

So for days Harry worked and worked not on any magical creation nor item but it was his heart he worked on. He worked on letting go as much as he possibly could.

It was not working.

His face smashed back into the ground with a wet thud. He growled and tried to stand once more with the same success as the last time.

Another wet crash was heard as he went face first into the ground once more. He was down on his stomach and felt tears roll down his face. He did his best to wipe the forming signs of weakness away but couldn't.

He knew he couldn't, no he wouldn't. He wouldn't let go of the death of his friends and family! He watched Ron and Hermione tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, he watched the rest of the Weasleys burn to death in their childhood home.

He watched his teacher, his mentor Dumbledore, killed by a man he trusted. He watched Hagrid beat to death by his own imperiused brother.

He watched his Godfather fall into the veil of death and never return, he watched Remus Lupin get torn apart by werewolves.

He avenged all of them, except for two.

He remembered being the person Death Eaters feared. He remembered being the person that would kill Giants, werewolves and vampires with ease. He remembered walking through battles with no fear.

Dementors stopped approaching him as he became their fear. Then, he was truly The Dark Lord's Equal, he could stare the man in the eyes and not flinch and had multiple duels that caused city's to collapse and the sky to shake.

That changed after Ron and Hermione were killed, unlike most other deaths where he was too late to react or he could have potentially done something, anything.

This was different; they were captured by Bellatrix who laid a trap. He tried to rescue them only to get trapped in a pair of wards that to this day he could not figure out what they were.

He watched them being tortured for hours. For hours he watched his best friends tortured, they held onto one another as they screamed and begged for death.

Kingley Shacklebolt dragged him out of that trap kicking and screaming and ever since that day Harry had not been able to cast a single spell with his wand.

Harry felt more tears stain his bloody broken face and cursed. He could feel his magic running through his body and held onto the feeling of his magic and slowly strained and he pushed his body up.

His burning knees were first, still he pushed past the pain and eventually got his bloody hands off the ground.

Slowly but surely he stood and when he did stand he took a step, he felt his knees buckle but pushed forward. He could feel the muscles in his neck straining just trying to keep his head above his shoulders.

But slowly and surely he started to walk, the veil the old man walked through wasn't even 20 feet away yet it felt like each single step alone was worth more than a hundred thousand normal ones.

But eventually he was within 5 feet of the veil and had several times smashed each of his knees into the ground. He had to stand again and again, but he won't give in to just laying down.

He won't forget what happened to his friends, he will never forget and he won't hide away from the truth anymore.

He needs to stand up again.

He is very sure that he had permanently injured some part of his body but he would not accept laying down for the rest of his life!

He will kill the death eaters, he will kill Bellatrix and he will spit on Voldemort's warm corpse.

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