
Listen well

Maria and Risa entered the meeting room.

A large room with distinct soldiers-

Various types of armor.

Some even had bikini armor…

‘What’s that protecting?’ Maria didn’t voice her question. After all, she had better things to worry about.

Namely- the incoming stares from the nobleman inside the room… or were they all royalty?

“Now entering! Princess Alexdandrite Nervaine Risa of the Dragonborn and Lady Marianne Silvers of the Owen Lineage!”

Surprised stares-

Some mumbles.

The two took their designated seats.

Just behind them Xerc and another Dragonborn stood by.

Oddly young the other one.


Maria noticed some of the seats being empty.

“That’s the dwarven King, Dayhe,” Risa whispered pointing at a rather big man on the opposite side- big muscles… but on a closer inspection, he was sitting on a small stool on top of the chair to appear….ahem… “He’s quite reasonable.”

Risa explained things about various leaders present.

Next chapter