
The Masked Vampire King's Accidental Bride

(Mature content R-18+ Contains gore, no second woman drama or rape.) My love sees no end, no right or wrong. Because when I love I want you to be mine as much as I am yours - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "I told you I want to ruin you," he cupped her jaws while pinning her to the wall. "And you have done enough. Now I am leaving," she snapped back. "You didn't get my words, Princess," he sneered coldly. "When I say I want to ruin you, I want to bind you to my bed and fill you till your scent becomes one with me and every fucking person in this world knows who you are... That you are fucking mine!" He slammed her into the wall, kissing her passionately. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, the illegitimate daughter of the King of Heart Moon City with the hunter bloodline only wants one thing in her life; to know and meet her biological mom. Innocent and beautiful, Elliana is often a victim of her stepmother's and stepsister's plots.  Sebastian Marino, the infamous masked Vampire Prince, has suffered nothing but hatred from everyone around him. Everyone fears him since he has a power not to be reckoned with. After serving in prison for one year on behalf of her stepsister, Elliana is surprised to get bailed. However, her happiness is cut short when she finds out she is to marry the vampire Prince in her stepsister's place. Elliana knows nothing about the vampires, and Sebastian hates everything that comes with those evil humans.  What would she do when she gets married to the named monster of the dark world who takes and hunts without mercy? "Are you not curious about what I look like?" He grabbed her chin painfully. "Reveal your face to me when you trust me," she smiled softly. 'That's never going to happen,' Sebastian thought. To him, she was nothing more than a tool to get his revenge on the humans. To her, he was more than everything she laid her eyes on, even more than the truth of her existence. There is a power even bigger and more powerful than anything and that power is called fate. Will they be able to fight their fates to stay together or succumb to it and lose it all? The story of the deadliest witch disguised as a human and the most dangerous prodigy prince who survives on vampire blood. Disclaimer- The book is built around magical world and pure fantasy. The romance will make you feel butterflies in the stomach while some scenes might have you question sanity around love. The first 50 chapters will build the world around the book. I promise, if you stay, you are going to love the book, until this isn't your genre. ~~~~~~ Follow me on my social media. Facebook - Author Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj

AngelinaBhardawaj · Fantasy
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700 Chs

Chapter-8 Annoyed prince

"Mmmm, Mom,"

Sebastain's eyes flew open when he heard the sweet angelic voice in the middle of the night.

He looked at the girl, curled up on his side, hugging him like her life depended on it, almost over his body, and narrowed his eyes.

He clearly remembered placing her on her side of the bed once Lucas left. When did she shift so close to him, or should he say over him?

Why did he not feel anything?

It was unlikely for him to be unaware of his surroundings. Did he really fall asleep so deeply that he didn't feel any movement at all? Or did she deliberately come with hushed movements so he doesn't find out?

"Please, save me, Mom," Elliana's voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he looked at her trembling lips with scrunched brows.

Because of her presence, he now has to wear the mask even when he was in his space so that she doesn't find what he looks like.

"Mom," Elliana whimpered, and a tear rolled down the corner of her eyes before her fist on his chest clenched even more.

It almost looked like she wanted to claw his chest with her kitten-like nails, and Sebastian grumbled when he felt strangely good about it.

He remembered what Lucas told him about her getting bullied and wondered if she was having a nightmare about some traumatic incident.

He had many of them.

"Hey, what is wrong? Are you having a nightmare?" Sebastian asked without shaking her, proceeding to only look at her.

Seeing her still whimpering, he sighed and placed her straight on her back. He looked at her for a few seconds and then did something he never expected himself to do.

"Sssshhh, it's just a nightmare. You don't have to worry about anything," Sebastian ran his hand through her hair soothingly.

He sighed loudly when he noticed her breathing finally evening after a few minutes and her heart returning to its normal speed.

As if his earlier softness wasn't enough, he kissed her forehead and lay back on the bed on his back before pulling her under his arm so that her head was on his forearm once again.

Sebastian closed his eyes calmly before opening them with a jerk when he realized what he just did.

The hell! What was wrong with him? He wasn't supposed to be so supportive and caring of her! If she was having a nightmare, wasn't it good? He grumbled before clenching the arm that was wrapped around her.

These hunters deserve to suffer for how cunning they are, no?

'Maybe it's because she was calling for her mom, and it felt like home?' his conscience reasoned, and Sebastian nodded at himself.

That must be the case. There is no way he would be so caring towards a hunter. Bride or no bride, illegitimate or legitimate, she belonged to the hunter's family, and that was enough for him to want her to be hurt, no?

Sebastian was harshly brought out of his thoughts when Elliana snuggled her face into his chest, placing her lips on the shirt he was wearing right above his heart, and he felt his heart skipping a beat at her innocent action.

His heart skipped a beat? He groaned inwardly, barely controlling the urge to throw this woman out of the window and see her blood ooze out of her body slowly until the last drop for confusing him.

Bewitching woman! He scoffed before forcing his eyes shut to forget about whatever happened tonight. He will just deal with her later.

In the morning ~~~~

Sebastian opened his eyes and looked at the goofball still curled up by his side and sighed.

It was already 6 in the morning, and look at how peacefully she was sleeping. So much for being in the palace of her predators. She looks like she is having the best sleep of her life. He scoffed.

He suddenly had this strong urge to kick her out of bed and let her know he doesn't like staying in bed for such a long duration.

As if she heard his silent cursing, Elliana opened her eyes, blinking them twice to get used to the environment before she rubbed her eyes like a little girl into the unknown.

Elliana looked around, patting the area around her in a daze.

She grabbed a fistful of his shirt before closing her eyes and smiling, unaware of the demon glaring at her.

Wait. She remembered sleeping on the carpet. How did she end up on the bed? And why is this bed so tough and -

Her eyes flew open before she looked up, gulping loudly when her eyes met with the prince's dark ones.

"Did you have fun assaulting me in your sleep?" Sebastian crossed his hands behind his head to support his head as he looked at her, and Elliana felt her heart drumming loudly at his voice before the position she was in with the Prince registered in her mind.

Her left hand was half hugging Prince, her legs entangled with his legs, with her left leg pressing him under her, and her head was partially on his chest, under his neck.

Not even a part of the prince was pressing her in any way. It was all her. The more Elliana observed their position, the redder her cheeks went, and she bit the inside of her cheeks, not knowing what to say in a situation like this.

"I… I…" She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, not coming up with anything.

Seeing her so flustered and looking for answers, it was obvious she had no idea how she ended up on the bed.

Remembering the information Lucas gave him about her innocence and naivety, Sebastian had an impulsive desire to tease her again, and he couldn't help himself as he supported his hand on his palm before looking at her with his dark gaze.

She was looking anywhere but at him, and her scared-kitten act ignited a fire inside him that he didn't know was even there.

"If you wanted to touch me so badly, you could've just said so," Sebastian grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"What were you doing, climbing on the bed in the middle of the night and jumping on me like this? Do you have some kind of misconception that I don't touch humans? Do you want to start our first night as a married couple?" Sebastian asked further, the meaning behind her words making her choke on her saliva.

He bent towards her as if he wanted to kiss her and smiled. He could hear her fast beating heart that looked like it was playing some bass tempo.

Getting the reaction he wanted from her as revenge for what she made him do last night, Sebastian breathed into her ear softly before distancing himself enough for their lips to be a few inches apart.

"Get ready soon and come down for breakfast. We have a timed schedule for everything here," He moved out of the bed before Elliana could blink her eyes, going straight to the bathroom.

As if someone pumped oxygen into her lungs with force, Elliana breathed heavily before looking at the ceiling, catching the marvelous drawing for the first time.

That was a close call. She almost felt like she would lose her life by not breathing for so long.

But the question remained. How did she end up in bed? Elliana narrowed her eyes, following the pattern uselessly before sighing and standing from the lush bed.

It was the same dream again.

The same dream where she is stuck in a burning forest with nowhere to go.

It's funny how she doesn't know who her mom is and how she looks, but every time she sees this dream, she keeps calling for her mom to come and save her. It was a weird feeling, and Elliana didn't know what to feel about it.

She never saw the girl in the dream calling for her mom. The only familiar thing about her was her voice which matched Elliana's.

Sometimes, it feels like it was a memory engraved deep inside her heart. Then again, how is that even possible? Was this some rebirth mystery, or was her overthinking paired with her paranoia?

Elliana walked to the balcony and closed her eyes for a few seconds, letting the wind from outside soothe her aching heart that felt hollow.

Happiness is not a luxury. It is a battle only the strongest warriors can fight for. Elliana told herself before biting her lips to control her overbearing emotions.

She placed her hand over her chest before walking to her bag to take out the pair of clothes for the day.

She placed her clothes neatly in order on the ground so she didn't have to fold them again while keeping them back inside the bag.

Sebastian walked out of the bathroom and looked at her on the ground, sitting Indian style as she chose what to wear, and he scrunched his brows.

She looked like a little girl playing with her Barbie's clothes.

"Why are your clothes still in your bag? Have you asked the maid to arrange them? What is Miss Zoya doing?" Sebastian was about to call Zoya when Elliana shook her head slightly.

"I don't want to intrude in your space. Living with me might already be strange for you. However, I assure you that I will minimize my presence around you the best I can. I know you hate me, I mean, hate the humans and are forced to live with me because of this peace treaty. Don't worry. I won't make your life harder. I promise," Elliana said in a single breath, and Sebastian quirked his brows.

What was wrong with this woman? Does she not have any dignity or self-value? Why was she down regarding herself like this? He didn't even -

Sebastian paused when he remembered all the time he huffed and sighed around her. Does she think he is annoyed and irritated by her?

Well, he technically was, but it's - uhhh, how does he explain it? Sebastian sighed in annoyance again.

"Haven't you checked the closet even once?" Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose from above the mask before walking to the closet.

"Even an animal looks around to get familiar with the place it is going to live in," Sebastian scoffed, and Elliana looked down in shame.

It was an insult. There was no doubt about that. But she was cautious of not bothering the prince and crossing boundaries, no? Elliana felt slightly wronged, and when Sebastian noticed the expression on her face, he sighed.

"Come here and have a proper look," Sebastian grabbed the handle and jerked it open for Elliana to see clearly.

To say she was amazed would be an understatement.

"Is this... Is this all for me?" She looked at the prince, flabbergasted.

"I assure you I have no interest in dressing up like a woman. I have better things to do," Sebastian leaned on the door.

Elliana looked at the number of dresses ranging from beautiful expensive ones to comfortable ones. There were even nightgowns of different styles, and a red tint rose to her cheeks when she saw the lingerie hanging in the corner.

The closet even had multiple footwear along with jade and stones embedded clutches and purses along with high-quality makeup material.

"This closet is yours. You can use whatever you want or throw whatever you don't like. I know this place and species is new for you, but don't give others the impression that I don't treat you well," Sebastian said, and though he was casually saying these things, he meant every word he spoke.

He can't have his grandpa think otherwise and find another nook in him.

"My grandpa will arrive later in the afternoon. I want you to look presentable. I don't care what you think of our species or how innocent or powerful you are," Sebastian walked to Elliana.

"In front of my family, you will act like a -" Sebastian paused to find a suitable word.

And Elliana, who saw him pausing, was sure he meant to say 'slave' and was trying to find a suitable word now.

"Queen," Sebastian ended his statement, and Elliana looked at him, shocked. However, she only nodded in return.

Sebastian turned to leave the room, and Elliana looked at him earnestly. She wanted to talk about the money, but what should she call him now?

"Mr. Mar...Mr. Seb... Mr. Prince," Elliana breathed softly before closing her eyes.

She really tried hard to call his name, but it didn't roll off her tongue like yesterday. She will have to practice a bit.

"What is it?" Sebastian didn't comment and asked without turning to her.

"Can I get some money?" Elliana's sudden demand made Sebastian quirk his brows.

"Money? How much?" Sebastian asked.

"A- Around 20 lakhs," Elliana whispered, and Sebastian raised his brows before turning around and looking at her closely.

Has she started to show her colors already?

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