
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

72_ Show Yourself!


Sarah and Evie came out all packed, Evie fought not to make eye contact with Zeke and she was doing perfectly, however, Zeke couldn't stop glancing at her.

"Are you ready?" Xavier asked.

"The princess can ride with me," Zeke said, attempting to take the princess by her hand over to his horse.

"No, she'll ride with me," Sarah said, standing in front of Zeke with a glare.

Zeke stepped back, confusion etched on his face.

"Whatever," He said, backing off.

"Let's go, we don't have much time, The assassin might be on her way to Cranes Kingdom," Alex said getting on his horse.

Xavier also got on his horse and when all of them were seated, The guards opened the gates and they galloped out.

{Back in The Cranes Kingdom}

In the meeting room, King Aaron addressed his Sons, Generals, and Commanders.

"My son, Prince Xavier just sent a message that there is an assassin on the loose, We should be very cautious and prepared, This so-called Assassin called Raven brought down the Stones Kingdom," King Aaron said.

"What? But Stones Kingdom has the strongest defenses!" General K said in shock.

"Well, not anymore, the assassin. Burned the kingdom to the ground and brutally murdered His Majesty, King Epirius," King Aaron sighed.

"What do you suggest we do Your Majesty?" Prince Nathan asked.

"Have soldiers guard the castle day and night and report anything suspicious to General K, every corner of this castle must be guarded," He said and Prince Nathan nodded.

''It's a good thing Admiral Alex and the Prince went to Stones Kingdom, or else we wouldn't have known of this threat," The Duke said and the King nodded.

"I just hope they found what they were looking for," King Aaron said.

"You mean an Assassin, just one assassin defeated all of King Epirius's soldiers, killed him, and then burned the Kingdom to the ground?" Prince Elvis asked.

"A girl, The Assassin is a girl," King Aaron said with a nod, showing the letter Xavier sent to the people at the table which Xavier wrote in Capital letters 'A GIRL' 'do not underestimate her.' it said.

"A Girl?!" Joseph asked in shock.

It was unexpected, that a girl could bring down a whole Kingdom and also kill hundreds of soldiers.

"Are you sure Xavier is in his right mind, he has been acting off since he returned," Elvis asked again.

"Even if he isn't, this is a threat and we need to face it head-on, and without slipping. Dismissed!" King Aaron said, dismissing them.

After the King dismissed them, Prince Nathan took a stroll at the river side of the castle.

He stood above the waters and brought out a cigarette, ready to smoke, He was about to light the cigar when he heard some rustling behind him.

He turned back hastily but there was no one there, so he assumed it was just an animal, maybe a bunny.

When he was lighting his Cigarettes, the hairs on his body stood alert, he felt someone sneaking up on him.

He quickly pulled out his sword, swung it, and took a stance, looking around him, he saw nothing, his blade cut through the air.

"Come out you coward, show yourself!" he yelled, his eyes scanning his surroundings for unknown threats.

He stared closely, his eyes darting and concentrating on the exact spot the bush ruffled.

A bunny jumped out of the bush which confirmed his suspicions, he took a deep breath, exhaling and sighing in relief. He was scared down to his wits right now, he put his sword back in the sheath and held onto his cigar, about to light it again.

As soon as he turned back, Someone attacked him with great speed, not giving him a chance to pull out his sword and fight back.

She was draped in a black cloak with a hood covering her face. She was holding a kitchen knife which she used to stab him multiple times as his ear-piercing scream echoed through the Riverside of the castle.

The Soldiers and guards heard his cry and quickly ran to the scene but they were too late, Their prince was dead, lying in his pool of blood.

"Over there," A guard said, pointing to the departing assassin, who was running as fast as she could.

They chased her but then she went into the Palace's Kitchen and they followed, they screeched to a halt, looking around for the assassin, but there was no sign of her, it was like she disappeared into thin air.

"Look for her, leave no stone unturned," The elite soldier who was in charge since Alex was not here spoke and soldiers spread through the Kitchen.

"Madam Lisa," A soldier called, seeing the old lady, lying on the floor unconscious.

Other Guards rushed to her aid, they checked if she was still alive and thankfully she was, she wasn't even injured which came as a relief.

Her eyes fluttered open weakly and she uttered in a whisper, "Assassin," She said.




The King stood at the scene of the crime, accompanied by his sons and General K.

He clenched his fists and his jaws, trying to keep himself in check.

"And you're sure the assassin did this?" He asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty...We didn't arrive at the scene in time, we deserve to die," The Elite soldier said and kneeled in front of the King.

"We deserve to die," The soldiers dropped to their knees.

"You fucking fools, You will die by my sword due to your slow-wittedness," Elvis said, drawing out his sword and was about to behead the soldier when the King's voice thundered.

"Stop this insolence!" He yelled, finally channeling his anger into his voice. He was panting and trembling like someone who had run a marathon.

"Prepare the body for burial, we bury the body on the day after tomorrow," The King said.

"I want Xavier and if possible, Adam, to be here for their brother's burial rites," He said again and then turned to leave, heading back into the palace.

"Your Majesty what are we going to do, we have a deadly assassin loose in this Kingdom, and our palace," General K said.

"She would not attack today," The King said.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because if she does, I will kill her with my own bare hands," The King said, halting in his tracks. They could see his eyes red from anger and this was the first time.

King Aaron was a peaceful King and he had never offended anyone, even if he unknowingly did, he always found a way to settle it peacefully, so who would have the guts to send an assassin on him?