
The Maledett's

Nick is the new student at Spectrafield, he expects a normal human life but his dark past does not allow that to happen. Join Nick and his brother Matt on a crazy adventure meeting changelings, werewolves, vampires, witches and monsters alike! They must save the town from the impending doom, Scar. But the task will not be as easy as it seems because Nick falls in love with her daughter, Belle. Will he sacrifice his love to save the town? Or will he let the darkness consume his new home? Keep reading this action-packed story filled with romance, betrayal and mystery to find out!

Jigzandstuff · Fantasy
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Chapter Two: Missed Me Brother?

It was the next day, Nick could not believe what he did the day prior. He ran straight to his toilet and began to throw up, attempting to puke out any remains of Roger but it was no use. Nick is a vampire, he has been since 1639. He has been through his ups and downs but never has he ever ate a piece of somebody. He was disgusted at himself for what he had done, Roger had only bled a little... Nick thought to himself why a little bit of blood caused him to commit murder and cannibalism. No ideas popped up into his head so he went to school to try and clear his mind.

"Martin, I'm off to school. See you!" said Nick while walking towards the door.

"School's off for today." Said Martin with a disappointed look on his face.

"Huh? Why?" asked Nick while walking towards Martin.

"Because of this," Said Martin while chucking a newspaper onto the table next to him.

The newspaper read "Vicious Animal Attack!" Nick's fake smile quickly sank. He looked at Martin with guilt in his eyes, Martin took a deep breathe and said," 4 people!? You killed 4 people! Why!?".

Nick showed a look of confusion, he had only killed Roger. The other three he had no idea about.

"I only killed one person, I swear-"

"And you think that's any better!? You being here causes pain to the town, causes distress! It's an honest shame that you're the only family I have left, you vampires should all rot in Hell."

"Martin, I couldn't control it!"

"Well control yourself now and walk the fuck out of this house! As far as I am concerned, I have no family at all."

And with that Nick left his house crying in the early hours of the day, he had brought shame upon his family name but he quickly stopped crying. Who had killed the three other people? All victims had all their blood drained out of them. This was no werewolf or witch. This was the work of a vampire. Nick thought he was the only vampire in town, maybe he had blacked out and killed 3 others in his sleep. Nick kept on thinking about it while he walked down an old dusty road which lead to an old hospital. Crash. Clatter. Thud. The sounds came from within the abandoned hospital. Crash. Clatter. Thud. Nick heard the sounds yet again, he dashed into the hospital breaking down the doors in the process. He saw a shadowy figure holding a blood bag, Nick ran towards this mystery man but the man moved quicker. When Nick jumped 15 metres into the air, the man jumped higher. Anything Nick could do, this guy could do even better. The man started laughing while doing this, he was insane.

Nick paused for a second to grab a few wooden pencils, he then threw them all at the man. The man came to a sudden halt and fell to the ground.

"Who knew my little brother would be able to stop me," said the man while laughing.

"Brother!? What are you doing here?"

"Just having a little family visit,"

"Temporarily right?"

"Eh, I don't know. I might stay here permanently, there's so many flesh bags around."

"You can't be killing people Matt,"

"Yes I can, we're vampires. It's natural for us to do this, think of it as the foodchain."

"Matt, you can not be killing people."

"Isn't that a little ironic coming from you though? After all you did only kill some kid yesterday and then ripped their head off,"

"I wasn't in control of myself-"

"And then in the early 1800's you wiped out a whole town of people, they called you The Devil of Saint Yaskiache!"

"I was still fairly new to the whole vampire thing then,"

"You didn't even have your humanity off, you did that willingly."

"My head was clouded-"

"Remember Victoria? Good ol' Vicky, where is she now?"


"That's right, you tortured her for days on end to the point she begged for death."

"I'm sorry..."

"You threw her into a pack of weak werewolves that you enslaved that mauled her to death within seconds, she was the love of my life and you killed her without hesitation!"

"Let the past be the past,"

"I swore hundred of moons ago that I would never let you have peace, I will never leave this town."

"How are you going to hurt me?"

"By doing this!"

Matt revealed a hidden stake which had been in his jacket pocket the whole time, he pierced the stake into Nick's leg and then punched him in the head which knocked him out. Matt spat on Nick, and then walked out of the hospital while drinking a blood bag.

Nick awoke at home on his favourite couch, he wondered if it was all a dream but Martin was staring right at him with an expression of worriness. Before Nick could even say a word, Martin ran in for a hug. This hug made Nick feel good, made him feel safe and wanted at a time when he needed reassurance from his loved ones. Nick went to school with a smile on his face, for the first time in a while he actually felt good and went to sit next to Belle. Belle's whole face was stained with mascara, she had been crying.

"Belle, what's wrong?" asked Nick.

"It's nothing Nick," replied Belle.

"It's not nothing, Belle please tell me what's wrong. I want to help"

"Aren't you just going to say that you're sorry and move on with your day,"

"No, I'm not. You are going to tell me what's up and how I can help,"

"Well, my brother died," Belle started uncontrollably crying.

"Everything's going to be okay," said Nick while hugging Belle.

"No it's not, I've just lost my brother! He was not even eight-teen yet, he had a whole future ahead of him. Now it's all gone thanks to some stupid animal,"

"Your brother died to an animal attack?... When?"

"Two days ago, near school grounds,"


"You knew my brother?"

"Yeah, he was.. a friend,"

"I miss him so much,"

"He will be watching over you from heaven, may he rest in peace."

And with that, the history lesson started.