who she was supposed to marry and is also pretty famous for having a lot of "people" i.e. a lot of concubines, and Qingyue's dad. I'm not gonna lie, I'm starting to grow even more respect for the old man every second. He went and cucked a dude that cucks for a living. I guess I could label him as one of the true sigma males. Whatever the fuck that means.

Well, after thinking about shit so often I could finally see the city that pst me built, and holy shit it's straight out of a fucking sci-fi book. Floating shit all around, flying cars, jetpacks, hoverboards, the whole shebang. I'm so happy that he made nullifiers for Profound Energy cuz if they ever found a way to reverse engineer this, then we're screwed. There wasn't all that much for me to think aside from the fact that they used English letters and we're pretty good at speaking in English. THANK FUCKING GOD, AT LEAST MY AUTO-TRANSLATE CAN GET A BREAK NOW. Well the way you could describe my auto-translation part of my system is that it's like those old Kung Fu movies that Jackie, Lee, or any of those guys ever starred in. Their mouths don't match with whatever the heck they said in the original.

Like bruh, it's a literal fucking translation. There's no other way to describe it. Well, I really hope their vernaculars match up to mine since this is gonna be fucking awkward for me to try and talk to them without understanding whatever the hell that they're saying. {Okay okay okay, is there a lift system for me to try and insert myself into? I guess I could use that method.} I thought as I then slowly float my way down into the city itself. The field was still active and it was a two mile long drop, on the shortest part of it, for any cultivators that may grow a pair and try to attack the city. Not to mention the sheer amount of guns that they so happened to stick under this entire city and the giant fucking railgun that they have in the middle of the city!

{Oh boy, oh no no please don't think that I'm a cultivator, I'm just a guy who can't die and is capable of meeting most people in this reality without a single thought.} I thought as I then noticed that there were quite the number of alleyways and then go into one of them. The people weren't all that seen in public so I assumed they aren't the types to go out whenever they want. But there were schools that they could join. (Wow, and here I thought things couldn't get any more mundane.) I said as I saw literal billboards all around the downtown area of the city. Well, the hovercars weren't all that hard to try and handle, since they fly as good as they float. I guess the past me spent a metric shit ton of time trying to get a good flying AI for these things.

{Well then, I guess the only things that I have to look out for i-} while I was thinking I was suddenly interrupted by a cry and someone saying something about the police, and hoe they found a cultivator. (Oh my gosh! It's a cultivator!) it was a male voice as I felt someone hit a bat to my head. (Yow! The fuck?) I said as I turned around and saw someone wearing a really cool suit of police armor (Holy shit, that's good gear man!) I said as the officer then got confused and asked me (Sir are you a cultivator? Or did you also participate in Party Rocking Friday?) he said to me as I was questioning what the fuck was Party Rocking Friday and where can I join it. (I don't know, I think I did? The booze was cray cray man, can't remember how many people I made out with there!) I said as I faked having a headache as the officer soon let his guard down (Sorry about that sir, it's just that ever since the Omega passed away the people have been feeling a little more scared than usual. He's been able to lead us to victories every time that we go at a random clan. We need most of their Profound Energy holding "treasures", albeit they're not all that good.) he said as I nodded, past me was the closest thing to a warlord against the cultivators.

(Well officer, that party I was in was so crazy that I may have forgotten my name, and my address.) I said as I scratched my head. The cop sighed as he shook his head (We get cases like yours often, come with me to the precinct and we'll do our best to try and find out wherever it is you're crashing at.) the cop said as I nodded. This place is actually pretty cool. There's a party every Friday? Damn yeah! There's occasional raids for "treasures" from sects to find things that can hold the Profound Energy the nullifiers suck in at an extreme rate? Fuck yeah. I mean, we could always try and find a new source of energy via Dyson Sphere but that's still going to be a really long time.

I could predict that it's gonna be taking me a few dozen decades just to get the logistics for the first phase of building. And that's wit worrying about the possibility of one of the those fucking cultivators trying to blow up the local sun. Alright, time for the rant to end. The car that he had looked sleek and sexy at the same time and by god I wanna know whatever the fuck the military had in this place. Sure these are the civilian class things, but let's be fair, all the real toys are in the military.

I then step out of the hovercar and we were already the station. There wasn't all that much to it, just some weapon checks, some guard with even bigger guns, and then there was the average desk person. (Hey 5524, I got another memory loss case from Party Rocking Friday.) the police officer said to the desk person as I then just waited and noticed that there was a water dispenser near me, so I got a cup, filled it up with water and drank. The cup was then placed into a can that was built into the dispenser and then it was sanitized and reused. My god, the tech in this place, it's fucking amazing.

(Alright then bud, we got a room available for you at the moment, the best way to say it is thy it's gonna be a little bit of a headache once you're done.) he said as I nodded and followed him. The place was normal and it was pretty empty, I guess that you can't just have any crimes existing whenever people in this place hate cultivators with a shared amount of hatred. That's the concept of hatred in being expressed twice in the same sentence, now that's a lot of damage.

I then noticed that we were getting awfully close to the cells but we soon go into a room and then there was a chair and a really odd contraption hanging above it. (Well that doesn't look ominous at all, no sir.) I said as the cop laughed at my little quip (We get that a lot, albeit this is an old version, we're still asking main for the budget to get the latest so that it stops scaring people into thinking that we're gonna execute them.) he said as he then led me into the seat. (I'm gonna strap you in now, is that alright?) he said as I answered back (Might as well, ain't that much for me to be worried about aside from you hitting the wrong button, haha.) I said as he chuckled again.

(Man you could do great for a colleague, if you find out you're a cop, do us a favor for the precinct and try to transfer here.) he said as he then prepped the device.

I quickly turned off any and all enzymes and nerves that can feel pain and wait for it to happen, and then he just unbuckles me from it (It's done? I honestly thought this would take longer.)

I said as he then shrugged (Not much for me to say, the eggheads never really explained how much of the Omega's designs worked, and they don't wanna give out the other details for the better versions of them just in case a low level cultivator tries to pull a fast one.) he said as he then escorted me out of the precinct. (So, know who you are now?) he asked me as I then looked at the city and smiled (I'm a guy that works at Central, I think.) I said to him as he looked a little surprised (You could do that again, I have no idea why the fuck I was put on leave for the night but I don't really care, I'll see you when I see you.) I said as I waved him away and soon enough I walked away form the precinct and went back into invisibility.

Not all that much for me to see from the normal parts of this place, aside from what I could do in Central. Also, this place doesn't have the Geneva Convention, so chem warfare is fair game. Cultivators don't know that mustard gas isn't connected to Profound Energy, so when they try to attack with Wind, they don't know how to react whenever it doesn't get affected. Not to mention that it seems that I made a personal guard for myself, now try and guess what the hell I named the leaders of this place.

The O-5 Council, with me being Omega-5. Well that doesn't make my ego bigger, no sir! Well, not that I could anything about it anymore, the other members were the ones who handled every part of the city. 0-1 handled the education and entertainment sectors. 0-2 handled the resources department. 0-3 handles the trades and diplomacy department, and 0-4 is military. They all had their luck at the fate of cultivators before they met me. Now they respect and are quite loyal to me.

Well, I don't wanna know what kind of bullshit they're going at after my death but the people called me by the "Omega". Mmm, stroke my ego more will you?

2054 words. Well, I didn't really name the city yet, so I'll be asking you guys to do that for me. After all, what's the point of having readers to help me with writing, when I can't ask them to do anything? Anyways and as always I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts
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