
Volume I Chapter Three Questions

Athena personally would have waited in the room until someone came to kill her but she unnaturally found herself walking towards the open door 'What the hell am I doing!!' Athena screamed in her head but she couldn't stop her body from walking towards the open door, having an odd sense of bravery and courage, but the wounds that ensued from the door way stopped her in her tracks. Loud grunting and the pitter patter of a liquid hitting the ground stopped her from walking out of the doorway. She contemplated if she was really gonna go through with this, Hell yeah she was, she would walk out of the doorway as the sound of it slamming behind her made her soul jump out of her body and a small screech left her lips. Almost instantly she could feel the feeling of people watching her as she turned to see a blade slash by her face, narrowly missing her as a piece of her hair hit the ground "Ah you turned in time" a voice said that came from the person holding the b...no they weren't holding the blade, the blade was coming out of their body

The figure was female and her beautiful red hair was pulled back into a ponytail along with her piercing red eyes to match her hair, the women's gaze were like daggers stabbing into Athena, but the red haired women quickly turned narrowly dodging a machete like blade that would have sliced straight into her shoulder "Missed me bitch!" The women had yelled out. The figure who had attempted to kill the women scoffed as he pulled his elbow back slamming it into the women's face causing her to reach up and hold her nose yelling as blood spurted out of it, now that she took a look at the man she had fuzzy flashbacks to the rapist..this was the guy that saved her!.

"Hey you alright miss?" He had asked referencing Athena, she had opened her mouth to talk but couldn't help to notice his cut clothing that revealed multiple wounds that were bandaged up. He had noticed her staring and proceeded to follow her gaze to the wrapping "Ah don't worry about that, just been fighting in this place for a few weeks" He stated sarcastically, Athena frowned in confusion "T-That's impossible we were just kidnapped last night.." she stated feeling panic rise in her chest. "No it's been two weeks I think, I woke up in one of the rooms like you and took as much of the gear they gave me that I could carry, want through it all And waited in this building until they put you in, I thought they had killed you or something but it looks like they must have put you into a medical coma or something" He said looking back towards the growling redhead.

Athena felt herself Tear up, how could she have been thrown into this place full of ability user's. She wasn't an ability user! They must have not realized it "Anyway I don't think I properly introduced myself on that night" The man said smiling but keeping his eye on the other women who seemed to be somewhat docile for now "My name is Jack Growl, your knight in shining armor". Athena could feel his cringe sarcasm from a world away as she shook his hand "Athen Price, the person you keep saving" she said following up by looking back at the redhead. Jack lifted his hand towards the women's face "State who you are before I cook that pretty face of yours". Athena's face lightened up as she remembered that Jack's ability was some kind of heat ability but the women's voice quickly snapped her attention back to the situation at hand

"The names Ava Miller '' she stated in a deeper voice then you would have expected for a woman, "Ok but why where you attacking Athena here?". Ava's face lightened up "Are you stupid? This is a fighting pit, last one standing lives and is released back into society" Jack just seemed to be nodding his head the entire time "Well you're lucky it's just you two that were released in this sector of the building, otherwise this would have been a blood bath" . Now that Athena actually looked around her she noticed things that made her eyes widen, Lockers lined the walls along with dried blood everywhere and even fresh bodies that either had bubbled skin or had hacked limbs off. Athena stepped back covering her mouth, Jack looked back at Athena and looked back Behind her at the bloody sight as he stepped towards Athena but she backed up even further "Look I had to do what I had to do, those people came in here looking for you and her to either **** and then kill you or just slaughter you. They have been in here for years and would do anything to get out of here Athena, you have to understand" Jack stated approaching Athena cautiously

Of course Athena understood but at the same time it was shocking that people could kill others so easily "S-So is this some kind of school?" Athena asked looking at Jack and then Ava "Seems like it" Ava had said stretching as she rubbed the blades coming off of the top of her arms "Fighting pits are usually held in ruined city or countrysides, rich people bet on a person and wait to see if they made the right choice". Athena shook her head well understanding the topic and turned to start finding a exit before Jack had grabbed her shoulder stopping her "There were five of you but one died by their own hands with a gun from what I could hear" he said looking at the two females "At least I think they killed themselves, there are two other people that entered here plus people that were already here are gonna start flooding the place to find you guys for two reasons. Kill the competition and to take new weapons and supplies", "Then let's go kill the fuckers now" Ava remarked walking up next to them. She wore a pink almost red top without sleeves but seemed to be a hoodie of some sort that was torn and ripped with a white undershirt and tight jeans along with combat boots "Can't, to many of them I don't doubt. Gotta think they don't clean these places out for years so you know there are people that are as desperate as us newcomers to leave and will do anything, plus they probably have better weapons...Actually weapons check everyone" Jack stated turning to the two females

Athena would show her weapon which was her icepick that looked like it was being held together by glue, Jack showed his which was the machete. Ava on the other hand had no weapons "What? I can literally make my own why would I need extra weight?", Jack sighed "She is right though, Athen use your ice pick it will most likely be the best use for you...what's all of our abilities?" He asked nervously rubbing his neck. Ava was the first to speak up "Well you know I can make blades on my body, but they are based on what I eat. Crawfish I've found is the most effective for strengthening the blades but..they have to pop through my skin which hurts like a son of a bitch", Athena said sighing while looking at the blades on her arms and noticing the torn skin and blood. "Well I can produce microwave radiation from my body, that's why I can cook people's skin pretty easily. Bad part is it cooks me too"Jack said chuckling sadly as he looked at his red palms, both of their heads snapped to look at Athena as she raised her hands up "I-I..this is hard to say..I don't have a ability!" Athena yelled out at the two

Ava's Jaw practically hit the floor as Jack shrugged "already knew", Ava looked at him shocked as he raised his hands "I knew because the night we met she wasn't defending herself, any ability user would have defended themselves if they were in her situation but she couldn't. So it was a big red flag but they threw her in here anyway since I fucked one of them up" Jack said confidently. "You burned one guy's wrist" Athena started raising her brow "Hey give me some credit!". Ava recollected herself "Great..a person to protect", Athena took that as an insult but ignored it. The trio turned walking in silence for a bit before turning a corner and finally Jack spoke up "We should go get that gun, I mean it gives us a big advantage and it's extra protection" Jack offered in a rational tone, "Question is do you know where this other area is ?" Athena asked questionably as Ava nodded agreeing with her. Jack just chuckled "Athena I've been in this building for two weeks, a person gets really bored in that amount of time" he said looking towards her "I know where everything is". Athena smiled as Ava chuckled "Let's go get us a fucking gun"

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