
School's Ideas

*DING*. It was the end of break for all the kids in Brooklyn Academy. As slow as a snail's pace, Isabella trotted along, chatting to the roaring crowds. She always had questioned about "Why should we go to school?" and "Don't they realise we're living in a prison?" but would never get an answer.

"Class! Quiet down now! You absolutely cannot come in like this! Look at the state of you!"screamed Miss Claire like a tiger. All the kids in 6C hushed down except from Isabella. Out the corner of her eye,she noticed Miss Claire stomping towards her with firey eyes.

"Now, as you have been talking, go to the back of the line and HUSH!". So now she hurried along to the end of the line and went inside the classroom quietly.

"I have an amazing idea for all of you! Go into pairs, but Isabella your going alone, and your going to any woods and spend the night there. You need to take lots of pictures about things you might have never saw,"announced Miss Claire calmly.

"I'll go into Lorla Woods, the most funnest of all!" thought Isabella to herself. Her friends ,Lola and Isaac, decided to go to Harlem Woods and Berry Woods.