


The man cleared his throat and the two guards outside the tent, woke up haphazardly.

Maria rolled her eyes.

These people were soldiers and they were under attack just moments ago. Not to mention they were still going through a crisis, and here they were asleep just outside the general’s tent?

Yes, it was almost morning and this was the sleepiest time for most- but- still.

She had this nagging feeling that these people were either amateurs or just not soldiers.

‘Maybe they’re using civilians just like the demons?’

The man with Maria went closer to one of the guards, said something and the guard just ran inside, coming back a moment later.

The two nodded and the man looked behind. “She’ll see you now.”

Maria knew this wasn’t the best idea.

But she had no other choice.

She didn’t know her way and she didn’t know why this army was fighting or why they weren’t backing down. The things the demons said, made sense but how much of it was true and how much was fabricated still weighed on her.

‘This isn’t the time to second guess yourself.’

She took a breath and headed inside the tent.

‘It’s big…’

The tent looked small from the outside- but it was much larger on the inside. Almost like a large room of sorts; half of it was separated by a large curtain. Magic perhaps?

There were some supplies, armors and weapons in the corner. A table in the middle.

And a woman sitting just in the opposite side of the table, inches away from the curtain behind her. “What brings you here, Commander Xercs at this hour?” The woman spoke; voice gentle.

A beautiful woman- too beautiful perhaps.

Her horns were majestic, her eyes, sharp and her stare almost sent shivers down Maria’s spine. So far- she was the second most beautiful person she’s encountered in all her life and there was no doubt about it.

“An Owen Noble-” He spoke quietly. “She’s the one….”

The woman- or rather the general wore armors made of dragon scales- two large feathers sticking out of her arm guards. Her head was protected by a tiara- almost like she was a queen of sorts? “Owen-” She wondered, standing up. Her scaled armor glistened in the little light the magic lamp provided.

She came this way, stood in front of Maria- a good foot taller than her; blue eyes, purple hair.

Maria again didn’t know how to respond, so she just stayed quiet.

The general just checked Maria out- even sniffing her hair once.

‘The hell is wrong with her?’ She still stood her ground hesitant on whether to just stand still or push the lady in front of her away.

Xercs cleared his throat. “That’s inappropriate, your highness.”

‘Highness?’ Maria saw where this was going. ‘Good thing I didn’t then-’

Of course, the general would be a noble. But she didn’t expect her to be a princess!

‘Oh wait, she could even be the queen!’

The woman exhaled and took a step back. “I apologize my lady. Shall we have a seat?” She went towards the end of the table and brought out two chairs, placed them opposite to one another and took a seat.

‘And what are you apologizing for, exactly?’ Maria took a seat as well. “Tough times, you’re going through,” she said.

‘Why did I say that?’ And she regretted it the very next second.

The general sighed. “Yes,” She admitted. “Real tough times. We should have never started this. Then again, no one can predict what happens in a battlefield. All this anxiety is making me lose sleep and in turn, less beautiful.”

Again, Maria didn’t know what to say.

“Actually- I have a report, your highness.” Xercs paused. “My lady just saved a hero from a horde of undead. She was brilliant! I’d never seen such fine control of fire arts. She must be a prodigy!” And he was very excited no less.

All this time, the man didn’t even show a shred of emotion, and yet- now he exploded like a little child.

“Really?” The general exclaimed. “That is wonderful- ah! Where are my manners.” She cleared her throat- excited. “Alexdandrite Nervaine Risa.” She stood up and made a courtly bow, sitting down a second later. “Ninth to the throne of Dragondale.” She had a smile.

‘Are women even allowed to be that gorgeous?’ Maria also stood up, a little baffled at her beauty; she distinctly remembered that little ball’s comment on how there were far more beautiful Dragonborn out there... “I’m Marianne. Marianne Silvers.” She sat down.

She was nervous to share her name.

She knew nothing about this Owen Noble thing and the owl on her shoulder had actually fallen asleep, so she couldn’t do anything.

But to Maria’s surprise, things just played out fine. “I see. So, you are using your human name.” The general looked relieved. “Yes, that is indeed wise. I’m sorry you had to see us in this state, my lady. And I’m awfully sorry, I couldn’t even provide you with a cup of tea. Things aren’t really favorable right now….” She let out a small inaudible sigh. “But since you’re here, would it be alright with you if I were to ask something selfish?” She almost pleaded.

Her tone was a lot less formal.

“As long as it’s something I can do- I’ll try.” Maria didn’t want to get involved in this any more than necessary.

Her own thoughts weren’t quite organized yet.

She’d come to another world, got stuck between matters far beyond her and things that had nothing to do with her. She never had much love for her country or the burning desire to go around saving people. She didn’t. After all, she was forced to fight.

But this time, she chose this herself- she chose to be here. And she was unsure.

Was she really doing the right thing?

Was this, really, right?

“Do you have any suggestions? We’re losing this war- the other generals refuse to acknowledge that. Many are dying and personally, I think it’d be best to retreat for now. If the order came from me- it would cause quite the trouble for us later on. So-” She paused and just stared at Maria.

“So, you want me to give that order?” Maria also stared, with no particular emotion. “And you think my order wouldn’t cause any trouble?”

“Surely you jest my lady. Your orders are absolute. I doubt anyone would refuse you,” Xerc said, pride in his eyes.

‘Seriously, what the hell is an Owen noble?’

But- Maria just stared strictly. “What ‘are’ your plans? Surely you already have something in mind?” She couldn’t just ask about this whole ‘Owen noble’ thing directly. So, she made up a plan.

The woman- Risa smiled. “But of course, my lady. I’ve prepared for sixty-eight possible scenarios that can go wrong tomorrow.”

“Then prepare for another backup one. After all, the battlefield is unpredictable.” Maria just repeated Risa’s words, emphasizing.

Risa smiled. “Brilliant.”

Next chapter