
Chapter 25 The Magus Game

"For this happy opportunity, thank you. Both those in Calista and those watching the live broadcast in the districts."

Guess words, they have no meaning at all. The look on her face couldn't lie to anyone, that woman wasn't good at lying. After displaying Horace's coat of arms and the enemy's national anthem, it certainly had quite a big effect. The crowd became increasingly noisy with sounds of cursing and swearing. The Mage Army couldn't control the mass that was starting to rage uncontrollably.

The shock wave made the crowd fall silent instantly. The pressure was so strong, that it caused a shock wave, it all came from several of Mage Horaces' soldiers who had deliberately come directly to Andalus.

The intimidating attitude made the residents of the Hill Valley fall silent. What was even more surprising was that the Mage Andalus army did little, leaving us intimidated by the enemy.

Just say it straight away, don't be silent for a moment. Your residents are very fed up with your beautiful face being polished in such a way. I couldn't possibly speak openly in the square, I could only speak in my heart.

"Recalling the dark times that claimed so many lives, the war never stopped. Until finally, a peace was created between two kingdoms that were hostile to each other in the past. The signing of peace, giving the right to freedom and not to forget the dark times of the past. A game that will remind us how dark the past was. Our heroes who died on the battlefield."

The screen to the left of the field displays the figure of King Horaces. A man with long jet-black hair tied in a ponytail, letting the rest of his hair fall to his shoulders. Dark blue and gold glitter decorated his regal robe. Valadias Seger of Horaces, the King Horaces. The man was related to Queen Catherine.

The voices fell silent again, not when Mage Horaces' soldiers pointed their swords at the civilian population of Andalus. No one dared to shout, raise their middle finger, or just vent their anger.

Queen Catherine was completely subdued by King Horace. It was an insult, that a Queen of Andalus did not move even in front of an enemy, even though they both had the title of Grand Magus, a level of strength that was the benchmark.

King Valadias is rarely seen on camera, every important meeting or event is only represented by one representative of the king. This is the first time for me and the people of Andalus who are watching this important broadcast, to see King Horaces directly.

"An agreement has been made in discussions that have been held for more than a month. The Magus Game will be held at the beginning of this year. Therefore, please from the Upper-Level Academics bring competent representatives of your students to enter their names into The Magus Game."

The Magus Game is a very old Magus game. A thousand years ago, the Gropus continent was huge, with five powerful kingdoms standing. In the heyday of the five kingdoms, there was a game called The Magus Games, where each of the five great kingdoms sent their participants to take part in the Magus Games.

A fun game that measures opponents by competing against each other in the battle arena. Prizes of priceless magical treasures are up for grabs. This game used to be so much fun. But disaster struck a hundred years later, The Magus Game turned horrific and claimed many of the lives of the participants. A dark period occurred, triggering a catastrophe that befell the five great kingdoms that once triumphed on the Gropus continent. War is endless and raging throughout the country.

I still remember it very well the story has been passed down from generation to generation, told by parents to their children, and even in thick books containing such dark history from the past. Of the five great kingdoms, there is one kingdom led by the Angel Clan.

It was said that the descendant of the Angel Clan peaked at the peak of the title of Magus Saint level 100, a divine figure with the pinnacle of limitless power and managed to defeat demons in the past.

The great war hundreds of years ago completely ravaged the entire country, turning the beautiful Gropus Continent into a terrifying battlefield. There are not many explanations written in history books for the disappearance of the five great kingdoms, apart from the consequences of war and terrible natural disasters that just appeared out of thin air. The Kingdom of Andalus and the Kingdom of Horaces. The remnants of a great war that almost caused the world to become a major disaster, leaving behind a few people who can still start rebuilding the world order.

The Kingdom of Andalus and the Kingdom of Horaces stood on the remains of five great kingdoms that were lost due to war and devastating natural disasters.

I seemed to remember too much about the history books I had read, so I didn't hear the broadcast clearly in the square. Last year, The Magus Game was not held and is now held at the beginning of the year. Too early, wanting to throw the young Mages into the arena of slaughter. The two kingdoms sent teams consisting of eight people from each academic district. This time the participant quota has increased even more. On the other hand, Horaces got special privileges.

They did not send participants from the academic capital Horaces, but academic Calista from Andalus had to send participants who would take part in The Magus Games.

 Horace's people were very cunning, sending participants from Andalus to take part in the game. It's not wrong, Queen Catherine couldn't hide her angry expression, deceived by peace which was just empty talk.

Hill Valley sent a team containing eight members. Of course, the mayor read the list directly on a small piece of paper. My name was called, Mother put on a languid face, and Gisella almost rebelled from Father's arms. My poor little sister had to see his beloved brother thrown into the arena of slaughter by powerful people. Father just showed his usual flat face.

Helen, even though she came from Horaces, was still included as a participant from Andalus. Lyra became increasingly tense and cold sweat rolled down her beautiful face. I saw Lyra's mother cover her mouth, holding back sobs, having to let go of her only daughter. Also thrown into the killing arena. David, Minerva, Finral, Gray, and Wendy. The five people mentioned also came up to the stage.

"For the names of the participants I have mentioned. Please come forward to the podium."

I exhaled, taking in as much air as I could into my lungs. Very crowded. Besides, if I may, I want to complain and curse at them. Deliberately making us helpless with their ridiculous games.

My footsteps are very heavy. It wasn't just me, the eight of us walked with heavy steps. Even the podium in front seemed very far away, so far away that it was difficult to reach.

"Brother. Morgan."

My head turned the other way, towards the familiar voice. Gisella, the little girl cut through the crowd, running towards me. Before my sister took my hand, Father swiftly lifted my little sister's small body. Gisella struggled in Father's arms. Angry and crying. But in vain. Mother tried to calm Gisella, and took my sister into her warm arms.

I didn't want to appear weak in front of all of them, let alone show this sad drama, which of course was broadcast throughout the country. Arriving at the podium, my eyes met directly with the mayor, Head of Academic Affairs, and Professor Lupine who looked worried. The eight of us were put together on the podium. A host, an elegant-looking woman. Her long black hair was left loose, and the clothes she wore were mostly black, but with a beautiful woven white flower arrangement, her clothes were very elegant but not too luxurious. Not typical of the luxurious Calista.

We were herded into the courthouse, and putting us in different rooms. I was placed in a fairly large room. Soft sofa, beautiful curtains made of fine fabric.

I don't know if there is a special room in the courthouse, what's more, this room has pretty good facilities, although not as good as in Calista. Hiding this little luxury behind a dilapidated building.

There was a session where the participating parents were allowed to meet their children before leaving for Calista. I was in this big room alone. How are Lyra and Helen doing? Lyra must have met her mother, so what about Helen? She has no family here, the girl left Horaces only to look for her mother's whereabouts, which until now has not found any light. Only my parents and Gisella are his new family.

Lately, there have been so many unexpected events, that I forgot to keep his promise to find his mother. I completely forgot my promise to Helen.

The door to the room opened. The figure of the little girl jumped into my arms, the sobbing didn't stop at all. I stroked her long mane of hair, calming Gisella who was still sobbing. There was only Mother and Gisella who met me, I didn't see Father at all. Before meeting me, Mother and Gisella had met Hellen in another room.

"He's talking to the mayor and Professor Lupine."

"I don't want to be separated from you, Brother. Please, don't go." Gisella begged while crying. I couldn't bear to see my sister cry, even though I had promised not to make Gisella cry. But, I don't have the power to reject the people above who have created this stupid game.

Gisella, my poor sister, had to be separated from her beloved brother. I don't know if I can get through this stupid game, win, and make the Hill Valley district proud. I never thought about it until now. What I thought about was the safety of my Mother and sister.

But I am very sure that Mother and Gisella's safety will be guaranteed. There is a Father who will look after them, ensuring Gisella's food and school needs. Meanwhile, I have to think about how to face The Magus Game.

Gisella was starting to calm down a little. My little sister has grown up, it's quite heavy to carry her.

"You must win. You are the greatest and most talented, especially with arrows and bows."

"Don't forget the killing kick." My joke was quite successful in making Gisella laugh. That small smile graced my sister's beautiful face.

"Brother, you are just like mother. Mother, when she is angry, kicks people mercilessly."

I could see traces of tears on Mother's face, but she brushed them off as best she could with a small smile on her face. Yes, I also downgraded Mother's abilities. Mother always said that I had the same ratio as father and mother.

"Yes. I'm good enough to be able to beat them up and shoot them on target."

The door opened, and two Mage soldiers, one of them from Horaces. They asked Mother and Gisella to come out immediately, the time to meet me was over. Gisella became hysterical again and hugged me so tightly, that I held Mother's hand, asking Mother to always be beside Gisella. And finally, I hugged Mother and Gisella as a goodbye, until the two Mage soldiers led Mother and Gisella out of the room. The two warm hands left, leaving only emptiness in my heart.

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