
Prologue part 2


"That must be room service." Nicole gets up and puts on an over-sized tee shirt heading to the door.

"When did you order room service?" I thought get up. I start putting on some form of clothes when I hear a scream. I ran over to Nicole and see her being held hostage by a man.

"What are you doing?! Let her go."

I charge toward them until I see a gun pointed at Nikki. I stop a couple feet in front of them glaring at the man who was holding my wife.

"That's right. You stay right there Jasmine or should I call you Viper." He says with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I think you have the wrong person, so how about you let my wife go and we just forget about this."

The man just smirks and shakes his head.

"I don't think so. I am sure your exactly the person who I'm looking for and even if you weren't I wouldn't let y'all go. Not when there are two fine ladies here that need a taste of me." The man licks Nikki's face and I see her cringe in disgust.

I try to move closer to him, but he notices and points the gun at me.

"Don't you fucking move or I will blow her head off."

I keep my hands up and stay where I am. I wish I could punch that disgusting smirk off of his face.

"Colon, that's enough."

The man drops his smirk and rolls his eyes. "Yes, Boss."

On my face is pure shock, because I know this voice. I see a man pushing a food cart into the room and placing it beside the bed.

"Hello, Jasmine. Congratulations on the wedding. Sorry I missed it, but then again I wasn't invited anyway."

"Christopher, what is the meaning of this." I hissed balling my fists in anger.

"Well, this really shouldn't come as a surprise Jaz. When I meet with you last time, I told you that you can't get out of the game that easily. But NOOOOOOO, you wanted to get married and start a new life with your beautiful bride. I got to say, she really is a beauty, but you know how it is the only way to get out is to die." He walks towards Nicole wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"After everything I did for the organization, THIS is what you are going to do to me. Just let me and her go Christopher and no one will have to know. We will just disappear." I look between him and Nicole seeing her already starting to cry. I hate to see her like this. I am supposed to protect her and keep her away from all this craziness.

"As much as I would love for you to find happiness, but unfortunately that's just not in your future. So I'm going to give you a choice to either come back to the organization and continue being Viper or you and your wife will die here and now. Now of course if you do come back your wife will still have to die, but at least you will get to live."

I look at my wife and see her smile sadly already giving in to her fate. I look at Christopher with a smirk on his face waiting for me to choose and I close my eyes shaking my head.

"Alright, I will go back."

I hear Nicole break out into sobs and Christopher laughing.

"Good, I knew you didn't really love her. You just wanted a quick fuck, I knew I could count on you. Now, how about you take that knife over there and kill her."

Christopher points to the knife on the food cart and signals the other man to push Nicole over to me. I walk over to the knife and grab it feeling the weight in my hands. I grab her and she starts to struggle against me. I kiss her as hard as I can trying to convey how much I love her.

"Nicole, Just trust me OK." I whisper on her lips glancing behind her seeing Christopher turned around making a phone call and the other man just staring at us with lust in his eyes.

I have to work fast to make sure we both get out of here alive. I push Nicole hard onto the bed making her roll off to the other side and threw the knife at the man. When he sees me threw it, he opens his eyes wide in shock and fires his gun at me. The knife hits him in his heart and he falls down confused. Since, he panicked when he shot the gun at me, it only hit me in the shoulder. Christopher turns around seeing the man on the ground and me running toward him.

"This is why you can't hire amateurs for help." Christopher says taking out his gun.

I tackle him and we both fall on the floor wrestling for the gun. I am on top of him trying to point the gun at him, but unfortunately Christopher is a lot stronger than me so he pushes the gun toward me and shots me twice in the stomach. I cough up blood on top of him and he pushes me off toward the man I previously killed.

"See now why did you have to do that. You made this whole mess and for what!? That whore over there hiding. I'm really disappointed in you, Jaz. Love really did make you weak because you would have been able to kill me and him if you kept up with your training. You were one of the best hitman in the world, but now look at you. Your nothing more than a dying girl with no one to remember you by. Well at least you and your wife will get to die together. "


I shout and beg him to leave her alone but he ignores me and walks over towards her.

Tears in my eyes, I see him drag her by her hair over towards me with her kicking and screaming.

"Shut up, whore!!" He says smacking her. He kneels her in front of me and she softly cries.

"Any last words you have to say to her?"

I look at him with so much hate and he shrugs his shoulders. Just when he's about to pull the trigger, Nicole swings at his leg stabbing him with something. Christopher screams swinging his fist into her face. I look toward the dead guy next to me trying to find his gun. I see it on the other side of his body and use all the strength that I have to reach over his body and grab the gun. Once I turn around back to Christopher, I see him pulling out a pen out of his leg cursing. He looks down towards Nikki with pure hate in his eyes and points the gun at her. She backs up in fear and I lift the gun in my hands and fire at him three times. One in the head and two in the chest. I see him fall down on top of Nikki and feel the energy in my body start to leave me.

Nicole pushes him off her and runs toward me.

"Jazmine, stay with me Love. Stay with me. Help is going to come soon. Just stay with me."

Nicole pushes down on my stomach with one hand trying to stop the bleeding and reaches for the phone that Christopher dropped. She calls 911 and give the location for where we are.

"We... should have went…. scuba diving. *Cough* You would... have loved it."

"We are still going Jaz, just hang on."

I feel her tears fall on my face. She and I both knew by the time the ambulance gets here I would already be dead. The bullets him more than one organ and I was losing blood fast. She was trying to do some form of first aid, but she didn't have any of her usually medical equipment.

"Nicole, I'm…. I'm not ... going to make it. You know that. I …. I …. I love you so much."

"I love you too. I love you too...."

I slowly shut my eyes and start losing all feeling in my body. I feel myself getting colder and colder until nothing.

I think I gave her a pretty good death scene. Please comment, I'm always willing to hear constructive criticism.

Jjsw1creators' thoughts
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