1 The Darkside of the Moon

I met his gaze when he turned his shoulder to me, as if he could feel our bodies lusting to one another... why does this feel weird, have I met him before?-I shook away my thought as the train lurched to a halt. Passengers filed out of the doors; twisting, crowding and speeding in all different directions while I fought my way around them. I felt his creeping eyes tracing my body as I climbed the stairs. He swiftly followed me down the stations mid-center; stalking. The more I sped up, so did he, -was I being followed?

I dead ended myself into a hallway, searching for anywhere to hide. His footsteps came to a soft patter, the tall man stood at the end of hall. Our eyes met, yet I couldn't read his face. I need to run, but I cant- there is no where to go. He glides closer to me, as I stand stiffened. His broad body towers mere inches from my face. "Why are you scared of me?" he whispers in his deep husky voice. He brushes his warm gold hair away from his eyes as he leans closer to me. My heart races, Im too distracted to answer him, I glance to his thin beautiful lips and framed cheeks, traveling up to his glossy grey eyes. "I-i, who are yo-", I'm interrupted by his gentle caress across my arm. His eyes narrow and begin to soften as he drops his gaze. "Christopher is very lucky to have you..." he quietly sneers. I stand confused, how does he know who my fiance is? I gulp and step back from his reach. "How do you know Christopher!" I demand, my voice shaking. He glances around the hall and turns his back to me. "You are in danger" he growls.

The entire walk home left me anxious and scared, every nook and cranny I searched for an attacker, or some sort of 'danger' he claimed I was in. Eventually, I reached my front steps, clutching my key in hand. Quickly, I unlocked the door, crashed in, and slammed it behind me. My breath uneasy as I struggled to lock it again. The click was relieving, I slid down against the door and sighed.

Later, I began to prepare dinner; pasta, bread, you name it. Though, I was eager to confront Christopher about the man in the subway. Just as I empty my bowl into the pot; I hear his keys jiggle in the door. I watch him through the window and greet him with a hug inside. "Hey honey, how was work?" I softy ask. He groans and drops his suitcase to the floor, smirking at me. I smile big and lead him to the table. He devours the meal, serving heapings of food on his plate. "This is so good babe", he muffles stuffing his face. I giggle and then my face falls serious. "I had a man in the subway today who said I'm lucky to have you, but he also said I'm in danger", I say wiping my mouth. He glances to my ring and smiles; "Probably some crackhead trying to freak you out". He burps loudly, then reaches for the beer I placed for him. "But-", I begin to speak but he pops the cap off and stands up. "Claire, you're making yourself crazy". He shuffles to the couch to routinely watch his football. I lay my head into my hands at the table.

I haven't been happy with him for awhile, he pays the bills, but we haven't kissed in months. I have planned our wedding but he procrastinates and backs out last minute. I sigh quietly and begin to clear the dishes.

I lay in bed watching the sun dissappear behind the buildings, with the faint whistle blows and cheers from downstairs, my eyes shut and I reach for the lamp. I abruptly wake up to to a loud thud. I lean to grasp Christopher's arm, but I grab blanket. He's not in bed.
