
Chapter One: Worry Not Granddaughter

Chairman Qing was known for his cold expressions but in front of his dearest granddaughter a smile would appear on his face. Thinking about her brought up the memory of her failed assassination attempt that happened a few years ago. She was still in an persistent vegetative state which caused the old man to worry. He had the best doctors to take care of her but that never stopped him from worrying. He promised her mother to protect her and this happened inside.

A sigh left Chairman Qing's lips causing the onlookers to tense in concern. The onlookers were in the middle of their presentation of the new construction idea. In their minds, they thought that Chairman became displeased with their idea.

"Sir, Hospital A called saying Miss Qing awaken from her coma," Wang Fu, Chairman's private secretary, said keeping his tone and expression professional and stern. He seemed expressionless over the important fact but in reality he felt excited to see the young Miss. The old man hearing the good news, he stood up from his car in a hurry. The two left the presentation with a couple of confused and frustrated onlookers.

In Hospital A, Qing Shan glanced around the VIP hospital room. To those that stood near her, it looked to them like it was her first time seeing such a room. But for her, she looked around to observe her surrounds. It only took her a minute to realize that she was no longer Elizabeth Rebekah Black. To add fuel to the burning flame, a burst of memories entered her brain.

"Mirror," Shan croaked to the astonished team of nurses. One male nurse admitted fetched a mirror for the young girl. Elizabeth took it with shaky hands giving off the impression that she didn't realize what has happened to her. The girl in mirror reflected nothing like her old appearance, Elizabeth felt a little shocked at how insanely beautiful this young girl is. She had natural shuāng yǎnpí [1] along with a round Wáwá liǎ [2]. Her amethyst eyes were a little on the smaller side but gave off the feeling that she belonged to another era. Her pouty lips were small along with her nose. She didn't seem to be of Chinese descent but decided not to question it.

A few minutes passed after Elizabeth examined her appearance. She felt satisfied with Yama's decision to allow her to get revenge. This body also had people that have humiliated and hurt her. The door to her hospital room slammed opened. The figure of Chairman Qing appeared with a bright smile and a bouquet of white orchids which were previous Shan's favorite flower and the symbolism of innocence.

"Xiao Hua [3], you terrible child for making your Grandfather and Uncle Fu worry for years!" The old man shouted with a tense smile. Shan could sense the sarcasm from across the room. "Doctor Li, what have the results say? Can Xiao Hua leave with us?"

Doctor Li, glanced at the charts that he recently received. It showed nothing abnormal which was a little strange for a recently awaken coma patient. "We will have to run more test but so far everything looks good."


"Grandfather, I cant seem to remember much is that normal?" Shan said. She decided to go with the approach that her memory is faded. It made things much easier for her.

"Worry not granddaughter, Yeye [4] will be here to protect you."


shuāng yǎnpí [1] - doubled eye lid.

Wáwá liǎ [2] - Baby face.

Xiao Hua [3] - my little flower.

Yeye [4] - grandfather

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