
Chapter 1: Everyday Life

It was a calm day. Just walking to school from home.

The wind is blowing. The birds are chirping. The sun is beating down on my face like it always does.

Honestly, I hate school.

It's so boring, you never learn anything that's truly useful!

Who needs to know algebra, the natural sciences, survival tactics, advanced martial arts, fatal injury treatments, all the other useless stuff.

Why do I need to know these things in order to be successful when I grow up?

All you have to do is be powerful, beat people half to death, get the credit, and climb up the ranks until you're number one! So simple!

Why does school exist?

Whatever, my master says that I need to go, and whatever he orders me to do, I must do.

Life's just unfair sometimes.

I need to release my anger.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere changed. The wind blew a little stronger, I felt the hairs on my back stand up, the sun felt hotter than it was two seconds earlier.

I smirked slyly. Looks like my wish was granted.

"Hey! Are you Daniel Rainer?!" A deep and threatening voice boomed behind me, I could feel the stranger's spit stain my clothes.

Before I even turned around, I pictured the strangers looks, powers and weaknesses.

From the time it took his voice to reach me, he was standing at least seven meters behind me. By tilting my head fourteen degrees downwards, I could already see his shadow. Using these measurements, he was around a hundred and eighty centimeters. He was definitely pretty buff, I might be facing a Strength Type user. But from the sudden heat burst that wasn't there before, he might also be a Flame Type too. This means I'm fighting a Two-Power Combinator. This may be a bit annoying if he is a master of both powers, because that means I have to use more than one percent of my strength.

I finally turned around, and as expected, I was right in my predictions.

The man was half a head taller than me, with flashy, star-shaped sunglasses that covered his eyes. His spiky, brown hair looked like the back of a porcupine. He didn't wear a top, so I could see his shining muscles that protruded outwards.

"You better be ready!" The man yelled out boastfully, "Because I ain't giving mercy!!"

Before I could answer back with a smug retort, the man charged forward at lightning speed.

His fist was aimed at my face and—


A huge explosion of dirt and dust spewed out into the air, making the scene blurry with filth. The man grinned as he waved away the dust from his eyes, expecting a masterpiece before him. But instead...

"Not bad..." I answered as I dropped my unharmed backpack onto the ground casually. My feet was buried into the road, a pair of lines dig into the earth as I was repelled away from my original spot. I wiped away some grim from my face, "But I don't feel a thing."

"I-Impossible!" The man cried out. His face warped into a fierce glare, as he charged towards me again, his fists lit on fire, literally burning with hatred.

The first punch landed on my chest. The second, right on my chin. I felt the G-Force weigh in on my back as I was pushed forward continuously with all of this man's strength.

And yet, I felt nothing.

"DAMNIT!!!" The man grew impatient. His fists were now completely overwhelmed with fire as he bursted forward with no boundaries holding him back. "INFERNO BURST!!"

Suddenly, my entire vision was filled with the burning sensation of fire. I watched silently, as a tornado of fire enveloped me with a blazing fury.


The man breathed heavily, leaning on his knees for support. He looked up hopefully, confident that he had finally won—

"That's really the best you could do?" I scratched my cheek in disappointment. His Flame Power was strong, but the most it could do was make my school uniform give out a little smoke. "Such a shame..."

My eyes sparkled with a blue tint.

The man's face paled, but he didn't even have time to react, as I raised my fingers, and flicked at him.

He couldn't even see the avalanche of rocks and cement coming at him.


"Yeah, call in the construction team too. I made a mess again." I spoke into the phone with a bored tone. "No! It's not because I farted again! It was an actual fight!"


"Just send in the team. I'm late for school. Bye Jeremy."

I hung up and inserted my phone back into my pocket.

I looked up at the view before me.

It was a complete mess. The streets in front of me were completely carved inwards from my flick earlier. Dust flew everywhere. The street lamps would never shine light again. It looked like a tidal wave made of lasers had just flowed past.

"Yeah... maybe I went a little too far this time..." I whispered to myself.

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