6 Here Comes the Sidekick

Without missing a beat she responded with "and that's why I'm here, still doesn't explain your purpose?"

Her mouth worked faster than her mind and in situations like this it worked in her favour. With a neutral expression and quick response, the impact of her words were stronger. She didn't even bother to look over at the voice as she surveyed the room, it was a typical oval shaped table with seats stationed around. Finding an empty one next to a familiar face she sat down and prepped her materials.

The silence in the room was deafening as she felt multiple eyes on her. Keeping her own eyes on her stuff, she ignored the eyes till everything was as she wanted. Only then did she look up and around the room. There were around five people in the room, two of which she knew and three new faces she didn't.

There was a man in the middle of the the three, typical brown haired brown eyes boy you'd see on Bay street. However, by the clenched fist and fake smile she knew that the one who had spoken out was that man. She waited a couple of more seconds but other than the looks no one said anything to her.

'What so that's it? One jab and the fight is over? Weak.' If they weren't going to say anything then she had no need to give it more attention. She turned to the person next to her and tried to start up a conversation.

"Have you been able to --"

"My name is Damien Hendricks, I assume you've heard of me. Miss...?"

'And here we go..' For a small second she truly believed that the situation was over, just a wrong joke that blew over. Which was unfortunately not the case as he had now progressed to introducing himself. Controlling her facial expression, she held back from rolling her eyes as she responded to him with what she considered a professional smile. "My name is Adaya, Adaya Antavan and yes...I have heard of you."

"Good things of course? Sorry we didn't meet earlier. I was abroad for a big profile case...I'm sure you'll get a chance in the future haha." His voice was snarky, it was obvious he was trying to rub in his position to her but it just made him look lower in her eyes.

"Whatever I heard is truly the truth, your reputation proceeds you. No worries, I'm in no rush I like to work hard no matter the project given to me."

The lines she said can be considered the standard response but it was obvious by her tone she was mocking him. There was a part of her brain that was reminding her to keep civil but staying silent was beyond her. Of course, she wasn't the one to start the battle. If he thought she would be frightened by his name or praise him like the others he had the wrong thing coming.

By the slight twitch in his smile she could tell that he understood her words. He had opened his mouth to respond but like a saving grace their boss appeared. From that moment, they immediately jumped into the meeting and discussed the details of what was to happen. The argument from earlier completely left her mind with the excitement of the project in front of her.

It was a three hour meeting and she wrote notes by hand till her hand cramped. They were given a ten minute break at the end before they were to go back to work. She took those minutes to flex her hands and massage out the pain she was feeling. They had not received personal laptops yet, only desktops so she had to write by hand for most meetings. Her stamina was good but this meeting had way too much she had to remember. Just as she was getting up to go she noticed a pair of shoes stopping in front of her.

Looking up it was the same annoying man from earlier and judging by his face whatever he was about to say was a complete lie. "I think we got off on the wrong foot, lets be friends Adeeya."

Collecting her stuff into her arms she calmly put space between them before responding. "The name is Adaya, I hope we can keep it as a peaceful coworkers next time." She did a quick nod at him before walking out of the meeting room. There was no way she would entertain being friends with him, she knew his type and his version of friends was more so a groupie setting. The only regret she had was not waiting to see his reaction before leaving, maybe then she would have had a warning for what was about to come.

It took only a week before his advances started coming and they started small. After she rejected each and every one of them did he advance to the level they were at now. A moose head and obscene gifts just to get a rise out of her, she had a hard time confirming if it was more narcissism or plain sadism.

The scent of the cologne filling her lungs is what cleared her mind from memory lane. She tried again to move away when he again stopped her.

"As I said, some of us have jobs to do..."

"Adaya that's not polite, Damien was so kind to send you those gifts. Why don't you accept them?"

'And here comes his sidekick....' The only other person she had issues with at this job was the owner of the voice interrupting her. It was a woman named Chloe who had the biggest crush on Damien and liked to instigate whenever she could. A perfect 'green tea b*tch' in her opinion, comes off sweet and innocent to others but her true self was conniving woman.

If you wanted the man, just go after him. What was the point of going against her and trying to put her down in front of Damien just for the chance he looks at her? It was stupid logic and it was worse knowing she was a lawyer too.

"In that case, why don't you accept them? It seems you are quite the fan of them, I'm more than happy to pass them on."
