
Chapter 28 Hill Valley Team Leader

We arrived in Calista in the afternoon, greeted by hundreds of pairs of eyes who had been waiting for us to arrive as Hill Valley participants. Looking at them from behind the train window, there was a feeling of disgust and hatred. Their greeting is of no use to me, just let David, Finral and Wendy wave their hands and greet their new fans. For me, my self-esteem drops if I wave at them too.

We were herded into a horse-drawn carriage that could hold eight people, we could hold eight people. Professor Lupine rides in another carriage. We were taken to a large towering building. This large and spacious building is a training building as well as a residence for those who will be participating in the game.

When we entered the room, the training building was so large and spacious that we stared in amazement. Actually, I was also quite amazed at the luxury the Calista people had, they could build large buildings filled with the luxurious facilities they had.

Tonight there will be a ceremony and reception for the participants, Queen Andalus and King Horaces will attend.

I once saw a woman who was hosting a show in Valley Hill. She was the head fashion stylist representing the Hill Valley team, along with the entourage of fashion stylists the woman brought with her. Sheilla Lavanya, she will be our fashion stylist at the opening ceremony.

"Head of Academic Affairs, why are you here?"

David is closest to the Head Academic, Klaus, and of course we were surprised to have the Head Academic here. Professor Lupine entered the training building with the Head Academic. When we left, the Head Academic did not come with us to Calista.

Klaus cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. "I was... worried about you."

"Is that true, Academic Head? That means you are also worried about Helen," Lyra said. The girl was deliberately provoking questions, knowing that Klaus was not yet ready to fully accept Helen as a student of the Hill Valley Magus Academy.

The man sneered, not answering Lyra's question, but leaving the braided girl satisfied.

"Before that, you will first make preparations. Hill Valley Team, come with me."

Am I mistaken, or is the woman really looking at Professor Lupine with a teasing look? I don't understand, what is the relationship between Professor Lupine and Sheilla? Sheilla looked like a woman attracting attention, but Professor Lupine didn't react. He's someone who doesn't really care, to the point that it annoys Sheilla.

We followed Sheilla into a rather large room, the fashion stylist's room. Just the fashion room is so big, what about the other team's dressing room?

Calista's people are very rich, they can even build super spacious and luxurious buildings like this. The Andalusi Palace is even five times bigger, the largest and most extensive royal palace.

The woman lined us up parallel to each other, and her clear eyes scanned us from bottom to top. When I was seen like this, I felt uncomfortable. I was like a naked mannequin being used as a spectacle for the clown Calista.

"Okay. Hurry, hurry. I need you to arrange them as nicely as possible," Sheilla said. She ordered fifteen of his members to lead us one by one to another room. Lyra and Helen were led by their respective stylists. I got two strange stylists, a woman wearing a purple dress, her hair was purple too, which I was sure was not real hair, but fake hair. A man who was at least less eccentric than the woman I was attracted to.

I'm really embarrassed and want to run out of the room. The woman stripped me naked, just like Sheilla, the woman looked at me from top to bottom. Of course, I tried to cover my sensitive body parts because I did not want anyone to casually see my naked body. Treat me like an animal.

The curly-haired, dark-skinned man looked at me occasionally and wrote something down on the clipboard. Without asking my permission, my whole body was smeared with an oil that I don't know what it is. But this oil is very fragrant and has a cool sensation that makes me feel comfortable, even though it feels sticky on my body.

The woman's slender hands skillfully smeared my body with oil, my long hair was rolled up, leaving strands that fell to my shoulders. After an hour, I was left naked, sitting on a tray. The woman's name was Clara, and she had just combed my hair. There was no change in my hair, according to him, my hair no longer needed to be styled or changed, which would make me look unattractive in front of the audience.

I'm like a suckling pig. Naked without a single thread.

The water from the shower splashed on my body but didn't touch my long, curly hair. Twice Clara smeared oil with different scents on my body, and the last time my body was completely covered with it.

That's right. I'm like a suckling pig being decorated before being shown to many people. I was silent, but Clara talked more, admiring my slightly muscular arms, my broad and beautiful shoulders, and especially my face, which didn't need polishing. She praised me as a handsome young man without the need for makeup.

After the terrible events of today, I can breathe a sigh of relief. I was wearing a robe that covered my naked body. The door to the dressing room opened. Professor Lupine and Sheilla walked in, but once again I was confronted with a strange sight. Sheilla was like an unyielding woman, trying to get Professor Lupin's attention.

"The most beautiful masterpiece. Am I right Lupi?"

I pulled my robe even tighter, the woman staring at my body like a lustful person. This woman is terrible. Professor Lupine, who was asked by Sheilla, didn't say anything.

"I've met with the others, them and their respective fashion stylists. I have consulted with the Head of Academics to determine what theme you will display at the opening ceremony."

"Fire that burns, gives great embers." The woman waved her hand, flames appeared in her hand. "A very passionate theme."

"Clara," Professor Lupine said.

"Okay, okay. I'll get it, the most beautiful masterpiece."

Clara, the purple-haired woman, took a very shiny outfit. I could see a bright, fiery glow from the clothes. The clothes I was wearing were a little tight, with a collar around the neck and covered by a black robe with gold stripes along the edges. I saw my appearance in the big mirror.

Nothing had changed about me apart from the black clothes and robe I was wearing, my long hair was tied up, leaving the strands falling down to my shoulders. New black leather shoes that are so shiny.

I went back to meet my friends, the others were waiting in the main room. The eight of us were compactly wearing the same uniform, black uniform and robes sparkling with gold. The difference is, Lyra, Helen, Wendy and Minerva wear skirts, which makes the four girls look beautiful.

The ceremony will begin soon, held in the main courtyard of the Andalus Palace.

"Conference, determine the leader of the Hill Valley Team."

Who will be the leader of Team Valley Hill? Of course not me and I don't want to volunteer as team leader. I don't think I'm worthy, especially since my magical spirit power level is still low. There are Lyra and David whose strengths are both at level 12, both of them have gone up one level. Or if it's better, Noah and Minerva are more suitable to be the leaders of Hill Valley.

I'm still not confident with my low level of magical spirit power, nor do they necessarily want to make me the leader of Hill Valley. Especially David. The boy definitely opposed it strongly, especially since our long-standing hostile relationship.

"I suggest… Morgan will lead Team Hill Valley."

Like a bolt of lightning on this clear and beautiful evening. Professor Lupine's statement hit me hard in the gut.

"Professor, I cannot and do not want to be the leader of the Hill Valley team. Just give the leadership position to Lyra, Minerva, or Noah."

Of course, I firmly refused, and I also had a logical reason. My spirit magic power is still at level 10, which is still very low. There's no way I can lead this team.

l"Professor, we agree. The one who will lead the Hill Valley team... is Morgan."

Another surprise. David really hates me and always looks down on me, but what I see now is David willingly handing over the leadership of the Hill Valley team to me. The seven of them nodded their heads together and agreed that I would be the leader of the Hill Valley team.

Since when have they been so united? Lyra and Helen are always at odds with David and his friends. This time I saw them truly united and beginning to form a bond of teamwork.

"Morgan, you can't complain anymore. I was the one who recommended you to lead the Hill Valley team. Before I talked to you, I asked them for a suggestion. As it turns out, they were happy to suggest you as the leader of the Hill Valley team.

I can't say anything. David and I are often enemies, or rather, I don't want to care about him and his strange friends.

Professor Lupine tapped me on the shoulder. "Being a leader doesn't have to be measured by strength. You are gifted and intelligent, Morgan. Not to mention your calmness and quick thinking."

"It's true what Professor said. Don't forget, you shoot fire arrows and deadly kicks. Fighting mythical creatures and challenging the leaders of noble clans. You are already very good.

Lyra praising me made my face blush a little. However, I still felt embarrassed. David and his friends accepted me as the leader of the Hill Valley team. I'm still a little worried, this team cooperation is still very fragile and could be torn apart at any time.

Sorry, because the conditions didn't allow it, so I wasn't optimal while writing.

Ayazia27creators' thoughts
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