
Chapter 44 Friend or Enemy

(Morgan Agathias)

With only a few cooking supplies at hand, I lit the fire with a lighter, Rea had gathered some firewood and Selena had cooked the turkey with some of the herbs Rea had gotten. It's okay if it tastes a little bland, but some plants can be used as ingredients for roasting turkey. I deliberately find a slightly open place, roasting a turkey, smoke billowing into the sky.

Still, an hour for us to finish eating, the rest of the turkey we put in the box, along with some of the fruit Rea got. We resumed our journey before midnight, looking for a safe place to spend the night and looking for our friends.

For two days I was unconscious, of course, something happened that became information for me.

"Today in Massacre Arena, two teams were killed, and two participants were killed," said Rea.

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