
Powerful Divine Power !

In the depths of Sam's formidable ' Infinite Chaos Battle Forms,' the mightiest attacking technique was not delivered through a blade but rather by the sheer force of his fists.

At the moment, the force behind Sam's most powerful punch could cut a half-foot indentation into an Iron Tree trunk. When confronted with the strength of his blow, the Iron Tree, noted for its toughness similar to steel, would crumble like brittle stone.

Sam, his unyielding gaze fixed upon David, had pinpointed his target - David's chest. With a sidelong shift, he launched a punch.

A thunderous "TANG!" resonated through the air as David, unable to withstand the ferocity of Sam's strike, spat out a crimson torrent and was sent hurtling through the air.

Even the protection of his resilient armour, his cultivation at the Second Stage of Physical Training, and his intense bodily conditioning were insufficient to endure Sam's exceptional prowess.

The stunned spectators surrounding them watched in mute disbelief. David had boasted of defeating Sam within three moves, yet the outcome was completely reversed. Sam had triumphed over David in merely three moves!

In each of the three exchanges, Sam had emerged victorious. Had it not been for his flexible armor, David would have met his defeat much sooner. This hardly resembled a battle between a First Stage Physical Training cultivator and a Second Stager; it was quite the opposite.

"Senior Liu, what is your perspective on this matter?" Amidst the duel, an elderly gentleman materialized among the onlookers.

In his youth, this elder had ascended to the Fifth Stage of Physical Training, the Bone Forging Stage, a single step away from attaining the coveted Pulse Condensation Stage.

However, he had ultimately fallen short of breaking through. The lifespan of a Bone Forging Stage martial artist was similar to that of common folk; their bodies couldn't withstand the ravages of time.

Although Senior Liu had surpassed seventy years of age, rendering him devoid of combat prowess, his perceptive eyes remained keen.

The elder pondered for a moment before offering his insight. "That child possesses Powerful Divine Power."

Martial talent was classified as Grade One or Grade Two, solely measuring one's capacity to absorb primal energies into their body efficiently. The quicker this absorption, the higher their martial talent. However, a martial artist's physical strength wasn't considered in this measurement, as most individuals boasted similar strength levels.

Occasionally, though, rare individuals were born with innate divine strength.

Some possessed tenfold or even greater strength than the average person, providing them a distinct advantage in combat. However, such martial artists were exceedingly scarce, and not all of them achieved greatness.

As martial cultivation advanced, the importance of innate strength dwindled in comparison to the significance of primal energy.

"So that's the explanation..." The surrounding observers nodded approvingly; the reasoning was sound.

Sam reclaimed his knife, striding purposefully toward David. The current David was a pitiable sight. His clothing hung in tatters, blood dribbled from his mouth, and his visage bore the marks of dirt.

David likely wished to disappear or, better yet, end his own life. Today's debacle would forever stain his memory; he was destined to become the laughingstock of Starlight Haven City.

Sam demanded, "You were the one who proposed a wager of one thousand golds; pay up."

"Damn it!" Hearing those words, David nearly spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Why did I have to be so reckless? Did I truly have nothing better to do? Why did I escalate it from eight hundred to one thousand?" Even though David hailed from a prominent family, producing one thousand golds was no small feat.

Today's humiliation marked the most profound and unforgettable moment of his life. With so many witnesses, he couldn't backpedal on his words.

Moreover, the duel's terms prohibited any subsequent revenge, lest he become the target of widespread ridicule.

"Money! Bring forth the money!" David barked at his attendants. To uphold his end of the bargain, he had no choice but to amass the sum through his subordinates.

Since David had spat blood, Alex had been rendered speechless. It was only when Sam called him that he finally snapped back to reality. "My heavens! Is this actually happening? He won!"

Furthermore, they had won a thousand golds! This was an extraordinary windfall. Alex's entire fortune didn't surpass two hundred golds. Purchasing a single Blood Gift consumed over half of that amount.

Alex's eyes, never particularly large, nearly disappeared as he beamed with delight.

"Haha! We're rich! We're rich! I don't know what to say. Thank you all for your unexpected generosity in our time of need. We're truly grateful for your support.. On behalf of the common folk, we express our heartfelt gratitude."

Alex's sarcastic words hit 'David,' who was already severely wounded, like a brick. Previously, he had declared that he'd change his name if he couldn't defeat Sam within three moves.

-Curse him to the depths of hell!

David gnashed his teeth in fury. The others contorted their faces in extreme frustration.

To them, Alex's present appearance, though unattractive before, was now utterly loathsome. After collecting the gold bills, Alex theatrically spat into his palm, counting the money with exaggerated motions.

"Twenty, thirty, fifty, hundred, hundred five, hundred seven..."

Alex counted the thick stack of gold bills three times before grinning with narrowed eyes.

"Eight hundred and fifty golds. One hundred and fifty short, gentlemen. Aren't you wealthy individuals? How can you not cough up such a trifling sum?"

Hearing Alex's words, David nearly vomited blood once again.

His countenance darkened as he shook his right hand, producing a "ding" sound as he embedded his longsword into the ground. "Strong Sharp Sword, a weapon like this can fetch two hundred golds at any weapons shop. We're leaving!"

Six of them had sought revenge, only to relinquish their possessions, including their swords, by the end. David had never experienced such pathetic humiliation.

Seeing the Strong Sharp Sword, grinned. He possessed some knowledge of weaponry, and the Strong Sharp Sword was unquestionably extraordinary. At the very least, it surpassed the one he had been using.

Sam said, "If you like it, it's yours."

Alex responded, "I can't accept that. Brother Sam, you don't even have a weapon yet."

Sam replied, "My fists are my weapons for now. I'll acquire a weapon that suits me in due time. Although this Strong Sharp Sword is sharp, it's too light for my combat style."

Alex recollected the astonishing punch Sam had delivered earlier and agreed that the sword was unsuitable for Sam's might.

"Alright, then I'll take this sword. You're truly remarkable, Brother Sam. I never imagined you possessed such abilities." Alex had never witnessed Sam in action since he began cultivating martial arts. He had believed that Sam's current strength was the result of sheer hard work.

Sam explained, "David underestimated his own strength. He's merely a beginner at the Second Stage of Physical Training, and his foundation is shaky at best. His cultivation is likely propped up by an abundance of medicinal substances, and his martial techniques are unremarkable. Defeating him isn't a source of pride; my primary target is Max."

Max stood apart from David. Possessing considerable strength and a solid foundation, his Grade Four Martial Talent wasn't just for show.

Furthermore, he was a diligent worker. At present, Sam had no chance of besting Max.

Sam accepted the gold bills and handed a stack to Alex without counting. "Use this."

Alex objected, "What are you doing? This gold was all earned by you. I already took the sword. I don't need the gold. With my cultivation approach, ten golds per month is more than sufficient."

Sam remained silent for a moment before accepting the gold bills back into his possession. Between the two, such details were unnecessary.

"Alright, let's head to the fair."

"You're absolutely right! Haha, I nearly forgot about the fair! Now that we have the means, one thousand golds! Unbelievable! I've never seen such an enormous sum of money in my life! This time, I'll make a grand entrance!" Alex happily exclaimed.

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